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Defense Contract for Coronavirus Masks Brings 100 Jobs to Aberdeen

Aberdeen will be able to put 100 more people to work, thanks to coronavirus and socialism:

Aberdeen’s 3M facility will be adding 120,000 square feet to expand production N95 masks.

The expansion is needed because 3M was awarded two U.S. Department of Defense contracts to further expand its U.S. production of N95 respirators.

…An east and west wing, each 60,000-square-feet, will be added to the south side of the current facility, which currently spans 440,000 square feet. The first wing is expected to be up in the next 90 days, said Aberdeen plant manager Andy Rehder. An additional 100 employees will be added to staff the new equipment with hiring continuing through the next two to three months, he said [Kelda J.L. Pharris, “3M Aberdeen Announces Expansion,” Aberdeen American News, 2020.05.12].

100 new hires in Aberdeen will reduce South Dakota’s unemployment rate by about 0.02 percentage points. Those jobs will erase less than half of a percent of the jobs whacked so far by the pandemic. Maybe Governor Noem should take a hint and spend some of that $1.25 billion in federal coronavirus relief aid she’s hoarding to put more people to work providing necessary pandemic services.


  1. jerry

    Must not be in a big rush to make masks. 3 months to put up one building is about 2 months too long. Both should be done and running full tilt boogie in that 3 month time frame. We need this stuff badly. Hire South Koreans or Chinese to build the buildings, they even know where Aberdeen is from the last big project they had to complete there.

  2. Debbo

    Jerry, China built those hospitals from prefab units. They poured concrete foundations and dropped the prefabs on them.

    Doesn’t SD have businesses that build prefab housing? They should be able to build the units necessary for the factory. Get a SD dirt work company to work by Monday while the prefabs are being built. In the meantime, a concrete company can be contracted with. They’ll need carpenters, electricians, plumbers and other interior subcontractors. After it’s up and running, 3M can hire landscape designers to take care of the outside. In addition, they’ll probably need more parking, hence more labor.

    Hooray for Aberdeen and region!

    Just think what a real governor could be doing for all of SoDak.

  3. jerry

    100 full time workers is great! Another hundred building these precast concrete buildings would be fantastic.

    They go up fast and you’re done. School of Mines in Rapid City used this method to build 4 story dormitory space.

    Yes, South Dakota has some pre-fab structural builders. Enercept, in Watertown is one, a good one that uses insulated panels for commercial and residential buildings.

  4. Mike Livingston

    I would like to see the bidding documents for this project if any exist, the advertisements
    for bids, the plans and specifications, the shop drawings and addenda. When the people in charge want to do away with oversight it is time for all of us to do oversight. I have experience in this area and after reviewing the facts presented in this reporting I believe that there is very likely potential for rigging or profiteering, it makes me sad to accept that this is the world we live in, but the ugly truth is that the beautiful country I love so much has been and is being, tainted by the ugliness and fear that racism and zenophobia seem to manifest. I am a little weary of being upset and sore but I know I’m
    not alone. Stay Safe to fight another day.

  5. jerry

    Good point Mr. Livingston. I would wonder what the building permit would say for the total cost on this project as well and how much Contractor Excise Tax along with real estate tax these two worthwhile projects will generate for the state, county and the city. Will there be an environmental impact report presented? Water and sewer issues, electrical needs, to name a few?

    Anyone who has ever dealt with building through the government knows full well that this will take about a year of planning and about 100 acres of tree cut for the paper needed to produce the engineered specifications. Also, the engineer stamps from all of the offices that are required to examine the projects nomenclature and give their approval (with further addendum’s).

    Or will this be just another no bid military type boondoggle paid to political flunkies that should have had this plant built a few years ago when Clinton, W. and Obama had provided the need for it? Completion date and full production 2022 with at least one scandal.

  6. John

    Okay, that’s start. Let’s see if Aberdeen, it’s rearward-thinking mayor, and my 3M friends are able to RETAIN and IMPROVE upon those job numbers post-COVID. The time for that planning is NOW.

  7. Jerry my man when is the depression coming.I see Noem has not done anything about higher paying jobs in S dakota.

  8. jerry

    Moses6, the “depression” will not be one like the Great Depression….yet. Jerome Powell has stated clearly that the working people need to be made whole and that congress needs to step up and take care of that. When you just shovel money to the failed business plan of Wall Street, you get what Warren Buffett described beautifully “Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked. Warren Buffett.

    The to big too fail, must be allowed to swim naked as they have intentionally cannibalized their business to the benefit of the investor class and to the detriment to us all. The stock market is so overvalued that it must be tamed to save it. My opinions and observations only sir.

  9. mike from iowa

    FYI another 3 million unemployment claims filed this week bringing the total to septjillion unemployed workers in drumpf’s fabulous economy.

  10. jerry

    The first 30 days has now been complete with 60 days to go for the grand opening of phase one for the mask factory. I don’t live in Aberdeen, so I would have to ask anyone who does, how is the building process coming along? Are the 100 new hires being trained and ready to hit the ground running? Oh, and the building permits, is there a cost and tax being assessed to the owner and the contractors? Thanks, asking for a friend.

  11. Jerry, I don’t get out much, but on my last trip to the east side of town, I saw plenty of construction action happening south of the 3M plant.

  12. jerry

    Excellent, thank you. I’ll be watching through someone as that 90 day deal seems kind of a stretch.

  13. jerry

    60 days into the project and we are already running out of supply’s, hope they can kick it in gear in the next month for the grand opening of this one in that 90 day promise. Why doesn’t 3M build in another city in South Dakota, maybe on a reservation or close to one?

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