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Sign Petitions on Aberdeen Main Street During Lunch Today!

You know, if just one in every thousand South Dakotans went out and got 40 signatures on our People Power Initiative and Referendum petitions this month, we’d have more than enough signatures to put both measures on the 2020 ballot and have a chance to vote to repeal a lot of the paperwork and bureaucracy our Legislature is using to quash our voices at the polls.

Equipped to petition!
Equipped to petition!

We don’t have that many circulators yet, but I’m working on it. I’ll also be downtown today working on collecting another 40 signatures on our People Power Petitions! When you’re out and about getting lunch in Aberdeen today, catch me on Main Street and sign my petitions! I’ll be on the sidewalk around the 200 block South starting around 12:15 p.m., offering both petitions for registered voters to sign. It takes maybe a minute to sign both; I’ll even hold your sandwich while you sign!

Do your part for democracy: sign the petitions… and take a couple to circualte among your friends and family. 40 signatures here, 40 signatures there… pretty soon you’re talking real democracy!


  1. Debbo

    How did you do?

  2. Got a few more! It was already windy and a bit chilly, prepping for Saturday’s yucky blustery rain, so not the best weather for signatures. But the signatures are accumulating! Keep ’em coming!

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