Secretary of State Shantel Krebs has certified the first ballot measure of the 2018 season. Yesterday she promoted the Voter Protection and Anti-Corruption Amendment from…
Tag: corruption
While Senator Peters shifts blame for sexual harassment on victims, she’s making excuses for sexual predator Mathew Wollmann, the disgraced Madison Republican who resigned from…
Last winter, the Legislature passed 2017 House Bill 1052, now SDCL 3-16-9, which prohibits firing or otherwise punishing public employees for reporting violations of law.…
Lee Strubinger reports that federal investigators have determined that the shady non-profits Scott Westerhuis set up from his perch at the Mid-Central Educational Cooperative fraudulently…
Speaker G. Mark Mickelson (R-13/Sioux Falls) is using his Legislative authority to push CAFOs while partnering with former state ag development director Paul Kostboth in…
Ah, the smell of money…. Mark Mickelson and Paul Kostboth have been trying to make it easier to set up and expand factory feedlots—concentrated animal…
Senator Stace Nelson (R-19/Fulton) provides evidence that, whatever corruption may have taken place in the past, Pierre has gotten its act together and will not…
Will they bring Batman? Represent South Dakota is inviting citizens mad about corruption in Pierre and the repeal of Initiated Measure 22 to join them…
Governor Dennis Daugaard announced yesterday that Education Secretary Melody Schopp will retire on December 15 after nearly 40 years in public education. Senator Jim Bolin…
One of the few things we learned from the Government Operations and Audit Committee’s mostly toothless hearing on the GEAR UP/Mid-Central scandal was that Scott…