There’s a beauty pageant for GOP presidential candidates on Fox tomorrow night. It’s not a debate; you can’t put ten people, let alone all seventeen declared…
Dakota Free Press Posts
It takes four days for the mainstream media to pick up the story covered here Friday about Governor Dennis Daugaard’s wrong-note performance at the Gifted Education Summit…
Democratic candidate for U.S. House Paula Hawks just gave her first (as far as I’m aware) extended live broadcast interview following her announcement of her candidacy.…
Hey, it’s been a while—let’s get together! I’m hosting a South Dakota Blogosphere Picnic at my house in Aberdeen on Saturday afternoon, September 12. Who’s invited? Friends of…
In a small victory for freedom of the press over corporate-ag fascism, a federal judge in Idaho has ruled that a 2014 law banning secret videotaping at agricultural…
The mainstream media pick up quickly on the story I broke Sunday about the fake 18%-rate-cap petition being circulated at the Sioux Empire Fair. KSFY,…
The Public Utilities Commission spent last week listening to TransCanada tell them again why South Dakota should bear all of the externalities of its tar sands…
Minnesota fur farmer Terri Petter blames Deadwood and South Dakota’s overregulation and hypocrisy for the closure of her Fur-Ever “Wild” exhibit of wolf pups and other pelting-stock in…
Enough toe-dipping—Rep. Paula Hawks (D-9/Hartford) officially, truly, for reals, wants to be your next Congresswoman. Here’s the press release, straight from her official, true, for…