Pat Powers also notes with disdain fake preacher Matthew Monfore’s declaration of candidacy for District 30 House. Monfore’s hasty and incomplete website promises a host of right-wing degradations of our democracy and quality of life.

Carrying on the Republican obsession with other people’s sex lives, Monfore advocates treating abortion as murder with no exceptions and waging war against pornography. The only uterus and contents thereof that any politician has the authority to govern should be his own. Likewise for reading and viewing material.
Carrying on the Republican obsession with crushing voting rights, Monfore advocates “one day, in person, hand count paper ballot elections.” No early voting, no absentee voting, no technology to provide the most accurate counts possible of our votes—Monfore wants it to be harder for South Dakotans to vote, and if they do show up to brave the long lines on election day, he wants them to have less confidence that their votes have been counted correctly.
Carrying on the Republican obsession with denying science, Monfore wants to “stop the covid jab” and “criminalize forced vaccination”. Monfore will probably say something about freedom in his campaign, but why does he want to deny me my freedom to go get my coronavirus booster? (Dang, that reminds me, gotta get over to Walgreens….) And why does he want to bring back polio, measles, and all the other diseases we’ve spared generations from with required childhood vaccinations?
District 30 is currently represented by right-wing Republican Representatives Trish Ladner of Hot Springs and Dennis Krull of Hill City. Ladner is in her second term; Krull, his first. Ladner has mindlessly parroted the GOP distraction about criticial race theory, but the few bills she and Krull sponsored this year were mostly practical fiscal matters, not dabbling in the culture-war craziness that dominates Monfore’s public pronouncements. Monfore appears to offer District 30 far fringier representation… which, given their willingness to pick (barely!) Julie Frye-Mueller as their Senator, District 30 might endorse at the ballot box.
Of course, if Monfore is consistent, he will refuse to accept any early or absentee votes.
BTW – In Colorado Safeway Pharmacies (in the grocery stores) are charging $250.00 for the new COVID19 booster. Some people can use their health insurance and only pay their deductible, but millions don’t have insurance. That’s how epidemics begin, isn’t it?
Do these nuts ever think through the repercussions of their ideas? Same day hand counting of ballots is the stupidest idea that has come down the pike in years. In a large county is a same day hand count even possible? The polls close at 7pm, that leaves five hours to get the ballots counted by hand before midnight. Hand counting thousands and thousands of ballots with multiple races is a tedious process, it is late at night, poll workers get tired and cranky, mistakes happen. When the clock strikes midnight do you stop counting any remaining uncounted ballots. Machines are quicker and more accurate and have been doing this kind of work (counting and recording filled in bubbles) for at least 60 years. It isn’t rocket science and it isn’t magic it is tried and true technology.
Private health insurance: Nearly every private health insurance company in the country is expected to cover the cost of the COVID booster. So if you have a private health insurance plan through work or that you purchased on your own, it’s likely to cover the updated jab.
Medicare and Medicaid: Those covered by Medicare and Medicaid programs will also be eligible for the updated booster at no cost.
Vaccines For Children (VFC): The Vaccines For Children program is a federal program that covers the cost of vaccines for children who are not covered by an insurance plan. The CDC says that children eligible for the VFC may also receive the booster from a provider in that program.
Bridge Access Program: The CDC’s Bridge Access Program is a program designed to continue to cover the costs of COVID vaccines even after the government stopped providing the shots for free to everyone. Adults who do not have private health insurance, or whose health insurance does not cover the full cost of the vaccine, will be able to get no-cost COVID boosters via the Bridge Access Program. However, note that the Bridge Access Program will only be available until December 31, 2024.
You can find a location near you providing the booster using an interactive tool on On the search results page, you can further limit the results to show only those locations participa
Mrs. Powers who makes a stopped clock look like a smooth-running timepiece, salts his blog comment section with a seemingly infinite variety of aliases that threaten or jeer his political enemies including those in his own party then wonders why the SDGOP is headed for a rapid unscheduled disassembly and now he wants to bridge the divide?
Nick is correct. You can do a hand count, but it’s going to be less accurate, take longer and be more expensive. I’m old enough to remember when Sioux Falls used these big, clunky voting machines. A couple of times I got to go into those machines with my mom to watch her vote.
Use of voting machines was a huge discussion in South Dakota in the mid- to late-1950s. The Argus-Leader and other state newspapers ran editorials and stories about how much those machines cost. Big cities around the country had them, and Sioux Falls officials thought they would cut the number of precincts in half and save money, even with the extra costs of the machines. Back then they didn’t run with paper ballots as a backup, so there was some concern about how accurate the counts were, but they always proved out whenever tested. South Dakota needed to change the law to allow for voting machines, and, of course, as in most everything, South Dakota legislators lagged behind the times. It took 3 legislative sessions to get it passed, but in 1959 election laws were amended to allow use of voting machines. After that it was a matter of bidding, reducing precincts and testing. The first election voting machines were used in Sioux Falls was the Presidential election in 1960. That was the year I got to watch my mom vote. She voted for Nixon.
You’d think a forehead that big would belie a larger brain, but alas.
He reminds me of a character named the Prophet Josiah from a western called Sweetwater. He may be my most loathed character of all time. One sick, scary dude.
Agreed. In high school Ms. Betty Sterner, my esteemed drama coach, lined up the class and separated those of us with large heads and pointed out they had a distinct advantage in show business and politics. Here’s why, if you’re curious.
– People with large heads can bring several advantages to show business. Here are a few reasons why they can excel in this industry:
1. Unique appearance: Having a larger head can make individuals stand out visually, catching people’s attention. In show business, a unique appearance can help individuals leave a lasting impression, potentially leading to more opportunities and recognition.
2. Memorable characters: Large-headed individuals have the potential to embody memorable and iconic characters. Their distinct physical features can be utilized to create interesting and captivating roles in movies, television shows, or theater productions. These characters can have a lasting impact on audiences.
3. Versatility: Show business encompasses a wide range of artistic pursuits, including acting, comedy, and performance art. People with large heads often possess the agility to adapt to different genres and styles, allowing them to excel in various creative endeavors.
4. Comedy potential: Physical comedy often relies on exaggerated proportions and unique attributes. Individuals with large heads may have comedic advantage in this regard, as their natural physical features can be accentuated to create humorous situations and performances.
5. Visual storytelling: In visual mediums like film and television, the composition of shots and framing play a crucial role. Large-headed individuals can be utilized to enhance the visual storytelling aspect, as their proportions can be strategically manipulated to create visually striking and engaging scenes.
6. Accessibility: Show business aims to cater to diverse audiences. People with large heads represent a distinct segment of the population, and including them in the industry can promote inclusivity and representation. Embracing a variety of physical appearances helps to reflect the diverse nature of humanity.
While having a large head is not the only criterion for success in show business, individuals with this particular physical attribute can leverage their uniqueness to stand out, create memorable characters, and contribute to the dynamic and diverse world of entertainment.
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“Abortion is murder/no exceptions.” Does that include your daughter or wife when she gets an ectopic pregnancy, or is bleeding out from preeclampsia or a bad miscarriage, or any of the other ways women can die in childbirth? SHUT THE HELL UP.
P. Aitch, did you have Ms. Betty Sterner or did your AI?
Even _with_ electronic counting, election officials are up waaaay late. Hand counting would be a nightmare and get less accurate as the night of counting progresses.
While abortion opponents may not intend it, by defining abortion as murder – not a killing but an illegal killing – they sub silento have adopted the various defenses to murder, including self defense and the protection of body and property (which in SD and many jurisdictions is pretty broad)
They all look alike. Clones of evil, monfore and his ilk.
The children and grandchildren of these trumpian religious nuts like Monfore will feign relationships, just as folks blanche from being related to other past nuts and criminals.
WAPO has a paywall article on, How Red-State Are Shaving Years Off of American Lives. It’s worthy noting and referring to for folks running campaigns in 2024.
In a nutshell, life expectancy in the US, especially led in the Red States, declined before the COVID pandemic and continues declining – due in large parts from republican policies: anti-public healthcare, freedumb like soft seatbelt enforcement and no motorcycle helmets,
“ASHTABULA, Ohio — Mike Czup unspooled the hose to wash his hearse. It was time to pick up the body of yet another neighbor who had died in the prime of life.
Since he started working at 15 in the funeral business, Czup has seen plenty of tragedies. But the 52-year-old said he’s still coming to grips with a disturbing fact about the bodies he washes, embalms and entombs: About a quarter of the people he buries are younger than him, as residents in this once-thriving coal town are dying earlier and earlier. . . .
Too often, they’re leaving young children behind. Czup’s taken to bringing a PlayStation 5 and buying candy before services — anything to distract.
“How long until this is me?” the funeral director wondered, noting his stress-filled 18-hour days and unhealthy diet.
Ashtabula’s problems are Ohio’s problems — and in large part, America’s problems.
Americans are more likely to die before age 65 than residents of similar nations, despite living in a country that spends substantially more per person on health care than its peers.”
— Of course, the SD and Des Moines-based “local” media ignores the early passing of their potential readers while they still sell ads.
Mr. Monfore looks like an extra on a shooting of a Walking Dead episode.
Comedy potential. For sure.
In District 30, he’s a potential winner, not a long shot. Depends on turn out.
Reverend Ward is spinning in his grave at Monfore’s appropriation of his status and his legacy. The founder of Yankton College was a Christian who believed in Liberal Arts Education and equal opportunity.
Evidently Monfore posted a video seven months ago telling me I must repent or go to heck:
See you all in heck!
The video indicates that Monfore also wrote a blog post that referred to Dakota Free Press as “the devil’s tool”. That claim is inaccurate: the devil has not provided any guidance or sponsorship of this blog. Monfore appears to have deleted that blog post from his “Jesus Is King Mission” website, but maybe he should bring it back for his campaign. Calling DFP the devil’s tool could win him some votes in District 30.
What occurred in the US House of Representatives is exactly the result of appeasement. McCarthy and his enablers appeased the chaos caucus. Predictably, when the circumstances arose, the chaos caucus stabbed McCarthy in the back.
The warning should fall loudly on the SD one-party legislature which has its own, larger, louder chaos caucus. Discipline them, or they will stab the voters in teh back.
As jakc points out,”murder” is “not a killing but an illegal killing,” and that most people with attitudes about abortion “sub silento have adopted the various defenses to murder, including self defense and the protection of body . . . .”
When it comes to abortion “protection of body” has always bothered me. Under the “protection of body” people have the legal right to harm anyone attempting to disregard one’s right to decide who and when their body may be used by another, including using deadly force if there is no other means to stop such an unwanted invasion of bodily integrity. Yet, for anti-choice folks when it comes to abortion that right of a woman to defend her body no longer controls. I have not been able to discover, however, any rational reason for taking away that woman’s right. For example:
1. The defense should disappear if another person needs that body to survive – No, there is no current legal basis in any other situation that allows one person to use the body of another person, absent consent, because that body is needed for survival. It thus begs the question to argue there should be a special rule that takes the right of defense away from pregnant women on this basis, and without further justification such an argument is simply irrational.
2. The zygote, blastocyst, embryo, or fetus is innocent and lacks the capacity to intend harm by using the woman’s body – As I understand the law, however, a person that lacks the mental capacity to intend harm, and means no harm, (e.g. “innocent” by reason of mental incaaocity or mental illness) still may not use another’s person’s body against his or her will and if there is no ther means to stop it that person may use deadly force to stop the unwant bodily intrusion. Again, it merely begs the question to argue there should be a special rule that takes the right of defense away from pregnant women on this basis, and without further justification such an argument is simply irrational.
3. The unwanted bodily use lasts only a few months, and in most case the woman will recover – Again our laws establish that a temporary appropriation of another’s body is not permissible, whether long term harm results or not, and the person defending his or her body may use deadly force to stop the unwanted use if there is no other means to stop it. Once again, it merely begs the question to argue there should be a special rule that takes the right of defense away from pregnant women on this basis, and without further justification such an argument is simply irrational.
4. The pregnant woman knowingly participated in a situation even though there was a risk of pregnancy, hence she deserves to lose the right to defend her body against the unwanted use. No one else loses the right to defense of their body by engaging in a risky situtation, such as walking down a dangerous alley at night, etc. Once again, it merely begs the question to argue there should be a special rule that takes the right of defense away from pregnant women on this basis, and without further justification such an argument is simply irrational.
5. The zygote, blastocyst, embryo, or fetus is a “person” and should have the right to be defended against harm by the woman. No other “person” may use another individual’s body against their will and then deny that individual the right to stop such unwanted use merely because the user is a “person.” Once again, it merely begs the question to argue there should be a special rule that takes the right of defense away from pregnant women on this basis, and without further justification such an argument is simply irrational.
6. Religious reasons should stop abortion – Regilious reasons do not stop killing in defense of one’s body in any of the above cases. Once again, it merely begs the question to argue there should be a special rule that takes the right of defense away from pregnant women on this basis, and without further justification such an argument is simply irrational.
What am I missing? Why should a pregnant woman lose the right to defend her body against an unwanted involuntary use by another, whether zygote, blastocyst, embryo, fetus, or “person”?
Mathew Monfore is an IDIOT, So many gd idiots in the world.