206 South Dakotans are running for the 105 seats in the South Dakota Legislature. 118 are Republicans, 86 are Democrats, and 2 are Independents. (More Independents…
Tag: elections
Bob Mercer’s “Week Ahead in State Government” column is a useful heads-up on upcoming meetings and deadlines. However, he makes one important error in this week’s edition:…
Given its current preformance, I have trouble enthusing about anything the South Dakota Legislature proposes. The first amendment on our 2016 ballot, Amendment R, is…
From Ken Santema’s video, here’s my two-minute drill on Initiated Measure 23, the “fair-share” union dues proposal: As I’ve noted before, strengthening unions is one component of a broad…
Ken Santema did good public service last week by shooting and posting video of my presentation on our ten ballot measures at the Brown County Democratic…
To prepare for my speech this noon to the Brown County Democratic Forum (come listen! come ask questions! come eat mashed potatoes!), I put together my Ballot…
On Wednesday, I challenged Lisa Furlong’s (or should we just call it Rod Aycox’s now, since his Georgia-based company provided all of the $1.7 million necessary to…
At this rate, Rick Weiland may end up getting more constructive laws passed than Mike Rounds…. Secretary of State Shantel Krebs certified Rick Weiland and Drey Samuelson’s open non-partisan…
The data-based and hence attention-worthy FiveThirtyEight posts charts on what it calls the “Endorsement Primary,” tallies of endorsements of the Presidential candidates by governors and members of…
Sorry, Mr. Spitzer: it sounds like Aberdeen wants to be more like Minnesota. Yesterday’s referendum in Aberdeen on issuing $7.7 million in bonds to build a new public library…