Despite great shopping weather, South Dakotans didn’t buy as much in May as the state expected. According to the latest LRC report on general fund…
Tag: budget
A couple weeks ago, Citizens for Liberty released its 2018 Conservative Scorecard, which rated all 105 legislators on roughly a couple dozen bills that CfL…
Republican U.S. House candidate Neal Tapio thinks voting is a privilege, revocable if you support his opponent: Shantel Krebs is proposing to go “line by…
…But We’re Smoking Less! Despite multiple spring snowstorms, South Dakotans still got out and shopped more than expected in April. The latest state revenue report…
The Legislature’s Executive Board meets this afternoon in Pierre from 1:30 to 4:15 Central. Among the items of interest: 1. Rep. Mary Duvall (R-24/Pierre) would…
In January, Levi Breyfogle of Rapid City submitted drafts of two seemingly Libertarian constitutional amendments that he may petition onto South Dakota’s 2020 ballot. One…
We South Dakotans aren’t buying enough stuff to keep our state budget afloat. So says the Legislative Research Council’s latest report on general fund receipts:…
The Legislature may understand ranked choice voting, but that doesn’t mean they follow it. The Legislative Executive Board this afternoon passed over the top vote-getting…