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FDA Revokes Emergency Authorization for Hydroxychloroquine Tests

It’s a good thing Minnesota’s public university system did our homework and convinced Governor Kristi Noem to abort her stumbling hydroxycholorquie trial. The Food and Drug Administration today revoked its emergency authorization for use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine from the Strategic National Stockpile, because the feds have determined that “it is no longer reasonable to believe that oral formulations of HCQ and CQ may be effective in treating COVID-19, nor is it reasonable to believe that the known and potential benefits of these products outweigh their known and potential risks”:

  • We now believe that the suggested dosing regimens for CQ and HCQ as detailed in the Fact Sheets are unlikely to produce an antiviral effect.
  • Earlier observations of decreased viral shedding with HCQ or CQ treatment have not been consistently replicated and recent data from a randomized controlled trial assessing probability of negative conversion showed no difference between HCQ and standard of care alone.
  • Current U.S. treatment guidelines do not recommend the use of CQ or HCQ in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 outside of a clinical trial, and the NIH guidelines now recommend against such use outside of a clinical trial.
  • Recent data from a large randomized controlled trial showed no evidence of benefit for mortality or other outcomes such as hospital length of stay or need for mechanical ventilation of HCQ treatment in hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

FDA has concluded that, based on this new information and other information discussed in the attached memorandum, it is no longer reasonable to believe that oral formulations of HCQ and CQ may be effective in treating COVID-19, nor is it reasonable to believe that the known and potential benefits of these products outweigh their known and potential risks. Accordingly, FDA revokes the EUA for emergency use of HCQ and CQ to treat COVID-19, pursuant to section 564(g)(2) of the Act. As of the date of this letter, the oral formulations of HCQ and CQ are no longer authorized by FDA to treat COVID-19 [Food and Drug Administration, letter to Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, 2020.06.15].

“It is no longer reasonable” to take Trump’s Wonder Pills. I wonder how long it will take voters to get reasonable and stop taking the rest of Trump’s snake oil.


  1. Cathy

    But it wasn’t a fair trial! They didn’t add zinc and vitamin C! You have to add zinc and vitamin C! Big Pharm is suppressing the cure because it’s cheap and they can’t make money off it!!!!

    That’s the argument from the tinfoilers, anyway.

  2. leslie

    Upside down world of Republicans (c) me

  3. grudznick

    I wonder how much space those 1.2 million pills are taking up. A footlocker? A storage unit? The entire Capitol basement? Could they be used to sterilize swimming holes for the kids?

  4. Kristi could show us how much space they take up. She could stack the boxes in her private video studio and ask the controllers to pan the set.

  5. Debbo

    There is some talk that Stumbling Stupid’s ingestion of HCQ has added to his increasing mental and physical impairment. I know it’s supposed to have negative effects on the heart, but who knows what dosages he took. You know in his “medical expertise” and since he’s such a “superb physical specimen”, he may have changed the dosage to what he felt was right.

  6. marvin kammerer

    when trump opens his mouth he may be lying. what is the evidence that he ever took this drug ?the man is not to be trusted on any matter !

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