Rep. John Wiik (R-4/Big Stone City) shows us how not to write a weekly legislative update. His latest blog post tells his constituents almost nothing substantive…
Tag: language
I’m still scratching my head over Governor Dennis Daugaard’s New Year’s Eve column. In my most generous reading, it appears the following conversation took place on…
The FiveThirtyEight blog offers this cool interactive tool to find out the relative frequency of terms used on Reddit. The users of Reddit are mostly under…
Tasi Livermont offers a two-part (so far!) report on South Dakota’s teacher shortage and the challenge facing the 2016 Legislature to do something about it with the Blue Ribbon K-12…
The GOP spin blog makes up stuff to declare that State Representative Paula Hawks is not ready to take on Congresswoman Kristi Noem. Ha! Sean McPherson,…
A vague scribble on a bathroom wall turned into 20% of the Aberdeen Central High School student body staying home yesterday. The threat, rumored to…
Fellow Aberdeen arguer Colter Hawk Heirigs asks a ponder-worthy question: what is the definition of “career politician”? And does Congresswoman Kristi Noem meet that definition? Back in…
Donald Trump uses demeaning language about women, and what does husband and father of two daughters Senator John Thune have to say about it? Trump is a…
The word university lost significance in South Dakota in 1989 when we decided to call Northern, Dakota State, and Black Hills State universities because College just didn’t sound…
South Dakotans have just three days left to submit comment on the proposal to change the name of Harney Peak to Hinhan Kaga, the Lakota name…