The petition drive to refer Senate Bill 69 and Senate Bill 177 continues with circulators across the state working events and going door to door…
Dakota Free Press Posts
Governor Dennis Daugaard attended the signing ceremony for the new Chinese-government-run Confucius Institute on the Northern State campus here in Aberdeen yesterday. Celebrating the Confucius Institute’s teaching…
WalletHub ranks the states for dependence on federal government funding and jobs. In our region, Minnesota and Nebraska are the least dependent on Uncle Sam,…
After shaking her pom-poms for the “Jackrabbit Family Farm” piglet factory near Mount Vernon in 2013, Congresswoman Kristi Noem has had nothing to say about the…
Even in Sioux Falls, one of the best-paying school districts in South Dakota, the three school board candidates say they want to pay their teachers more. Says challenger…
Elisa Sand gets the story on former Division of Criminal Investigation agent Mark Black’s changing story in the seamy Schwab-Taliaferro-Mette case. Black led a vigorous investigation against Shirley Schwab…
The Black Hills mountain lion season closed with better numbers than last year… if you’re a cat. The Black Hills Pioneer reports that hunters bagged 43 mountain lions (22…
Sorry, Yankton: more strut replacement for you. The Department of Transportation got just one bid for the Yankton Highway 50 reconstruction project, and it was way high: By…
If you harbor any doubts as to the ability of South Dakota Progress to become a constructive force in our politics, doubt no more. Here is proof…
Yesterday I mentioned the American Legislative Exchange Council’s grumbling about South Dakota’s increased minimum wage. Today I have a chance to take a deeper look at…