While enjoying the State B championship in Aberdeen, Rep. Kristi Noem finds Larry Rhoden out and hirsute: Oh, sure, Larry, now you take my advice and grow the whiskers…
Dakota Free Press Posts
Of all the bills he could have and should have vetoed, Governor Dennis Daugaard yesterday chose to veto three tax cuts. They were niggly favors for…
Plus, a guide to starting a referendum! I’d like your input. Yesterday, Governor Dennis Daugaard signed two odious laws: Senate Bill 69, the petition reform…
Governor Dennis Daugaard vetoed three of the eight bills still on his desk this morning: Senate Bills 100, 136, and 159. Senate Bill 100 would have…
Remember that Farm Bill Congresswoman Kristi Noem always brags about? It was far more than a day late… and now we learn it may run…
Whether the Supreme Court uses King v. Burwell to overturn the Affordable Care Act’s premium tax credits for South Dakotans (which decision Senator John Thune is hoping…
I rode my bike to the courthouse to get my license plate tags yesterday. (Pause. Enjoy.) My renewal isn’t due until the end of May,…
Texas oilman Kenneth W. Davis Jr. formed his own super PAC last year, Vote2ReduceDebt, and spent nearly three million dollars to back conservative Senate candidates in eight states…
Following links from The Atlantic article on South Dakota’s upcoming rate-cap initiative leads me to this report on the results of the Supreme Court’s reversal last year…
The pending drive to cap interest rates in South Dakota and rein in predatory payday lenders gets some national press this week with a hefty article in The Atlantic. Sean McElwee’s…