Kea Warne from the Secretary of State’s office sends me an interesting update on petition law. Apparently, circulators can sign their own petitions! I was…
Dakota Free Press Posts
Governor Daugaard thinks we should tax amateur baseball coaches on the work they do for kids. To that end, he vetoed Senate Bill 159. Yesterday,…
Did it really take Dan Lederman seven sessions to realize he was failing at balancing family life and political life? Or did he just need to mouth…
I agree with Superintendent Mitchell that the Rapid City Area School’s proposed five-year, $6-million-per-year opt-out is necessary for maintaining Rapid City School programs. Three arch conservative…
The Libertarian National Committee met in Phoenix this weekend to discuss their plans for 2016. LNC at-large representative Bill Redpath urged the committee to budget $20,000 to…
Mr. Ehrisman finds his fellow food and beverage professionals at the Sanford events center in Sioux Falls hindered in hustling for tips: As I purchased a malt beverage…
I love Harney Peak. I’ve been to South Dakota’s highest point maybe a dozen times. Every time at the the top, with friends, with my eager…
Ready to help refer Senate Bill 69 and Senate Bill 177 to a public vote? I sure am! Here are the petition forms and my…
On November 20, 2013, I reported that Joop Bollen had run an unlicensed bank and dodged the bank franchise tax in the course of South Dakota’s…
I made a fair effort to use the state’s new Real Wage Calculator to demonstrate how much purchasing power teachers sacrifice to stay in South Dakota.…