The Legislature’s public hearings on how we ought to spend our coronavirus relief dollars must have been pushing Senators to join their House colleagues in…
Tag: coronavirus
Coronavirus has now killed 200 South Dakotans in six months. If that rate keeps up (i.e., if we don’t see a surge in the dark,…
South Dakota’s wishful thinking on reopening schools and volleyball games as if coronavirus wouldn’t get us is falling apart. Supporting what I was hearing last…
I thought that if we called a Special Session, the Legislature might do a better job of using our CARES Act dollars better than Governor…
Kristi Noem is only pro-life if we’re talking about her abstract fetus fetish, not when we’re talking about robust public health interventions to fight coronavirus…
I’ve been wearing glasses for 34 years, since long before Dr. Fauci’s July suggestion that goggling up may prevent the spread of coronavirus. I got…
T.F. Riggs High School in Pierre has to close its doors due to coronavirus: Pierre High School Superintendent Kelly Glodt said Thursday there were an…
On TV last night with George Stephanopoulos, Donald Trump rambled something about coronavirus and herd immunity: TRUMP: I’m not looking to be dishonest. I don’t…
Adding insult to injury, Donald Trump helped more Americans lose their health insurance before the coronavirus pandemic started putting hundreds of thousands of Americans in…