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Food Tax Back—Senate Barely Revives Noem Proposal Alongside Two Sales Tax Reductions and Property Tax Break

Hang on—Kristi Noem may get to make us eat our words about her food-tax fecklessness yet!

In another example of how no bill ever totally dies, the Senate yesterday grabbed a carcass bill, House Bill 1094, and stuffed it with a repeal of the sales tax on food. (Technically, we wouldn’t repeal the food tax; we’d just set the rate to 0%.) Senator Herman Otten (R-6/Tea) moved that hoghouse amendment to restore the food-tax repeal as the “third horse” in the race between competing tax-relief proposals. The Senate allowed Otten’s horse to rejoin the race on an 18–17 vote. A majority of Republicans followed Senate boss Lee Schoenbeck (R-5/Lake Kampeska) and objected to reviving the food-tax repeal, but all four Democratic Senators supported Otten and passed HB 1094 as amended.

Just before Otten resaddled the food-tax horse, the Senate bobbed the tail of Horse House Bill 1137, the proposal to cut the state sales tax rate in general. HB 1137’s prime sponsor, Representative Chris Karr (R-11/Sioux Falls), originally wanted to cut the state sales tax rate from 4.5% to 4.0%. The House reduced the cut rate to 4.2%. Yesterday, the Senate voted 33–2 to reduce the reduction further to 4.3%.

Determined to fight for their fraction, Representative Will Mortenson (R-24/Pierre) grabbed a carcass bill from the Senate, Senate Bill 104, and hoghoused it to put its 4.2% sales tax rate back in the race. The House approved that hoghouse 68–1.

Also on the racetrack is the Senate’s preferred nag, House Bill 1141, which Senate State Affairs hoghoused into a $425 property tax credit for homeowners. The House yesterday refused to concur with that amendment.

We thus have four horses—and where else in America will you ever see hoghouses produce horses?—racing toward conference committees to claim South Dakota’s federally subsidized surplus revenue:

  1. HB 1094: the food-tax repeal Governor Noem and Senator Otten have borrowed from Democrats.
  2. HB 1141: the Schoenbeck Senate’s preferred $425 property tax credit for single-family dwellings.
  3. HB 1137: the Senate’s compromised compromise to cut the state sales tax on everything from 4.5% to 4.3%.
  4. SB 104: the House’s compromise to cut state sales tax on everything to 4.2%.

Governor Noem got so excited about the Senate’s slim revival of the food tax that she actually took questions from South Dakota reporters in her office yesterday afternoon for the first time this Session. The laziest Governor on the Great Plains comically claimed that legislators “just don’t want to do the hard work of really cutting taxes.” Horsehockey—in one day, legislators resuscitated two tax-cut bills and thus put four tax cuts in play for conference committee. Four tax-cut proposals—that’s four times as many as Governor Noem put forward before jetting off to Washington to pander to her national audience during Session.

There’s no time for horsing around: the Legislature has just three days to conference these bills and decide which tax cut, if any, it will send to the Governor’s desk.


  1. ABC

    All the way with 1094!

    The money you save will fund your growing empire! Be a Governor always!

  2. Florida Republican’s do everything for DeSantis. South Dakota Republicans for Noem, nyet. Ian, your Hillsdale ass is on the line, better get plowing. Oh, that’s Lewandowski, never mind.

  3. Bob Newland

    I am in Merida, Yucatan, but I heard Kristi on the radio (SDPB online) this morning saying, “The legislature can stay here for two more months if they want, until they do the right thing (i.e., abolish sales tax on food). I have nothing better to do.”

    On occasion, Kristi unintentionally dispenses a factual statement.

  4. Arlo Blundt

    Bob–what a wonderful place to winter. I really enjoy the people of Quintana Roo province and the Mayan people in general. Governor Noem and her Republican Party only deal with generalities of the most callous nature. The entire budget battle, complicated by the fact that for once, we could afford some progressive tax legislation, still is focused on taxing those most who can afford it least. Governor Noem is trying to stake out a little ground with what she will call a large tax cut. The proposed tax cuts are a collection of proposals that protect Capital and end up taxing the working class just for walking around.

  5. For every bite of your steak your staking South Dakota with every bite.

  6. grudznick

    For you fellows who don’t know it, grudznick’s good friend Bob fancies himself a little bit Mayan and often sports a hat that looks like a Quinta Roo local. He wears it well.

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