Here’s my morning head-scratcher: South Dakota is getting $1.6 million through AmeriCorps to help the Red Cross, Boy Scouts, the Extension Service, Teach for America, and…
Dakota Free Press Posts
Hillary Clinton’s reversal to oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership shows that Senator Bernie Sanders is winning (winning what, I’ll let the commentariat debate!). RNC chief Reince Priebus says Clinton’s…
Bob Mercer links to this map from the Public Utilities Commission’s hearing on the Dakota Access Pipeline, showing how the Bakken oil shipper will hook into Energy Partners’ national…
Hey, executive-order hawks! Care to shout at Governor Dennis Daugaard a bit this morning? While browsing the Governor’s recent executive orders, I found that on June 12,…
Art Marmorstein, NSU history prof and AAN columnist, notes that the results of the first Common Core-aligned statewide standardized tests seem to suggest disaster has struck South…
AAN’s Katherine Grandstrand* notices among the agenda items for the Board of Regents meeting here in Aberdeen today a discussion of proposed legislation for 2016.…
A great building shell game moves one step closer to reality this week as the Board of Regents takes up at its Aberdeen meeting today the plan to…
Elise Gould of the Economic Policy Institute offers some national teacher job numbers that show that public layoffs in response to the recession have left the U.S.…
I’ve reported previously, and have heard from multiple sources, that Silver Bullet LLC, a Las Vegas petition-circulator company, is carrying the fake 18%-rate-cap petition and the…
Ah, so maybe that’s why Pat’s server was so slow…. Evidently eager to track down more information about all those corporations Scott Westerhuis created to shuffle federal education…