What do Dakota Free Press and Microsoft have in common?
We’re both on the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce website!
Microsoft is enjoying the spotlight as a new member:

Elsewhere, after letting its Venture Capitol newsletter linger without online updates for almost seven years, the Chamber has posted seven recent E-newsletters online, including this Tuesday’s update on pending ballot measures. That May 28 edition now includes a link to Dakota Free Press‘s detailed explanation of the impacts of House Bill 1094 on the petition process:

Chamber poobah David Owen checks in to explain the Chamber’s editorial update to its too-brief summary of HB 1094 and my effort to refer it:
Cory has a point about the issue brief for HB 1094 being a bit too brief.
The purpose of the article in our newsletter was to provide members with an awareness that the petition process has begun a new cycle and show the topics that are being prepared for the ballot next year.
It was not meant to provide an in-depth analysis of each issue. The Chamber did not support, nor did we oppose HB 1094 – so my my overview was too short and missed the mark.
We do post issues of our writings on the website, this had simply not been done yet. This issue of “Venture Capitol” has been posted on the Chamber’s website http://www.sdchamber.biz and is available under the tab marked newsletters. We have added a link to Cory’s story here for members that would like a more detailed explanation [David Owen, comment to DFP, 2019.05.39].
I’m not a gold-plated Chamber member like Microsoft, but I am happy to serve South Dakota’s business community with reliable information about legislation in South Dakota.
You’re the expert and a genuine public servant.