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New Life Spelling on Main Street Less Than Capital…

It’s a sign… from the Lord… that proofreading is not a precondition for salvation!

Billboard for New Life downtown services, North Main Street, Aberdeen, SD, 2019.03.29.
Billboard for New Life downtown services, North Main Street, Aberdeen, SD, 2019.03.29.

I know, I know, capitol and capital are easy to mix up. I still have to stop and think when I write the name of the Pierre Capital Journal (Capital, as in reporting on the whole city, not Capitol, as in covering just affairs under that gracious riverside dome). And with neither capitol nor capital in our fair city, it’s hard to logic out which word names our beautiful art deco Capitol Theatre.

But Capitol—it’s right there in the billboard artwork! The designer could have just looked at the background graphic into which she was fading her green text box and said, “O! O!

O well. At least everything is capitalized.

Say, maybe the New Life Church is just emphasizing the separation of church and state.

Or maybe they’re just emphasizing what they hope to get in the collection plate.

Amazing Hub City Cinema Trivia: When it opened in 1926, the Capitol brought the number of downtown theaters in Aberdeen to seven! The others were called the Colonial (or State), Garrick (or State), Princess, Lyric, Orpheum, and Rialto.


  1. Debbo 2019-03-30

    I just looked on Google maps and it shows the Capitol on Main Street. One of the ones you list used to be on Lincoln and it was a great theater. Maybe the State? I’m talking 1970s, when I was at NSC.

    Didn’t every town of any size have a Rialto or Orpheum? 🙂

  2. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-03-31

    On Lincoln? Aberdeen has an interesting sprawl of downtown buildings beyond Main Street. I wish we could bring more of our commerce back from the parking-lot no-man’s land east of town.

  3. David Newquist 2019-03-31

    A highway sign on I-90 marking the exit to Pierre says it’s the “state capital.”

  4. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2019-03-31

    …which is correct, since “capital” is the city. “Capitol” is the building.

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