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Fall Travel Optimism Lower Now Than in April

The Department of Tourism is making a good show of justifying its receipt of more coronavirus relief than most other South Dakota government agencies by posting covid-19 research updates. (Of course this makes sense; just roll with it.)

SD Tourism’s July 23 update includes this public opinion survey that suggests, for all of the wishful thinking Kristi and Donald keep projecting, the hard reality of a pandemic our elected leaders can’t contain is sinking in among the public:

South Dakota Department of Tourism, covid-19 research update, 2020.07.23.
South Dakota Department of Tourism, covid-19 research update, 2020.07.23.

Back in April, around 50% of folks surveyed (and, sorry, SD Tourism doesn’t make clear if the sample was South Dakota or nationwide) said sure, they’d be traveling come autumn while only 20% expected to be staying home. Fall travel sentiment declined through May, bounced back briefly around Memorial Day, then eroded again right through Mike Pence’s declaration of victory over coronavirus in June. Now the numbers have switched: 41% in this survey don’t expect to be traveling in the fall, while only 34% still think they’ll be hitting the road.

Seeing the coronavirus surge and elected Trumpublicans and their followers Palining out on the biggest national cognitive test of the century, Americans are realizing the pandemic won’t just disappear. And maybe now that they are reading their schools’ inferior reopening plans and the lack of serious support for school improvements from the state, more parents are they’ll be too busy teaching their kids from home again to go on any vacations.


  1. Eve Fisher

    We’re staying home this summer. For one thing, there are too many people from other places coming here, and our numbers are scary enough. Plus, I’m planning to help teach my godchildren – online.

  2. Debbo

    My travel plans are limited to day trips to state parks and such.

  3. grudznick

    grudznick isn’t going to let the covid bugs dictate my travel plans. I will do the distancing socially, travel in private conveyances, and avoid crowds, but golly the covid bugs are not going to change my travelings.

    And yes, when I have to go into a hotdog stand or one of the gas stations my good friend Bob has vetted as a good one, to buy a hotdog, I will of course be wearing my mask. So will the people who drive me there and help me get the hotdog, unless it’s Bob hisownself.

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