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Frost Admits Illegally Buying Grain Without License, Will Pay $20K Fine

When I mentioned the trouble grain marketer and the state’s contracted concessioneer Jeremey Frost was having following the law surrounding grain contracts, Frost dropped by the blog to assure us there was much more to the story that he could tell us.

According to a settlement with the Public Utilities Commission signed by Frost’s lawyer on May 12, all the more Frost had to say was, essentially, guilty as charged:

3. Neither Fearless nor Frost are licensed to operate as a grain buyer in the State of South Dakota.

4. The Parties agree Fearless engaged in the business of purchasing grain for resale in violation of SDCL 49-45-1 and 49-45-10.

5. The Parties acknowledge that Fearless is subject to penalties for these violations. The Parties believe a civil penalty in the amount of $20,000 for failure to obtain a grain buyer license should be paid by Fearless for this violation [Stipulation and Settlement Agreement, In the Matter of PUC Staff’s Complaint Against Fearless Grain Marketing, LLC and Jeremey Frost, 2021.05.12].

$20K, Bob Mercer reminds us, is the maximum penalty the state can levy for Frost’s Class 1 misdemeanor activities. Frost can pay that penalty off with the $35,420.79 coronavirus relief check he got from Governor Noem on March 31.


  1. Jake

    oh the grit and corruption!

  2. When nearly everyone in the state aligns with one party, there is always a problem. Nobody double checks anyone, graft everywhere, you have to get out the rat traps, tomcats are good.

  3. grudznick

    This Mr. Frost fellow seems rather greasy.

  4. T

    First time I heard of this meanwhile…..
    (Guess what’s on the I-10 ca to Phoenix? Driverless semis, they still stop and take up parking at pilots though, dang if I can’t figure this out!!!, appears CH your spot on, apologies in advance for changing subject don’t have time to look up your original writings on the semis of the future)

    Thanks for this article ….

  5. Greg

    Fear not, the SD PUC. Is watching. H&I Grain of Hetland SD swindled 8 million out of farmers pockets under the carefull watch of the SD PUC and have not had any penalties as of now. They are just living the dream with their fancy Harleys and campers.

  6. grudznick

    This fellow, Mr. Frost, has fancy campers and motorscooters too. Mark down grudznick’s words on this. Mr. Frost is one who likes the living high on the hog, and he does not work hard. He swindles money to live high on the hog. This PUC outfit needs to really drop the mallet on him.

  7. Jake

    There’s nothing in the world like paying a piddly little fine with money freely but gladly given out by Noem from Federal funds! (Heh-heh, the money will stay ‘in state’!)
    But meanwhile, the PUC is going to probably “OK” BHPower’s request to raise light bills $11 to cover Texas’ GOP screw-up of de-regulation. And also, approve BHP request to penalize solar power for homes out of existence.
    Voters last fall had a good opportunity to change the structure of the PUC but chose not to elect a well-learned man to the Commission-Remi Bald Eagle..

  8. grudznick

    Mr. Bald Eagle would not have changed the “structure” of the PUC. He would have just dumbed it down. Now, don’t get me wrong, he would have been better that that Mr. Kolbeck fellow who was terrible. Mr. Bald Eagle would not have been terrible, just ineffective.

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