At least 30 North Carolina hog CAFOs have discharged manure following the recent torrential rains from Hurricane Florence. 40 more hog CAFO lagoons are topped off…
Category: national
The Texas lawsuit that Attorney General Marty Jackley is backing to trash health insurance for millions of Americans is getting all sorts of negative attention.…
Trump supporters told us that wealthy Manhattan real estate manipulator Donald Trump would be a great leader who would inspire confidence and loyalty from the…
While it’s good to see the ITC ending Donald Trump’s destructive meddling in the newsprint market, it’s a relief to hear Trump’s new Secretary of…
Even Donald Trump admits that his tariffs are hurting farmers. Yesterday the USDA announced just how much they think they need to compensate farmers for Il…
One of my District 3 ticketmates, Democratic House candidate Justin Roemmick, includes the $15 minimum wage in his pro-worker platform. I’ve thought that we might…
Donald Trump’s used-car salesman hyperbole disgusts me. Yesterday he posted this propaganda bleat to Twitter, in which he stands in front of the White House…
Kristi Noem is too busy running from debates but for Governor to join the 47 members of the House on the Farm Bill conference committee.…
I’ve said the morons blowing black smoke out of their trucks by running their diesel engines suboptimally are wasteful antisocial malcontents with adequacy issues. To…