Governor Kristi Noem gets to host her first Christmas at the Capitol this year. Our Snow Queen Governor has made sure she’s gotten her holy family’s picture on the main Capitol Christmas page, but as of this morning, Team Noem hasn’t updated the entertainment or events calendars, once again sending the message that Christmas and the Capitol are about Kristi first.
One Mobridge reader is sufficiently disgusted with Kristi’s clampdown on the Capitol that she plans to skip the Governor’s pious Pierre festivities:
Dear Editor,
I imagine the mother Christmas tree in our illustrious state capitol building rotunda to look exceptionally partisan this year. Red neon bulbs with the faces of those politically and economically elite that once lived like the rest of us modest South Dakotans who humbly and gratefully work 2- 3 jobs to make ends meet. Concealed behind each bulb is a tiny pistol to protect them. And the gold, oh the beautiful shiny gold! Gold coins dangling from the tree in so many sizes; from small American coins to larger Yen, Rubles and Canadian coins. Instead of an angel at the top of the tree, is a HUUUUUGGE gold star with Kristi Noem’s face and above that is a banner that reads “In God We Trust, All Others Must Be Searched.”
Yes, in celebration of Jesus’ birthday this year, everyone entering the state capitol building will be subject to a warrantless search. Why?
Boycotting Pierre,
Valerie Matheny [letter to the editor, received by Dakota Free Press 2019.11.07]
Trees will be on display at the Capitol from November 27 through December 26 from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. The lighting ceremony will take place Tuesday, November 26 at 7 p.m. Central. Please allow at least five minutes for your warrantless search at the newly barricaded door to your Capitol.
Next. Because we don’t agree on your stupid acts as a governor or human being. Because we don’t swoon to your corporate gods, and that’s what it is Kristi. No one wants to waste their life trying to harm you. Ugh. if it’s “In God We trust”, you better get yourself a less oily, oinky Bible not sponsored to be printed by any corporate entities. Try that KJ (King James) version, not the DT one. I won’t go to the Capitol just because Jesus isn’t there. But I could get behind a boycott, sure.
Cory, I just want to correct your error, it’s Ice Queen not Snow Queen. :)
I am a supporter of Gov Tim Walz and his team has my address and I never see anywhere as many pics of he and his family as I see of the Noem’s floating around all the time. I think our Walz is just too busy helping Minnesotans and is not of the self-absorbed type.
When Jesus was hosting his Sermon on the Mount, I don’t recall, correct me if I’m wrong, reading the Biblical account at least, that the peasants and assorted riffraff had to queue up and submit to a search. Now maybe that account is wrong, and Jesus appointed a ‘ho, let’s call her Kristi, to wand everyone who attended. Maybe that’s why we now say, “Ho, ho, ho!” Maybe Noem is taking a hint from the Biblical account during a certain Passover, when Jesus made himself rather a pest at the Temple. Maybe this new security is meant to keep any Second Coming at bay.
We used to live in Pierre and my daughter loved going to see all the different trees in the Capitol Building. We would have to go several times. She liked to pose at each tree, saying, “Take a picture of me!” Unlike Noem, she didn’t bully the photographer who might have snapped an unflattering picture.
What a shame it is to suffer the innocent children through Noem’s delusion of grandeur security during Christmas.
But, let’s make lemonade out of Noem’s lemons. Let’s pretend Noem’s security queue is really a newly invented carnival ride we all get to take. Let’s call it “Noem’s Delusion of Grandeur.”
“Jesus made himself rather a pest at the Temple” Specifically, Jesus threw out the money lenders. Today those money lenders are called pawn brokers and bail bondsman who have undue influence in the temple of the people, the SD Capital building.
This means you, Dan “3.B.” Lederman and Big Phat.
Yea tho she is concerned with our children’s ability to read and write English (or is it “murican” ?).
At least she didn’t say “we.”
I admire Ms. Matheny’s public directness.
It seems DFP’s commenters are far from alone in not being NoMa’am’s fans. Do you think she and the SDGOP are clueless? Or are they just waiting for a chance to put the UC Cowboy in there so he can get revenge on Bill Napoli? That would be entertaining. 😁
I wish all the whiners and criers in the Libbie wings would put more effort into shutting down this heinous overgodding in our Capitol, instead of just whining on the blogs.
Mr. H, if you arrange a mob with hatchets to show up and remove this monstrosity, grudznick will wheel in there right with you and scream louder than most.
If any of the out-of-state name-callers were to nut up and show up there by this tree, well, by golly, me and Mr Howie would buy them all a slice of pizza and school them a bit,
The Noem family photo brings
to mind Christian, Clueless and
How many state employees in the foto?