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Baumeister: Be Done with Impeachment, Let the People and History Dispose of Trump

Last updated on 2019-12-16

Dave Baumeister
Columnist Dave Baumeister, eager for the election

Greetings, Blogophiles!

As I write this, the House Judiciary Committee has voted to send two articles of impeachment against President Trump to the floor, and while the full House won’t vote until Wednesday, it is a foregone conclusion Trump will go down in history as the third American president to be impeached.

It has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to the world (even though some refuse to admit what they see and hear) that Donald J. Trump is a criminal, and the House will put him in the history books for his crimes.

With that being laid out, the sooner this chapter of American politics is over, the better.

By the time the impeachment trial starts in the Senate, the first primaries will only be a month away, so it will be good to get the news focused back on Trump’s removal from office by election.

While many Democrats currently support a favorite candidate, I believe all of them are bringing important issues to the table.

And while an impeachment trial lingers, several of those candidates will be unable to campaign and keep their issues alive.

Believe me, it is good to have Trump held accountable for his crimes through impeachment, but when his case goes to the Republican-controlled Senate, pretty much all agree he will be found “not guilty” and allowed to stay in office.

When the House votes on impeachment this week, then everything that can be done to remove Trump will be done. The Democrats in the Senate should thus just stay cool and allow the Republicans to look even more like fools with their ranting, raving, and screaming.

When it comes time to vote, Democratic Senators need to let the matter quickly follow its course and move on.

If Democrats behave like House Republicans, it will look as bad for them as it did for Representatives Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz.

When Trump is impeached, no matter what is said now about the process being political, in 50 years, all that people will remember is how Trump must have been a bad president since he was impeached in his first and only term.

Being found “not guilty” by the Senate just extends the rules that have applied to the other two impeached presidents.

It will be worse for Trump when he runs again and is voted out of office next year.

The Senate may have ignored his crimes and found him “not guilty,” but the American voters won’t.


  1. [Sorry to keep you waiting, fans of Baumeister and impeachment! WordPress, the software that runs this blog, apparently had a bad update a couple weekends ago and was fouling a handful of posts published in the evening. I re-updated tonight, and the problem appears to be fixed. Comment away, and let me know if you notice any other malfunctioning links!]

  2. Debbo

    I’m with you about moving on, even though I’m almost incensed, certainly dismayed at how the Russian GOP is so open about how this is entirely a sham on their part. They’re not even pretending to be fair and even handed. As usual, they’re doing exactly what they’re piling onto the Democrats.

    For the Russian GOP this is a 100% partisan deal. It matters not that the impeached/indicted criminal is at the head of this nation and doing great harm. It only matters that their greed, power lust and various hatreds based on race, gender, religion, etc, are upheld.

    I hate that they’re doing this to the USA and I will work as hard as I can in the campaigns to defeat them.

  3. Debbo

    BTW, my Congresswoman, Rep. Angie Craig, decided that she has to vote to impeach. My district is definitely purple. She defeated an incumbent Russian GOP scum. Her decision was something of a surprise to most pundits because she might have been a little safer politically to vote No. But Rep. Craig is an ethical woman, mother of two, moderate Democrat. That’s how she got our votes.

    Rep. Craig sent an open letter to her constituents and released it to the press. She detailed her process and explained her thinking. For purely partisan GOP voters, that probably won’t matter, but they likely never voted for her in the first place. For those in the middle, I guess next November will tell.

    I’m going to increase my monthly donation to her.

  4. jerry

    Chubby has bested President Obama, that’s for sure, by getting his arse impeached. Chubby is gonna get impeached after just 3 years for high crimes and misdemeanors. President Obama went 8 years and left the office with an economy so strong even Chubby can’t screw it up…with the exception of ag producers, but they will vote Chubby no matter what.

  5. Debbo

    Let’s replace Doddering Dunderhead with Elizabeth Warren or Amy Klobuchar. Here’s why, according to President Obama:

    “if women were put in charge of every country for the next two years, the result would be gains on just about everything.

    “There would be less war, kids would be better taken care of and there would be a general improvement in living standards and outcomes.”

    These comments are part of a speech in Singapore.
    NPR’s brief summary is here:

  6. mike from iowa

    One obvious gain in America, Debbo, would be the vast number of wingnut heads exploding. That would be a serious gain for America’s IQ.

  7. mike from iowa

    Mr B, there is no guarantee wingnuts will allow legislation to buck up election security when it means they could lose at the polls come next November. Moscow Mitch McCTurtlefartface made his position patently clear when Obama wanted a bi-partisan voice on blaming Putin for meddling in 2016 election.

    Wingnuts do not care to defend either the constitution or the rule of law when their livelihood (majority rule) is at stake.

  8. o

    Although I agree this is about elections, I believe that the impeachment proceedings are of vital importance because they will not only reveal the high crimes and misdemeanors of our President, but also in the votes of the House and Senate Republicans, revel his co-conspirators. This election needs to “drain the swamp” of the man who used his office to abuse that power for personal gain AND those who gave a vote ON RECORD to that abuse being acceptable. In real terms, those congressmen/women and senators also are using their office to promote the Presidents perversion of office for personal gain.

  9. Donald Pay

    Well, sure, we have to move on if Senate gives a vote of confidence to Putin’s American puppet. But to where do we move?

    Anyone think the election in 2020 is going to be run in any way that allows the American people to vote out this Russian stooge? I guess we can work like hell to bring out massive numbers of Americans go to the polls, and hope the Russian and Chinese election interference on behalf of Trump won’t work.

    Agree with o. This election has to sweep out as much of the Republican Putin cult as we can, and it can’t just be about Trump. It has to be about the American people and who we really want to be.

  10. jerry

    Social Security disability is gonna get axed. Say good-bye to the Republic and hello to the oligarchs. One of the only safety nets we have is being taken from us. Look around your own family and see that disability income is the only difference between them and the street. Next stop, Medicare. Even though it mainly is detrimental to Chubby voters, it’s still a damn shame to see them suffer.

    Great economy we have here as long as you rob from the poor and disabled.

  11. o

    Jerry, how else would the GOP “pay” for the tax cuts?

  12. Richard Schriever

    The problem with this notion is it is ENTIRELY DEPENDENT on the truth of the assumption that elections will be completely free and fair. Please – consider the gerrymandering, voter purges, appeals for foreign elections and so on that have ROUTINELY been engaged in not only by Herr Trump recently, but historically by the “conservative” GOP as a whole. That consideration alone will demonstrate to you that your underlying assumption being faulty has inevitably led you to a faulty conclusion.

  13. mike from iowa

    Wisconsin purged 200k plus voters this week or last and Georgia dumped another 300k plus voters from the rolls.

    Jerry, I was fortunate, guess. I was immediately placed in permanent disability status, the one they call medically unlikely to improve or some such langwidge. It meant I would not be likely to have to get checked again.

    However, I was allegedly removed from disability and placed on SS, twice, once at 62 and then this year when I turned 66.

  14. Debbo

    I read about the disability end as well. People who are disabled are mostly those who did hard physical work. That is farmers, miners, factory workers, etc. There are cheaters in disability, less than 5%, but that doesn’t fit with Russian GOP narratives so they tell cruel lies about “welfare queens.”

    Cruel Creep’s most loyal MAGAts are the ones he’s kicking to the curb, though probably not till after 11/2020.

  15. jerry

    The laws in a republic protect you,,,We are no longer living in a republic.

  16. Debbo

    538 has an article about the liberalism of the Democratic Party. It’s been happening for a couple decades. Very helpful and worth your time.

  17. jerry

    Wake up to what? That the republic has fallen and thanks to Fly Speck Johnny and EB5 Rounds and the rest of the corrupted republican senate. When you allow laws to be broken by the few to enrich themselves and their accomplices, then we are Russia.

    Steve Pearson, the vote will be coming for the evidence that is admitted to. Watch how it will be allowed to continue.

  18. Debbo

    Yes Steve, the FISA court screwed parts of that up.

    And Pootie’s Puppet tried to blackmail Ukraine into aiding his campaign by pretending to investigate Hunter Biden.
    And Doltish Dictator ignored and instructed others to ignore legal Congressional subpoenas backed by the force of law. Obstruction of justice.

    Outside of impeachment, your hero solicited and used Russian interference in the 2016 election for his benefit. In addition, there are the 14,000+ lies, the ripping taxpayers off via his weekly golf trips, disregard of the emoluments clause, nepotism, etc.

    But yes, FISA didn’t handle that like they should have. So? Your hero is still criminal scum.

  19. Donald Pay

    Steve Pearson points out the obvious. Trump has succeeded in corrupting some parts of the government and they are willing to lie, cheat and steal.

    But, Steve, the FISA process has long been opposed by progressives, while conservatives have supported it. I’m certainly not surprised that there were irregularities in such a secretive process.

    But, let’s be clear. The FISA process on Carter Page was long-standing and only the very last renewal was found to be suspect. That last renewal occurred after the investigation of the Trump campaign machinations had already started. For Trump or you to state otherwise is, well, a lie.

    I’m more than open minded, Steve. I’d like to hear ALL the witnesses to Trump’s illegality, BUT TRUMP HAS PREVENTED THEM FROM TESTIFYING. I think you can assume Trump is hiding some pretty egregious facts.

    You can’t have it both ways, Steve. I want to hear all the evidence that Trump is keeping for us I’d like Trump to provide his deposition. And, yes, Steve, I’ll take a look at what Trump’s minions are saying, too. But Trump is a crook. He’s got too much to hide. He won’t testify. He won’t allow others to testify. And you will try to have it both ways, Steve.

  20. mike from iowa

    Durham is a partisan hack who has made it clear he will not support any findings of the IG report.

    Hannity and phony or alleged judge Pirro both stated the IG reports says the exact opposite of what it actually said. Why should anyone with 2 working brain cells subject themselves to more lies and falsehoods from partisan hack jobs?

    Durham was hired to provide a hit piece on the Russia investigation and he will be rewarded handsomely for doing just that. Nothing Pearson says can change the fact you don’t get facts or reality from right wing nut jobs.

    BTW, drumpf has told moar than 15k lies in 2 years and nine months. He is within 4-500 lies in 2019 of telling moar windies than in his first 2 years combined. He is a pathological lying swine and his voters are mindless zombies.

  21. Debbo

    Mike, you are too kind to the pathological lying swine.

    I am unable to measure up to the moral rectitude of Madam Speaker Pelosi. I do hate him.

  22. Robin Friday

    If it does nothing else, impeachment will give Trump everlasting dyspepsia and a special forever objectionable place in history. I truly don’t know if it will dawn on him
    that he can’t just do anything he wants to do, as he has been doing for years, or if it will change his behavior or exacerbate his anger and his obnoxious way of having his own way no matter who gets hurt.

  23. leslie

    o and Jerry, what you said!

    “Great economy we have here as long as you rob from the poor and disabled.”

    So pearson. Why dont you have Barr redo Muller’s report too because Trump will be indicted and imprisoned probably for the rest of his life. That’s why he and Mitch are cheating now. And then there is Russian/Putin/Trump Ukraine evidence slowly emerging from their criminal///acts.

    So you think hate is behind this? We don’t hate you or Trump. But we are standing up to provocations of Russian war design on the US and western world democracies. Pretty red blooded stuff unless you are a troll! Don’t waste our time.

  24. mike from iowa

    Another attempted drive by bomb throwing run from Pearson.

  25. Debbo

    This is the bizarre letter Rancid Racist sent to Madam Speaker Pelosi. Of course he didn’t write most of it. There are too many big words, too much correct spelling and decent sentence structure. I’m guessing he dictated most of it with Bonehead Barr and Stephen Goebbels Miller tossing in their 2c.

    Read it and keep reminding yourself, this is the president of the USA. It sounds like an angry middle schooler. Just incredible.

  26. mike from iowa

    For those of you not following drumpf’s impeachment, iowa’s own junior and soon to be one term senator, Joni Ernst (aka former KGB agent Ivanna Kuturnutzov) admitted wingnut’s are trying to damage Joe biden’s prospects of getting elected, similar to how Benghazi hearings were used only to drive up HRC’s negatives before 2016 elections.

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