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House Democrats Working Hard Before Christmas Break

Contrary to the CYA-whining from do-nothing Senator Mike Rounds, Democrats in Congress are showing they can legislate and impeach at the same time. Even as they thunder toward a Constitutionally sound and morally necessary vote to impeach the worst President ever today, they are cranking out vital bills to keep the nation running despite Trump’s best efforts to wreck us. The House yesterday approved a $1.37-trillion spending bill that will fund federal operations for the rest of the fiscal year, until September 30, at which time campaign pressures will drive legislators to pass, if not a full budget, at least a stopgap spending bill that will put off the next hard budget decisions until December 2020.

The spending bills include measures to raise the tobacco purchase age from 18 to 21, fund research on gun violence, support pensions for coal miners as they and their industry fade away, and increase the deficit another $373.3 billion over ten years by repealing three Affordable Care Act taxes. House Democrats are also advancing the Space Force and paid parental leave for federal workers.

Dang, that’s more substantive legislation from House Democrats in one week than we’ve heard from Senate Republicans all year. Carry on, Speaker Pelosi!

One Comment

  1. Debbo

    The Democrats have been carrying on exceedingly well since 1/21/2017. The USA would be in complete tatters if they weren’t. Democrats are the reason the USA still exists as such.

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