What is it about Planned Parenthood that causes conservatives to label as fact things that aren’t fact? An eager reader submits this photo of a…
Dakota Free Press Posts
The powers that be are having a hard time spinning the controversy involving Mid-Central Educational Cooperative’s handling of millions of dollars of federal GEAR UP grant money…
After forgoing two years worth of health benefits and economic stimulus for South Dakota, Governor Dennis Daugaard may finally be surrendering the permanence and logic of the Affordable Care…
Add Dr. Joseph Graves of Mitchell to the list of establishment cronies (Melmer, Phelps,…) who made good money off grants flowing through the audit-flagged Mid-Central Educational…
Chad Peterson e-mails from Vermillion to report a suspicious petition circulator on the University of South Dakota campus. Peterson says he encountered the circulator yesterday in…
Pat Powers just never stops being a jerk. He misportrays a story from Rep. Peggy Gibson (D-23/Huron) to make it sound as if she were hovering over mangled accident victims…
I’m finally getting through Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century. Among other enlightening points, Piketty notes in his fourteenth chapter that the increase in the share of national wealth held…
Sure, coming to the Democratic Buffalo Roundup Dinner and hearing from our next Congresswoman is nice. The shepherd’s pie at the Alex Johnson is pretty…
The United States Postal Service wants you! KELO reports that the USPS is looking for clerks, carriers, and handlers to handle the Christmas rush in…
Republican blogger John Tsitrian still thinks Democratic candidate for U.S. House Paula Hawks is a longshot, but he comes away from his 45-minute conversation with…