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GET YOUR SHOTS!!! DOH Confirms Delta Variant of Coronavirus in South Dakota

The South Dakota Department of Health has confirmed that the delta variant of coronavirus is in South Dakota. The delta variant can spread more easily in South Dakota than many other states because of our embarrassingly low covid-19 vaccination rate of 52% among South Dakotans age 12 and up. In South Dakota’s relatively target-rich environment, coronavirus has more opportunities to propagate and mutate. You 48% can stop that propagation and mutation by getting your shots, which are still free and available at hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies near you.

Moderna says its two-shot mRNA vaccine will protect you and your friends and neighbors from the delta variant, but not as well as against the original virus flavor:

Studies have found that Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine is effective against several variants of concern, including the Delta variant, the biotech company announced on Tuesday.

Moderna says recently completed studies have found the vaccine to have a neutralizing effect against all COVID-19 variants tested, including the Beta, Delta, Eta and Kappa variants.

While still highly effective against the Delta variant, the study showed the vaccine was less effective against it and certain other variants than against the original strain of the virus.

The antibody response against the Delta variant was about two times weaker than against the ancestral strain of the virus [Laurel Wamsley, “Moderna Says Studies Show Its Vaccine Is Effective Against the Delta Variant,” NPR, 2021.06.30].

Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines also show weaker but still significant effectiveness against the delta variant:

Delta is moderately resistant to vaccines, particularly in people who have received just a single dose. A Public Health England study published on 22 May found that a single dose of either AstraZeneca’s or Pfizer’s vaccine reduced a person’s risk of developing COVID-19 symptoms caused by the Delta variant by 33%, compared to 50% for the Alpha variant. A second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine boosted protection against Delta to 60% (compared to 66% against Alpha), while two doses of Pfizer’s jab were 88% effective (compared to 93% against Alpha) [Ewen Callaway, “Delta Coronavirus Variant: Scientists Brace for Impact,” Nature, 2021.06.22].

No matter which variant is circulating, doctors say the vaccines will reduce your chances of getting sick or dying from coronavirus. Don’t wait for delta to reach the top of South Dakota’s case counts: get your shots now!


  1. John Dale 2021-06-30 15:07

    It’s strange how this variant coincides with Hay Fever season.

    Is this the mid-June allergy variant?

    Make sure you don’t need your hands for a few weeks ..


  2. Arlo Blundt 2021-06-30 15:11

    John Dale–It is a rare hay fever allergy that kills you. You are whistling in the dark.

  3. John Dale 2021-06-30 15:18

    I suppose, just like last time, this could be the Trump just started his rallies again variant?

  4. cibvet 2021-06-30 15:23

    Every adult has had more that enough time to get vaccinated. Should they get sick and die now, I guess it just thins john dale’s herd.

  5. Mark Anderson 2021-06-30 15:34

    Jeeez John, the lying losers started rallies again, who knew?

  6. John Dale 2021-06-30 16:21

    Dave: “After this therefore because of this” is a fallacy of reasoning when trying to conclude with complete certainty.

    However, because one event follows another is inductively sound to warrant investigation of causation, does not automatically necessitate negation. Sometimes B follows A because A causes B.

    The last round of covid, which I sought out to contract so I could have natural immunity (which also works really well for chicken pox), had me sick for approximately 17 hours.

    My secret? For me?

    Here is my approach:


    Peas have lots of zinc.

    Sunlight – Vitamin D (I have a high quality supplement as well for long stretches of cold weather).

    Also, vitamin C – Emergen-C is great, so are oranges and grapefruits and, naturally, Lemonade.

    If I was really worried, I would seek out Hydroxy, which several studies have confirmed is a viable treatment to push Zinc into the body’s cells, which wreaks havoc with viral infections like Covid, making the FDA’s emergency declaration inefficacious and perhaps illegal.

    And all be darned if I ain’t dead, yet.

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, people are getting really sick from Vaccines, and their issues are not being properly reported.

    More on this later on the show.

  7. Donald Pay 2021-06-30 17:08

    I got my Moderna vaccine shots early. Glad I did. The fewer people that get vaccinated the more the virus has warm bodies to infect. The more infected bodies, the more it can commandeer the human body to replicate. The more it replicates that the more chance for mutations. The more mutations the more risk those mutations result in a more efficient or more lethal variant. People who aren’t vaccinated are providing the virus with rent-free space to become more dangerous.

  8. John Dale 2021-06-30 17:09

    “Don’t let the fearmongers win. New public England study of delta variant shows 44 deaths out of 53,822 (.08%) in unvaccinated group.” — Senator (Doctor) Rand Paul

  9. mike from iowa 2021-06-30 17:14

    Media Bias/ Fact Check rates zerobadge….Overall, we rate ZeroHedge an extreme right-biased conspiracy website based on the promotion of false/misleading/debunked information that routinely denigrates the left

    And they are based in Bulgaria. Sure you can trust them.

  10. John Dale 2021-06-30 17:14

    Donald, something isn’t adding-up. They were all vaccinated, and were taken-out of contention for the championship. Seems fishy to me:

    “RALEIGH, N.C. — Eight of the North Carolina State University baseball players who tested positive for coronavirus last week at the College World Series have the highly contagious Delta variant of the virus, officials said.

    The cluster of cases abruptly ended the team’s run – one win shy of playing for the school’s first national title in any team sport since 1983.

    “We were, like, so close,” incoming freshman Timothy Lewis said Tuesday. “The NCAA just taking it away from us, it’s sad to hear.”

    Under NCAA protocols, vaccinated players didn’t have to go through regular testing during the tournament, but unvaccinated players did.

    N.C. State had four positive tests before Friday’s game with Vanderbilt. The Wolfpack had 13 available players for the 3-1 loss. Those were the 13 players who were vaccinated.”

  11. leslie 2021-06-30 17:23

    “unvaccinated seniors are 11 times as likely to get hospitalized than seniors who got the shot. For unvaccinated people age 45 to 64, the chance of covid-19 hospitalization is 18 times higher.” wapo

    You fit in this 2nd category Dale

  12. Mark Anderson 2021-06-30 17:25

    Jezz John, Randie little Paul was certified by a board he created himself with his wife and father-in-law in charge. His license had lapsed and he had to get renewed didn’t he? Of course no official board would touch him but its kind of like my wife and I marrying two former students of mine. Our license cost us 35 bucks but it is perfectly legal. It was a great wedding, too good, we had to do another one but so it goes.

  13. mike from iowa 2021-06-30 17:29

    And Rand Paul is not a board certified doctor of anything.

  14. Mark Anderson 2021-06-30 17:36

    You know John, I hate to go Emily Litella on you but peas in a sink and that kept you healthy?

  15. DaveFN 2021-06-30 18:07


    Back to your original topic: What does hay fever season have to do with COVID, particularly the delta variant?

    Please make your hypothesis explicit, if not your evidence for causation.

  16. John Dale 2021-06-30 20:35

    Dr. Ron Paul’s take:


    It’s the MO.

    Flu disappeared.

    The tests are dubious (says the PCR inventor).

    The vaccine readiness preceded the outbreak.

    Hay fever symptoms trigger false alarm, while dubious and error prone testing methods return false positives and big $$$ for the hospitals.

    The inflated statistics are then weaponized and used to exert unprecedented control over populations (lock downs for everybody except Wal Mart, Amazon, etc).

    I think it’s as nefarious as it seems.


  17. Mark Anderson 2021-06-30 21:06

    Well, well johnnie, Dr. Ron Paul, self proclaimed doctor continuing to go after the real Dr. Fauci. Please continue with all your conspiracies brethren, everyone needs a laugh. Have nice day lying losers.

  18. DaveFN 2021-06-30 21:24

    John Dale

    I look forward to your publication in a peer-reviewed journal. When might we expect it to appear?

  19. John Dale 2021-06-30 22:09

    I’m fearful for our children and grandchildren.

  20. M 2021-07-01 04:39

    This is not a conspiracy lies website John. And Ron Paul is not an expert on infectious diseases. In fact you and he both belong to the same group of WASPs that are soooooooo “paranoid” that you are becoming delusional. YOU HAVE NO FACTS TO BACK UP WHAT YOU WRITE.

    Aren’t you one of the Dales who was involved in tax evasion in the 1980’s or 90’s from the Perkins County area? If so, you fit right in with the Pubs.

  21. Jake 2021-07-01 09:09

    John Dale, if your basic desire is to see your thoughts in print under your name-why not start your OWN blog, instead of clogging up this one?

  22. Jake 2021-07-01 09:11

    8 out of 23 posts=yours, Dale!

  23. mike from iowa 2021-07-01 09:20

    Covid: Misleading stat claims more vaccinated people die
    By Rachel Schraer

    Of the 117 people who died with the Delta variant, first identified in India, 50 (43%) had been fully vaccinated.

    And on 13 June, a Daily Mail headline claimed the proportion of those dying who had been fully vaccinated had “scared” Prime Minister Boris Johnson into delaying the 21 June easing of restrictions, describing it as a “blow”.

    But what these figures actually show is less alarming.

    The 43% figure relates to deaths only – so it misses all the vaccinated people who were exposed to Covid but did not catch it, or caught the virus but did not become very ill.

    And by now, almost everyone at risk of dying from Covid has been vaccinated (more than 90%).

  24. John Dale 2021-07-01 10:20

    “unvaccinated seniors are 11 times as likely to get hospitalized than seniors who got the shot”

    This could easily be a psychosomatic result. Senior made to feel fearful for not having the shot might hospitalize out of fear.

    “I look forward to your publication in a peer-reviewed journal”

    Thanks Dave. As long as we remember that the truth exists independently of our perceptions, and that industry funded studies run contrary to public funded ones 3/7 7/3.

    “if your basic desire is to see your thoughts in print under your name-why not start your OWN blog, instead of clogging up this one”

    Bravo! That is a fantastic idea. I’m glad we’re on the same page. 30,000 folks/mo already visit.

    get thee behind me mike from iowa – what were the details of the tests used in these cases? How much did they cost? How much money did the hospital take-in? Is it true that the “delta variant” *waves hands, wide eyed* is attenuated like all viri generations? Why do I feel like someone is going to give me a deadly poison and claim it was Covid so I can be South Dakota wide front page news? How much money does the hospital industrial complex give to newspapers in SD? Has anyone ever figured that out?

    “8 out of 23 posts=yours, Dale!”

    Seems like I’m the only one people are replying to, so that makes sense.

  25. mike from iowa 2021-07-01 11:36

    Johnny Rabbit Hole Refugee, if yer aunt had cojones, she’d be yer uncle. If, if, if, if…..

  26. mike from iowa 2021-07-01 11:38

    It is not called replying, it is called debunking magat fables and fairy tales.

  27. Dicta 2021-07-01 12:01

    “This could easily be a psychosomatic result. Senior made to feel fearful for not having the shot might hospitalize out of fear.”

    I’m sure you have some evidentiary support for psychosomatic reasons as the reason admission rates are exponentially higher in one population versus another in this case and didn’t just pull that out of your fourth point of contact, John. (This is the part where this lunatic mentions something about ‘common sense’ and attempts to sidestep the question completely).

  28. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2021-07-01 12:44

    Serious illness and death from coronavirus are not psychosomatic. Coronavirus is not a figment of the imagination.

  29. John Dale 2021-07-01 12:55

    Cory – serious questino, Corinavirus, or Covid-19?

    We need accurate data to make an informed decision:

    Dicta – in Science, we shouldn’t just assume the premise, and we need to watch closely for gaslighting while following the money.

    Can’t really ask the hospital the question, “are you sure” since it’s a conflict of interest they do not have to legally declare (they are making the money).

    Now, you’ve called me a lunatic, which requires some kind of evidentiary support. One data point to consider, I always wear a seat belt, except when I’m riding a motorcycle.

  30. John Dale 2021-07-01 12:56

    legally declare “a conflict of interest”.

  31. Dicta 2021-07-01 13:13

    You didn’t address my question even a little. What evidence do you have to make the claim that the difference is psychosomatic. Sorry, “Hospitals have financial incentives” isn’t proof of anything. Once again: John, what proof do you have that the difference in admission rates is psychosomatic? I suspect I will be waiting a loooooooooooooong time for anything resembling an actual answer.

    As to why you are a lunatic and evidentiary support for those claims:

    1. You have made claims, without evidence, that tracking devices are being placed in vaccines.
    2. You posted a video of a woman claiming that she became a magnet due to vaccines, a claim she couldn’t even prove in the video. Despite this, you believe it!
    3. You once posted a video of yourself accosting day laborers burying cable because you, apparently, thought they were part of a conspiracy to release the EVIL 5G on the world.
    4. You continue to claim the election was stolen despite hundreds of lawsuits, audits, etc. that say they weren’t.

    This is what providing evidence looks like. Now, your turn. Answer the question as to what evidence you have that the differences in admission rates are psychosomatic. (I already know you won’t, but it’s always nice to point out very clearly when you dodge requests to prove your claims.)

  32. John Dale 2021-07-01 13:37

    “one of the Dales who was involved in tax evasion in the 1980’s or 90’s from the Perkins County area”

    No. I grew-up in Arizona for the most part (single mother). Born in North Carolina (grandma on Dad’s side liked the hospitals there better). Moved back to Spearfish after 30+ years (we originally left to go to GITMO for 2.5 years).

    Dicta – understand I make hypotheses. I don’t make “claims” as it were. I use inductive reasoning to assemble available evidence into cogent ideas that fit with motives, trends, and observations.

    Then, apply logic, and PRESTO!

    My hypothesis is that we should verify that elderly in hospitals are there because of a valid reason, not just scare-mongering.

    It’s pretty amazing how often I’m correct, and how entrenched some people become in lies (pride).

    But what’s more amazing to me is that my sources of information (around 200) are all available to you as well.

    Cory, I’ll leave this thread, now, but I would love to continue.

  33. Dicta 2021-07-01 13:40

    Ok, so you have no evidentiary support for your claims. Once again, we see John Dale making claims, refusing to provide evidence for them, and then leaving. At least you’re consistent.

  34. Dicta 2021-07-01 16:06

    Ah, so I see we are taking the “Just asking questions” tact instead of displaying a single ounce of courage or any conviction in your ideas. The fact that you dress up your claims as questions doesn’t make you any less crazy, John. So, you were led to this question about psychosomatics being the reason for higher admission rates. Or for wondering out loud that this variant of COVID is just hay fever. Since it concerns you so, do you have any evidence that confirms your ‘wondering out loud’? Of course not. You are still, like always, full of crap.

  35. Dicta 2021-07-01 16:13

    Oh, and in case anyone wants to take Braindead Dale’s linked article at face value instead of reading the actual study, here is a little nugget for you:

    “Although not directly comparable, calculated proportions of adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes in persons vaccinated against Covid-19 who had a completed pregnancy were similar to incidences reported in studies involving pregnant women that were conducted before the Covid-19 pandemic.”


    “Preliminary findings did not show obvious safety signals among pregnant persons who received mRNA Covid-19 vaccines.”

    Huh. Funny how John forgot to mention these.

  36. mike from iowa 2021-07-01 17:53

    Rabbit Hole Refugee finally found a source Media Bias/ Fact Check gives a good rating to.

  37. John Dale 2021-07-01 22:44

    Dicta – early stage pregnancies were terminated at an alarming rate as per the study. That’s what I found most interesting, is that this was hidden in the information architecture (my science) of the study’s document.

    Thankfully these are not a forced vaccines.


  38. John Dale 2021-07-01 22:45

    Dicta – did you mean to sign dictum?

    I think that the anonymous s-posting on The Internet is going to cause a crack down.

    Posting as myself, over time, caused me to act more civilly.

  39. V 2021-07-02 05:01

    Jake, you are correct about John Dale clogging things up. He’s full of crap.

    And Dicta, you are my hero for the day.

  40. Dicta 2021-07-02 09:57

    This is the part of the argument where John Dale needs you to believe that researchers are a part of the conspiracy and can’t be trusted because they hide information in their report while simultaneously believing the findings of those same researchers. Wew. The brain patrol is running a bit light, John.

  41. grudznick 2021-07-03 21:57

    Mr. Dale is, on the bright side, not an out-of-state name-caller. I respect him for that.. He’s actually kind of a swell fellow, outside of the toking and gamma rays from the 5 Gs that are bombarding his brain.

    grudznick is a fan of Mr. Dale, as should you be.

  42. V 2021-07-04 05:02

    Grudz, you and your pal John are bullies, just like your man Trump. If he can throw insults, so can I. You guys always want it just your way, and when we give it back, you cry “unfair, misunderstood” and then you just keep on bullying. I don’t go to Republican blogs and chat like you guys do here. I’m sick of reading your comments and will skip them all from now on. I just wish you would quit clogging up the thread of interesting and intellectual comments.

  43. leslie 2021-07-04 19:03

    Dealing with grdz n’dale is like constant attack by Russian troll farms at election time.

  44. grudznick 2021-07-04 19:39

    Mr. V, grudznick has been voted the most-loved conservative with common sense on this here blog for 5 years running, so try and show a little respect.

  45. Dicta 2021-07-04 21:10

    Grudz and Dale are not the same. Grudz is a conservative with a troll streak. Dale is completely nuts and a true believer.

  46. John Dale 2021-07-05 07:13

    The human body has 15 trillion cells, give-or-take, and yet the genius of Dictum, to boil my essence down to six words is impressive, but come on, man! Couldn’t do it in three or less?


    Beware of people who don’t want you to speak for yourself, who want to divide you and police who you associate with, and who do not enjoy 4th of July fireworks and BBQ.

    For they are shepherding the cult.

  47. John Dale 2021-07-05 07:16

    grudznick teaches John Dale a new colloquial dialectic, but only when the sun sanitizes the dog’s bottom.

    John Dale approves while Dictum only chases shadows of the truth.

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