On Thursday, May 25, Governor Kristi Noem condemned South Dakota’s public universities as gross failures in need of revitalization. But it’s her new whistleblower hotline—605-773-5916—for…
Dakota Free Press Posts
I spent yesterday at the federal courthouse here in downtown Sioux Falls. I testified before United States District Judge Roberto Lange as an expert witness…
The Governor is supposed to serve in part as a “cheerleader-in-chief” for her state and its august institutions. But yesterday she issued a baldly political…
Did I miss something? Yesterday, Attorney General Marty Jackley released a draft explanation for Senator Brent Hoffman’s (R-9/Sioux Falls) proposed initiative to revise Legislative term…
Newell Republican activist Travis Ismay really doesn’t like marijuana. In addition to his initiative to prevent South Dakotans from ever voting on legalizing marijuana or…
Butte County Republican activist and welder Travis Ismay is thinking about putting an initiated measure on the 2024 ballot to keep federally banned substances off…
Brian Bengs, who unsuccessfully ran against John Thune for Senate last year, is proposing an initiative to protect voter-approved ballot measures from Legislative interference. On…
Last year Watertown city councilman Colin Paulsen unsuccessfully campaigned against Senate king Lee Schoenbeck (R-5/Watertown) in the Republican primary. In response to that unwise political…
I’m coming to Sioux Falls tomorrow night to help Minnehaha Democratic Forum raise money and raise heck. I invite you to do the same. Minnehaha…
The SDGOP spin machine will get another couple weeks to propagandize the Minnehaha County Commission to step out of the way of the carbon dioxide…