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Noem Talks Business (?) at Minnesota Chamber Meeting; Walz Wonders Why

Governor Kristi Noem spoke to the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce’s quarterly “Women in Business” event Wednesday in Minneapolis:

Our Governor reportedly spoke about “leadership, work ethic, and her journey to civil service,” but I am curious what observations on business are to be had from a woman who has little record of creating any lasting business and whose family’s income prior to and during her political career has depended on government subsidies.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz gave the governor some business by wondering something similar:

Speaking of governors and business, Governor Noem and 26 other Republican governors signed a letter urging Congress to pass Donald Trump’s unnecessary and misdirected rewrite of NAFTA. Governor Walz did not bother to affix his name to that bit of frivolous brownnosing.


  1. Jenny

    Noem would be considered a wacky Michel Bachmann in MN (right Debbo!).
    Walz knows how to get thing done and that’s what makes him popular on both sides of the aisle. He is not stuck on a Christian Right wing agenda, and does not ignore the concerns of Native Americans. He chose Peggy Flanagan for his lieutenant governor , a member of the Ojibwa tribe and the second Native American to ever be Lieutenant governor in US history. She has become a powerful voice for missing NativeAmerican women. l’ve been impressed with her.

  2. Jenny

    I love Gov Walz’s response to Dana’s question! Our Tim Walz tells it the way it is with those crazy red states that pretend to do it all on their own!

  3. Jenny

    You ever notice Kristi is always about Kristi and the wonderful work ethic she has. She is very self-absorbed and definitely on the narcissistic spectrum. I don’t listen to her very often but when I do, she always brings that tired old embellished sob story about not being able to afford the farm taxes when her daddy died. Progressives listen to the people they are serving, ‘pubs make it about themselves and how special they are and how much they love God and their families.

  4. Debbo

    Jenny’s Michelle Bachmann comparison is fitting. I too, love Walz’ response. Bwahahahahaha!!! 😆😆😆😆😆😆

  5. I still don’t think anyone has given me an example of a business that Kristi started with her vaunted work ethic that is still operating. My blog has lasted longer than any enterprise Noem has run.

  6. Porter Lansing

    I love it when you throw open the blog with a challenge, like that. ツ Governor Noem’s business is her personality and personal history. She seems to have done well with that business.

  7. mike from iowa

    She has been successfully pigging out at the gubmint subsidy trough for years and shows no signs of slowing down.

  8. Debbo

    Here’s some business for Noem to talk about:

    “Back in 2007 the top 10% of households had 45 times as much wealth as the bottom 30%. If that seems hard to believe, as of the authors’ most recent data the top 10 percent’s wealth had shot up to 72 times what the bottom 30% of households had.”

    “Essentially what the dollar stores are betting on in a large way is that we are going to have a permanent underclass in America,” Cushman’s research vice president, Garrick Brown, told Bloomberg. “It’s based on the concept that the jobs went away, and the jobs are never coming back, and that things aren’t going to get better in any of these places.”

    Lee Schaefer is a prize winning business writer for the Strib. He regularly writes about the unevenness of the USA economy. (paywall)

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