The South Dakota Department of Agriculture has set this year’s cut-off date for applying the controversial and unneighborly herbicide dicamba: when soybeans reach the R1…
Month: April 2019
Guess who else is working for state government? Lieutenant Governor Larry Rhoden’s youngest sons are about 24 and 20. Reggie is getting $17.45 an hour…
Tell me if I’m missing something here in a key critter-catching part of Governor Kristi Noem’s plan to save the pheasant: Game Fish & Parks…
The Handmaid’s Tale advances in Georgia, as its legislature has passed a measure criminalizing most abortions after about six weeks, when doctors can detect something…
Governor Kristi Noem has told a bald-faced lie about Hungarian philanthropist George Soros backing protests against the pipelines she worships. The ACLU, which is helping…
John Tsitrian points out that Donald Trump’s irrational threat to close the Mexican border would compound troubles for South Dakota farmers already reeling under the…
The University of Texas Board of Regents will meet today and probably name Heather Wilson the next president of the University of Texas at El…
Bob Mercer’s continuing coverage of Governor Noem’s abuse of the style-and-form veto shows the upside-downing of political lines caused by Kristi’s unconstitutional cash grab in…
For once, Speaker Steven Haugaard and I agree: Governor Kristi Noem’s “style-and-form” veto of her own pheasant habitat bill was no style-and-form veto. Fortunately, I don’t…