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Abortion Saves Donald Trump from Coronavirus

It’s a holiday, so let’s talk hypocrisy!

In 2019, the Trump Administration announced it would prohibit scientists working for the National Institutes of Health from using fetal tissue in their research. In typically Trumpish flim-flam, the administration didn’t outright ban such research, but it created an onerous bureaucratic process to stymie such research overseen by an ethics board stacked with anti-abortion radicals, including one who said that research on fetal tissue is unethical if it is “even in a small part contributory to motivating elective abortions.” Anti-woman big-government activists cheered this ban:

Groups that oppose fetal tissue research and had encouraged the Trump administration to undertake the review are applauding the moves. “This is a major pro-life victory and we thank President Trump for taking decisive action. It is outrageous and disgusting that we have been complicit, through our taxpayer dollars, in the experimentation using baby body parts,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a Washington, D.C., lobbying group that opposes abortion.

David Prentice, vice president and research director of the Charlotte Lozier Institute in Arlington, Virginia, the research arm of the Susan B. Anthony list, added: “Our government will now invest in effective research methods that do not rely on the destruction of human life” [Meredith Wadman, “Trump Administration Restricts Fetal Tissue Research,” Science, 2019.06.05].

Now Trump and his doctors are apparently complicit in the outrageous and disgusting use of federal tax dollars to promote experimentation on baby body parts. Trump’s coronavirus treatment came from research on aborted fetuses:

The emergency antibody that Trump received last week was developed with the use of a cell line originally derived from abortion tissue, according to Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, the company that developed the experimental drug.

…According to Regeneron, laboratory tests used to assess the potency of its antibodies employed a standardized supply of cells called HEK 293T, whose origin was kidney tissue from an abortion in the Netherlands in the 1970s [Antonio Regalado, “Trump’s Antibody Treatment Was Tested Using Cells Originally Derived from an Abortion,” MIT Technology Review, 2020.10.07].

Had Donald Trump or someone like him been President forty-five years ago—well, first, we wouldn’t be here on the Internet having this discussion; we’d be in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road eating babies. But whatever the level dystopic chaos into which we would have descended, we certainly would not have scientific research producing the drugs that may have saved Donald Trump from coronavirus.

The failure of Donald Trump and sub-Trumpublicans like Kristi Noem to act as if hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths from coronavirus matter has already thrown their “pro-life” pose into doubt. They’ve made clear that, when it comes down to brass tacks, their celebration of “LIFE” is puffery to be backseated to the economy.

But now to frost that hypocrisy cake, an abortion has saved Donald Trump’s life.


  1. sx123 2020-10-12 09:00

    Send boys and girls off to die for oil – OK.

    Multiply generations and generations of stem cells from an electively aborted fetus 50 years ago, that was already dead, and save millions of lives – NOT OK.

    Some make it sound like there’s a big baby abortion factory for the sole purpose of creating vaccines, and this is not the case.

  2. leslie 2020-10-12 09:04

    Its just transactional. Trump org is invested in Regeneron ect
    I think.

  3. mike from iowa 2020-10-12 09:37

    I have had it now! What is it with people using ect instead of etc? I see this everywhere! Sorry about the rant. Color me infuriated iowan!!!

  4. bearcreekbat 2020-10-12 11:27

    Cory, your link to the review of The Road was very interesting. McCarthy is now in my books to read this winter queue – thanks I guess.

  5. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2020-10-12 11:37

    Sorry to make your winter more grim, BCB. I’ve seen the movie not read the book; I’m not sure I could bear it.

  6. leslie 2020-10-12 12:54

    Ouch again

  7. mike from iowa 2020-10-12 16:37

    Moar hypocrisy from then right….

    Former anti abortion zealot speaker has an abortion because she is recently widowed, has medical problems, has six kids and the money to end her pregnancy. Her friends should remind her there are no exceptions to full term parasite hosting if wingnuts get the court stacked.

  8. Debbo 2020-10-13 01:23

    The whole anti-abortion, oh the poor babies crap is all about controlling women, keeping them in their place. I’m talking about the leadership who’ve invented and used this “cause” to manipulate people and create their die hard one issue voters whom they’ve been using and abusing for decades.

    The sharp rise in women running for and holding elective offices is not about them wanting abortions. It is about them, us, knowing that the end goal of the righties is a sharp regression in women’s rights.

    We. Aren’t. Having it.

  9. Mike Livingston 2020-10-13 01:29

    Donald J Trump believes only in what will benefit himself, period!

    All of his lies and fake righteous indignation on every topic that he believes will advance his personal interest is pure pandering.

    Wake up America! The American people deserve better from our so called public servants, when the senate’s priorities favor shoving a ultra right SCOTUS nominee down our collective throats, and refuse to advance aid to millions of suffering people. They are beneath contempt!

    Shout it from the rooftops vote early, if you can help someone to register and or vote, please do. Grass roots do not grow unless we tend them, vote the bums out.

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