Judge Mark Barnett ruled yesterday that his injunction against enactment of Initiated Measure 22, the Anti-Corruption Act, stands against the entire law. Judge Barnett thus rejected the…
Tag: law
According to the Smart on Crime Work Group report presented to the Governor last drug arrests rose 20% in 2015 and methamphetamine-related arrests rose 40%. To put the rise…
Human Rights Watch came to Sioux Falls a couple weeks ago to release a report showing the discrimination that LGBT youth face in South Dakota and other states.…
I just heard Seth Tupper wonder aloud on Dakota Midday why we don’t delay the implementation of voter-approved ballot measures a little longer so state and local officials…
Attorney General Marty Jackley has issued an official opinion to clear up the ambiguity of Amendment S (now South Dakota Constitution Article 6 Section 29), the…
Teachers are full-time employees after all. So says Fifth Circuit Judge Richard A. Sommers in reversing a child support decision. Recall that last summer, child…
Amendment S, the new crime victims bill of rights, is already infringing on the rights of defendants by keeping them in jail longer than necessary: The victim notification requirement…
Back to law enforcement: Davison County State’s Attorney Jim Miskimins says the new family-inclusive definition of “victim” may shut down Amber Alerts: According to the amendment, a…