Governor Dennis Daugaard has named the first thirteen members of his new Blue Ribbon Task Force on Teachers and Students (what’s our pronounceable acronym: BluRT-FTS?):…
Dakota Free Press Posts
James Magaska Swan, founder of the United Urban Warrior Society, led about eight protesters to Philip Tuesday to demand apologies from the men accused of throwing beer and racial insults at…
Secretary of State Shantel Krebs has plenty of mess to clean up from her predecessor’s poor performance. The Lucy Burns Institute studied the accessibility of state election agencies in…
Folks in Aberdeen do enjoy their Chinese connections. First a brand new beef plant, now a brand new Chinese program at Northern State University! The South…
Speaking of initiatives, the cannabis advocates hoping to put two marijuana initiatives on the 2016 ballot should look up Governor Peter Norbeck. First South Dakota governor born in Dakota…
Thought you’d heard the last from Rick Weiland? Think again: Weiland, who carried the Democratic banner in last year’s U.S. Senate race, and Drey Samuelson, who…
Rep. Fred Deutsch (R-4/Florence) submits this photo of one of the better bill signings this session: On March 11, Governor Dennis Daugaard signed House Bill…
What do you get from a Republican Congress? Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and not even the courage to call these cuts cuts: House Republicans called…
I yield the floor to Yankton County Observer editor Brian Hunhoff, who has gotten press in local papers around the country with this Sunshine Week…
Excuse me, Governor Daugaard—did you drop this microphone? I think you forgot to give the jobs report…. Governing reports that 39 states reported job growth from December…