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Trump Wishes Good Pal Kim Well

I don’t sit around wishing for the death of any megalomaniacal tyrant. But I also don’t wish them good luck:

President Donald Trump wished the secretive North Korean leader well Tuesday, amid international speculation over Kim Jong Un’s health.

“I just have to say to Kim Jong Un, good luck,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “I’ve had a very good relationship with him. I can only say this, I wish him well.”

Trump, like much of the rest of the world, appeared in the dark over rumors that the North Korean dictator was gravely ill [Adela Suliman, ALexander Smith, Courtney Kube, Ken Dilanian, and Stella Kim, “Trump Wishes Kim Jong Un ‘Good Luck’ amid Speculation over North Korean Leader’s Health,” NBC News, 2020.04.21].

Il Duce is talking more nicely about dictator Kim than he does about the governors he’s supposed to be working with here in America.


  1. Donald Pay

    Trump expresses more concern for a dictator than for the people he’s trying to kill with his campaign stunt of “liberating” people FROM HIS OWN GUIDELINES.

  2. mike from iowa

    drumpf doesn’t even know if li’l Kim is ill.

  3. jerry

    Too funny and too easy to predict. toothless old tom cat trump spikes oil today with a threat to Iran. Who could’ve not seen this one coming. Wall Street is just as much of a fraud as the Kimster.

    About time for some rockets to go into the Sea of Japan.

  4. Dicta

    I dunno, if you are trying to bring an isolationist nutbar of a country to the negotiating table, you can do a lot worse than wishing well to its leader who has a near deity status within that nation.

    Doubt it will be effective, but this is at least a shred of diplomacy from an ape of a man who usually has none.

  5. jerry

    Kim’s North Korea is not a country, it is the Kim Jong Un’s family business organization. Why would he change his family’s business model?

  6. Loren

    Poor ol’ Trump. He thinks his “lover” might need well wishes? Sad to see Trump can’t tell real admiration from being used as a tool.

  7. Robin Friday

    Not sure people care that much about ole Kim, Cory. I don’t wish illness or death on anyone, but from what I’ve heard, his sister is a lot more capable than he is and a lot smarter. Don’t know what her dove or hawk sentiments are. And I don’t know if NK will go for a woman in charge. Are they smarter than U.S.? No idea. Guess people think we’ve got enough to worry about.

  8. Debbo

    Kim is one of the ones who knows how to play Fetid & Flabby, though no one has achieved Saudi Arabia’s level. Minnesota’s Gov. Walz is pretty good. He’s got F&F promising to deliver needed supplies the day after he thought Minnesota should be “liberated.” 😆 😆 😆

  9. You know, Robin, I’m not sure having a smarter, more capable person in charge of North Korea puts us in a better position, at least not as long as we’re governed by our own incompetent. As Debbo notes, if Kim can play Donald this well, his sister could probably convince Donald to Hanoi-out from Seoul and surrender the entire peninsula.

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