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Case Study in American Exceptionalism: Kristi Noem and Coronavirus

Governor Kristi Noem’s new plane bill crashed this week, but her proposal (House Bill 1279) to spend $900,000 on new civics and history curriculum is still creeping through the Capitol. If she gets her money, drops her South Dakota charade, and returns to her cries for indoctrinating kids in American exceptionalism, I will be happy to write Lesson #1 for her and for all of South Dakota’s kids, free of charge:

The number of COVID-19 fatalities in the United States reached the 500,000 mark sometime over the past week — the equivalent of killing off the population of two or three small cities in a little over a year. That is more than twice the upper estimate projected by the White House coronavirus task force in late March of last year. Yet the figure, while horrific, is somehow less shocking than it should be when taken by itself. Context matters, and in this case the context is global.

A country with 4.25 percent of the world’s population and 29.4 percent of its wealth has had a little over one-fifth of the global death toll (more than 2.49 million so far, according to the journal New Scientist). By comparison, India has close to four times the U.S. population and holds one-eighth of its wealth, but it has had under one-third the number of deaths from COVID. From now on, discussions of American exceptionalism should start with this phenomenal distinction. It is the product of a special kind of political leadership: one willing and able to govern from a secure location in fantasyland [Scott McLemee, “Averting Catastrophe, or Not,” Inside Higher Ed, 2021.02.26].

America is an exceptional nation. Sometimes we elect exceptionally bad leaders who produce exceptionally bad results.


  1. Mark Anderson

    What can you say Cory, she’s a one per center. One percent of the trumpies want her as President. The poor little Castlewood girl just wants to do good, come on folks, doesn’t that appeal to you?

  2. Otter

    Perhaps What Unites Us: The Graphic Novel by Dan Rather might fill out the chapters following Lesson One by Corey Allen Heidelberger in the civics curriculum lesson plans advocated by Gov. Noem.

  3. mike from iowa

    body count garnered another 2266 bodies of Friday. Weekly trend is down considerably from the past several weeks.

  4. mike from iowa

    Small paragraph from politico article of noem at c-pac….

    Noem has fought against mask mandates and encouraged a large motorcycle rally that saw hundreds of thousands of people attend. South Dakota at times has struggled to contain the pandemic, having seen the most cases and deaths per capita among states in the country, according to data compiled by The Washington Post.

    What, pray tell did South Dakota do to contain covid? I remember lie upon lie, but no real steps to alleviate the pandemic.

  5. SD is 20 per cent nonwhite

    Her correct name is Superspreader Noem.

    Democracy needs to speed up and get up to 2021 expectations. The idea of elections every 2 years is very old fashioned and quaint. Update it! Every 6 months would be fine. Shorter campaigns, less draconian signature requirements.

    Rs act as if we are in a Demonocracy. It’s not Republican must be from the Devil. Hence Nome’s comments on the Communists who elected Warnock and Ossoff in Georgia. Republicans don’t take kindly to having Black ministers and Jewish filmmakers elected! The Racist Party will suppress the vote, even though there’s no profits!

    We should be concerned enough to demand and MAKE change happen. Would you like to go up to a Black or Native or Hispanic person in South Dakota and say to them: I’m sorry, we’re Democrats. We are too stupid to stop the Republicans from taking away your vote and limiting your wages and health care. We screwed up for 43 years and we will keep losing, and stop you and us from having any representation in Pierre.”

    The whole structure of the government needs to change. The Pierre plantations must go!

    How long will the Democratic Party stick to the culture of losing and not listening?

    How long will the Democratic Party keep accepting the Plantation in Pierre, smack their stupid lips and say, Oh well, we can be bipartisan?

    How can you ever be Bipartisan with a racist Party headed by T?

    Putin is Democraticly elected. He has changed the rules of democracy there.

    If we allow the Racist Party to keep changing and tinkering with the rules of democracy, we lose everything.

    The road from Trump to Fascism light and Germany and Italian and Japan, that road is open, we have to destroy the road.

    Some Democrats in Pierre are fighting valiantly against the one party State, but Democrattic leadership is not listening. (Party should not be headquartered in Sioux Falls).

  6. SD is 20 per cent nonwhite

    Even though there’s no proof. Auto spell check again.

    D Party has to change or perhaps we will get the courage for a center left coalition or a new Party?

    Bipartisanship in South Dakota means we all get crumbs.

    Bold thinking!

    Capitol should be moved from Pierre. 3 to 5 parties should form coalition governments. Income tax of 4 to 5% for high incomes, 0 for low incomes. Elections every year. (Democratic Party should have elections every week, to keep things fresh. Some Counties don’t even have leaders.)

    Life is good. We can make life better and greater. But please, no bipartisanship.
    (There wasn’t any in Vichy France!)

  7. Genie

    Mark, please don’t call Kristi a “ Castlewood girl”. She is a Hazel girl who grew up, bought a farm on Hwy 81 with a Castlewood address. She calls her property a Ranch because it’s more impressive to the real Ranchers in SD and Texas. She has duped Castlewood just like the State of SD. She has used SD for her own agenda. Her buddy’s defeat was her first “lost” election. Let’s make sure she is never elected to this State again!

  8. Mark Anderson

    OK Genie, a Hazel girl it is. She is funny you know. Attacking Fauci, she’s so predictable, just like the curly headed Randie Paul. You know Nixon was the man who could pivot right in the primary then left in the general election. Ms. Noem since she doesn’t have to in So Dak doesn’t have a clue what would await her nationally outside of the pub base of kooks.

  9. Richard Schriever

    SD 20% – Ranked Choice Voting -> proportional representation vs. winner take all.

  10. Mark Anderson

    Kristi just tried performing on TV nationally, so sad, can’t answer easy questions.

  11. mike from iowa

    Report card is in. After one year’s comparison, noem was worse than advertised while Covid-19 was exceptionally every bit as bad as expected and then some.. Covid-19 wins hands down.

  12. mike from iowa

    Last updated: February 28, 2021, 16:57 GMT
    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    1567 bodies yesterday.

  13. mike from iowa

    SD is 20 per cent nonwhite, no offense, but it isn’t fair to blame Dems because magats fell off the flat earth and landed in crazy town. Dems did not force magats to believe in alternate facts or drop out 9of the real world.

  14. Donald Pay

    So, the South Dakota Department of Education is going to develop this curriculum? No they ain’t.

    They are going to get someone else to do the hard lifting. My guess is they already have the lucky person or corporate entity already selected, but they just ain’t telling you about it. But, I could be wrong. Are they going to put it out for bids? Have they drafted a request for proposal? Do they intend to make this RFP available? If this were actually a serious effort, they would have disclosed much great detail about the process in the bill. That’s how you know they are winging it, and trying to hide their work.

    I would be asking some serious questions. Who is going to oversee the development of this curriculum? Will experts and educators be included in oversight? Will parents be involved? Will school administrators? Will it include

    There is no requirement that local districts have to use the curriculum, which is good. Local districts have their own process for adopting a curriculum, and it involves local teachers, administrators, parents, community members and the school board. Still, is there any indication that any district thinks this is anything but a waste of money, when there is a lot of curricular materials out there already?

    It is far, far too broad a task. But there is some good in the bill. If you want to get serious about something that is actually not done well in South Dakota, pare it down to developing a South Dakota history and state/local/tribal components. That would make some sense, but, of course, sense is not something the current occupant of second floor exhibits. She’s too busy being a sheep.

  15. Donald Pay

    i get stuff from Hillsdale College. It’s a righty college in Michigan. They are big into foisting already developed righty curriculum into charter schools, home schools, and some public schools . I expect this or another such righty curriculum mill is where Noem is going to send your tax money, and you are going to get shoddy propaganda in return. Hillsdale College is one of several such righty curriculum purveyors out there.

    Another thing. Noem may be paying off some campaign funders with $900,000 in state taxpayer money. Be on the lookout for this sort of corruption, because this is a typical scam that is run by South Dakota Republicans.

  16. John

    Iris could help neom et. al, write that curriculum. Iris 5th grade social studies class was learning about the roles of the Founding Fathers building America. As the only Black kid in her Zoom class she asked about the role of slaves building America. Her teacher, later backed-up by her principal told Iris and her mother that,’we don’t discuss that here.’

    400 years of slavery, Jim Crow, and subjugating First Nations peoples . . . no wonder America has a race problem.

    Iris later essay: Muted, Fifth Grade Conversations About Slavery.

  17. cibvet

    During an appearance on CBS News’ Face the Nation, Fauci encouraged Noem to “take a look at the numbers,” as South Dakota records some of the most significant increases in COVID-19 cases and deaths per capita in the country. The sad part is Fauci makes the assumption that numbers without dollar signs would be of any interest to noem.

  18. Super Sweet

    If you think developing a new South Dakota history curriculum is scary wait until she wants to rewrite the science curriculum. It would probably overlap the literature curriculum with science fiction.

  19. lottie

    Gnome & Chump should get hitched and move to Russia! They match.

  20. grudznick

    Great name calling there, Ms. lottie! You must be from out-of-state, with that level of wit and weak mind.

    So you are aware, Ms. lottie, grudznick is very much against Mr. Trump, he of the insanest ideas. You are right there with Mr. Trump in your intellect and communication.

  21. o

    A tough couple fo days for the home team. Thune and Noem both get fact-checked for their “analysis” of the issues or “real Americans” (minimum wage and Corona virus). It seems without Donald Trump sucking all the media (and necessitating the Herculean factchecking later) the SD contingency gets some attention. No wonder they want Trump back — to give cover.

  22. Barbara

    Kristi says stories are more important than facts and statistics in her CPAC speech.
    She says to ask other governors on Face the Nation.
    We’ve seen the results with Covid. We can predict the results with her curriculum changes.

  23. owen

    What history does Noem want to teach?

  24. Mike Livingston

    I am sure that the Governor will want to teach the boys and girls how the civilized white people stole the children of the indigenous and locked them away in boarding schools, punished them for speaking their language, and cut their hair. That would be a start.

  25. Donald, I worry Noem will hire whoever Trump hired to write his laughable 1776 report to scratch Trump’s ideological hogwash into our textbooks. Then she’ll turn to Trump to say, “See? I’m the true heir to your legacy. You keep golfing, and let me carry your flame back to the White House in 2024!”

  26. lottie

    If Noem wrote a story about The Danger of Fire in the Hills, makes me wonder who would read it. She could include the big firework display with Donald posing in front, oh shoot that happened already. We are cited to have a dry summer i hear.

  27. Donald Pay

    Cory, Hillsdale College wrote the laughable 1776 report that you mention, so, yeah, I expect No-nothing-em will find a way to funnel these folks South Dakota’s tax dollars. But, it is really, no different if some other out-of-state righty curriculum mill is drug out of the depths of the insurrectionist right to concoct some B.S. to satisfy South Dakota’s Evita.

  28. o

    Governor Noem’s position has been clear (of late), but it just doesn’t sound good out loud. SD kept its economy going, gave people freedom of choice BECAUSE we (royal we?) were willing to burry people – literally – to make this happen. I also get the impression that ANY number was going to be the number we were willing to sacrifice. We would be “strong.”

    Maybe the best line of questioning from Face the Nation is one I keep coming back to when it comes to GOP/Right/MAGA public policy: how does this fit into a “pro-life” paradigm?

  29. kj trailer trash

    So Hillsdale “College” wrote the 1776 report? You know what else Hillsdale College did? They read off the name of Ian Fury, yes that Ian Fury, as one of their graduates during a commencement ceremony some time back. Ian Fury, who slithered from Gym Jordan’s staff to Kristi Noem right-hand man.

  30. mike from iowa

    Dems want to pass 1621 as an teachable subject since it rings so many historicall bells for most except magats. Magats want 1776, as inaccurate and full of baloney as it is, taught in public schools as a stand alone or in conjunction with 1621.

  31. John

    Judy Woodruff and PBS NewsHour likely hit on the ‘reason’ luddite noem suddenly ‘cares’ about civics education.
    Years earlier the National Endowment for the Humanities, in cooperation with the US Education Department, embarked in a campaign, Educating America for Democracy: A Roadmap for Excellence in History and Civics Education for All Learners”.

    See PBS Newshour, while it’s available, 38:24 to 44:17 —

    See the earlier:

    Likely luddite noem prefers her grandkids and the children of Hazel and Castlewood do not know and are not taught that her farm and their towns came into being resultant from the decade of lies, broken treaties, and the Dakota War – the bloodiest Indian – settler conflict, which resulted in the nation’s largest mass execution. Nothing to see here folks, move along. She likely does not want them learning that there were once almost two dozen newspapers in Dakota Territory and South Dakota published in languages other than English. She likely also does not want them learning of the government’s murder of Hutterites who opposed being drafting to serve in WWI.

  32. John

    Paraphrasing: ‘Can you imagine a situation today where 100s are murdered and no goes to trial? . . . Goes back to my incredulity when I first heard about it. It’s so incument on us to really look at it. . . . I grew up in a small town in the northern midwest with no Blacks. Racial issues were completely irrelevant to me . . . [20 years later when I worked for a newspaper in Oklahoma] my boss brought me this story assignment. . . . but when I learned the history . . . it was completely consistent for that time that was in America, only varying in the degree; it really changed the way I looked at the world. It changed my heart. And I realized we had this deep problem we hadn’t been looking at. And my theory is that millions of white people like me, people of good hearts and good will, if they only learned the history would change their hearts too. . . . . Oh my god, if that happened, what else have I not fully appreciated about others struggles.’ – conversation with Josh Brown and Tim Madigan, author of, The Burning.

    History as this is imperative in our nation’s civics courses.

  33. Arlo Blundt

    well…it is inevitable that the new Civics curriculum will be authored by the folks at Hillsdale College (the college sponsored the Rush Limbaugh show and the President is a Fox News guest) as well as numerous national and state right wing “constitutional experts”. Bank on it. It will be accompanied by a regimen of patriotic ritualism, which will be a mandatory part of the instruction. Students will be instructed to “hold your questions until after the honor guard fires its weapons.”

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