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Rounds Condemns Trump’s Invitation of Foreign Interference in Election

Senator Mike Rounds speaks more sensibly today in repudiating Donald Trump’s impeachable invitation to foreign powers to interfere in the 2020 Presidential election for his benefit.

Allowing for foreign governments or their agents to interfere in an American election is not acceptable. Period. End of story.

…I agree with the FBI director that if a foreign agent steps in and tries to influence an election and tries to be involved in that that it should be reported to the FBI [Sen. Mike Rounds, transcribed from audio, in Jerry Oster, “Foreign Information Not Acceptable,” WNAX, 2019.06.14].

Donald Trump has openly declared his intent to ignore the guidance of the FBI director and actively thwart ongoing law enforcement operations intended to protect the United States from foreign influence operations. Senator Rounds has said unequivocally that Trump’s action is wrong. Now what is Senator Rounds going to do about it to protect America from the foreign threat in the White House?


  1. Dana P 2019-06-14 07:53

    Another “furrowed brow” comment that will mean nothing.

  2. Ariel 2019-06-14 09:16

    I continued to be amazed at Republicans who do not care that there was/is Russian influence in our elections–because their guy won. I do not worship at the shrine of St Obama, but I do think he put the whole of our country first. Trump and his cronies have always put themselves first.

  3. jerry 2019-06-14 09:19

    Rounds is being cynical. What is his position on the facts of the collusion with Russia done to get his boy appointed in the first place? Has he read the Mueller Report? When he comments on the actual readings of it, like Justin Amash, then I will believe that Mike Rounds is not a turd. Until then, he is what he is.

  4. o 2019-06-14 10:53

    . . . and if President Trump does it again – AGAIN?

    All this feels like the condemnation of hypothetical actions, so only hypothetical condemnation. Add this to the list of things forbidden – until after the fact – then accepted as the new norm.

  5. mike from iowa 2019-06-14 11:52

    Besides, Mitch McCTurtle ####face showed what he thinks of bi-partisanship when Obama wanted him to join in announcing Russia was interfering with 2016 election.

  6. leslie 2019-06-14 14:08

    Areil: “…because their guy won. I do not worship at the shrine of St Obama… Trump and his cronies, AND REPUBLICAN VOTERS have always put themselves first.

    Fixed. Pick a side.

  7. Loren 2019-06-14 14:55

    Cummon, Mikey, let’s see that piece of legislation you are working on to prevent this type of behavior. (Sound of cricket, wind in the trees, waves lapping at the shore, hand wringing, pacing, huffing/puffing,…) OK, let’s move on, folks! Typical.

  8. Debbo 2019-06-14 15:16

    Wilted Weenie announces his intention to break the law — again — and corrupt GOP makes it easier for him to collude — again.

    Lock ’em ALL up!

  9. Debbo 2019-06-14 17:09

    Good find Mike, and absolutely true. He’s not only a shameful American. He’s a shameful human being.

  10. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-06-14 19:17

    Mike, did the text in that video really come from Der Spiegel? I see no source in the video, which appears to come from some flimsy left-wing propaganda website with no identifying information. Can you find the original Der Spiegel article?

  11. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-06-14 19:20

    Plus, the text appears to come from 2017, not the current fracas, and the closest thing to an original source that I can find in five minutes of Googling has gone 404. The video thus does not appear to be a direct response to what Rounds is responding to.

  12. Ariel 2019-06-15 08:01

    I thought I was clear that I am not siding at all with the Republican party. Trump hasn’t always been an R, so I just threw cronies in. I see with clear vision that no side has a lock on cronyism. Look at how the Dem hierarchy is already crowning Biden as the next nominee. They haven’t learned a thing

  13. leslie 2019-06-15 20:17

    Areil. JMO: Do you like trump? Pick a side.

    Most of the Dem hate you seem so knowlegable about is likely manufactured by GOP/Russian propaganda. “They both do it” is uninformed cop-out what-aboutism. Not wanting to offend you, we can decide on a candidate, whoever that Dem, or in Bernie’s case, that Independant is, but then move ahead as a fully engaged, unified Democratic electorate. Everyone of us needs to do our civic share of the load now and for the next decade. Bernie didn’t help unity for HRC so we are here today and unless we impeach or Art 25 Trump; 1.) income inequality (this covers healthcare, education, unions, racism, sexual discrimination, immigration, wall street, war profiteering, you name it); and 2.) climate change, will destroy the America we love, and the world we cherish, if we lose.

    Bernie and Biden are still both in this and it may be our death. Me? Liz or Kamala are emminently and elegently qualified. HRC would have saved the country.

    Otherwise, if Republicans are re-elected, the voters haven’t learned a thing.

    If we take out Trump as mentioned, then we have to unseat the obstructionist Republican party, remake SCOTUS, protect voting rights, and that’s just for starters. Billionaires and the 1% aren’t going to help. We have an extraordinary amount of work to do to right this sinking ship.

    Read these.

    Seth Abramson

  14. leslie 2019-06-15 20:22

    Rounds is two and two i think. He has said two different stupid things, on protecting Trump’s sexual peversity, and something else just as stupid. I can’t remember. Both made national news and he made us a laughing stock.

    He also critcized Trump once before, and now this. His lack of character makes me forget the details. But maybe Republicans are cracking.

  15. leslie 2019-06-16 08:54

    Perhaps rounds can join Estonian’s using their method of protesting populism. He can wear pink slime pinned on his lapel proudly branding himself as a courageous soldier against his own president’s impeachable high crimes and misdemeanors (Trump takes foreign aid and support for his 2016 and 2020 runs for the highest office).

    South Dakotans could make international news with pink slime, again. Leadership requires great courage. Dusty has done it too! Headline: ROUNDS (and johnson ) SLIMED!

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