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Biden on Cognitive Test: “Why the Hell Would I Take a Test? Come on, Man!””

Running for President, facing the press every day, and trying to compose effective, intelligble, and vote-winning policy proposals is a tougher test of one’s cognitive ability than any standardized paper quiz taken in a doctor’s office.

Nonetheless, CBS News asks our next President, Joe Biden, whether he’s taken a cognitive test. Joe Biden responds with a smile, a laugh, and honest ridicule of a ridiculous suggestion:

No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, Man. That’s like saying you, before you got on this program, did you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not? What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie? [Vice-President Joe Biden, transcribed in Barbara Sprunt, “Biden Would End Border Wall Construction, But Wouldn’t Tear Down Trump’s Additions,” NPR, 2020.08.05]

In real news, Biden says he will stop border wall constuction and land confiscation therefor but won’t tear down existing barriers, will deploy more border protection technology at ports of entry (“where all the bad stuff is happening”), and (farmers! pay attention!) will reverse the destructive Trump tariffs on China.


  1. Chris S. 2020-08-05 19:20

    I’m sorry, but that’s standard Authentic Frontier Gibberish from Biden, which is why it’s good the pandemic conveniently keeps him from campaigning and talking off-the-cuff.

  2. John 2020-08-05 19:29

    Debating in mid-to-late September or even early October is fine.
    Biden should not interrupt Trump from digging numerous holes and from all his winning.

  3. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2020-08-06 05:36

    The Montreal Cognitive Assessment is not designed to distinguish the quality of candidates for a job. It’s designed to identify signs of cognitive impairment. One can wonder if Ronald Reagan would have passed such a test during his second term.

    The cognitive test is also a distraction from what the Founding Fathers intended for the voters (or, back in their day, the members of the Electoral College) to consider when selecting a President: ability and willingness to uphold the Constitution. Trump has consistently demonstrated his complete disregard for the Constitution and the public good. Biden has demonstrated the opposite. Test over: vote Biden.

  4. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2020-08-06 07:05

    Chris S. demonstrates the challenge we liberals face. We are willing, even in the most dire times, to hold our leaders to high standards and fry them when they deviate from those standards. Conservatives have demonstrated they will line up behind their Dear Leader no matter what he says.

    Liberals have consistent standards. Conservatives are the relativist situational ethicists.

  5. jerry 2020-08-06 09:24

    Kanye West and trump on the stage debating their cognitive abilities, with Biden going “Come on Man”…Too bad Lyndon LaRouche missed this one.

  6. leslie 2020-08-06 11:08

    Biden’s tendency towards poor choice of words/foot in mouth vs. NOTHING TRUMP EVER SAYS is reliable;

    is not even a reasonable question.

    It is clear as rain when Biden misspeaks, that his thinking is, which is always (or can be brought around), true and well meaning.

    He strides several generations. Try that at his age. His running mate should easily protect us from any age issue.

  7. Debbo 2020-08-06 21:41

    The Lincoln Project has an ad running that shows Demented Dunce struggling to pronounce routine words, speak a coherent sentence or string together a rational thought. He’s the guy who thought the dementia test was hard. OMG.

  8. Richard Schriever 2020-08-07 18:20

    There is no reason to take that test unless one is suspected (by relatives for example) of being cognitively impaired. It makes one wonder, what or who prompted Trump’s taking it??

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