Senator John Thune put on a show for Sturgis Brown High School students on Wednesday. Thune’s show appears to consist mostly of satire and tall tales.
Senator Thune addresses the student body here in West Gym. #WelcomeToSturgisBrown
— @ScooperState (@scooperstate) March 20, 2019
Asked about the Green New Deal, Senator Thune said, “I think we are doing everything we can to get carbon out of the environment and reduce CO2 emissions.” Everything? John, did the energy giants spend some of their billion dollars in post-Paris climate accord lobbying to get you to say that? Or when you say we are doing everything we can, are you saying we are rejoining the Paris Agreement? Are we adopting a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade program? Are you coming out and rebutting Donald Trump’s denial of climate science?
Senator Thune said he wants to build a border wall because experts say it’s a good idea. Hmm… why does Thune invoke “experts” for the Trump policies he chooses to defend but ignores experts on issues like climate science? And what about the experts who point out that historically, walls haven’t solved the problems that Donald Trump says they will and that Trump’s folly will waste money and hurt the economy? Until Republicans get real about science, we should revoke their authority to use the “experts” card in policy debates.

Senator Thune propped up Donald Trump’s abuse of Executive authority, saying, “I believe there is an emergency” on the southern border. The evidence and testimony to the contrary is overwhelming, so assertions that to the contrary can only be viewed as irony of the sort with which we wake up on –20° snow days and say, “Ah, another beautiful morning.”
Senator Thune was asked if he’d run for President (does this question come up at every school appearance of a member of Congress?). He said, “I don’t think we’re that hard up yet.” I appreciate the Senator’s self-effacement… but given the state of affairs, even John Thune would be a better President than the current occupant of the White House. Running for President in 2020 might actually be good for John Thune’s soul: primarying Donald Trump would free him from having to spinelessly succumb to Trump’s impulses and illogic and allow him to publicly speak some truth to South Dakota’s kids, to his self-destructively delusional fellow Republicans, and to the rest of America.
The students got a lesson in Republican civics, which is to say balderdash mixed with Nazism. This is how far Senate leadership has descended, kids, from the time of real leadership.
John Thune is as incompetent as trump. He should stand up to trumps insanity. He almost did. Once. Then he bowed to the almighty GOP plan of enabling a criminal.
BP, Shell, Exxon ect say they accept climate change, but lobby hundreds of millions of dollars right now to assure no laws are passed anywhere that take on climate change.
School officials should have fact checked Marlboro Barbie while he was standing there.
Thune is a well paid liar. “On Thursday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issued a warning that flooding in the Midwest will be not just “historic” and “widespread,” but “unprecedented.” At least three deaths have been connected to the flooding that has completely inundated dozens of Midwestern towns and turned thousands of Americans into climate change refugees as they seek shelter away from flooded homes. And the worst is still ahead.”
Climate change refugees in the United States have now entered the same kind of shock as have the climate change refugees in Honduras, Guatemala, Syria and the list goes on. What we have here is called a National Security Emergency that is real.
Science says we are entering a cooling period not seen since the 19th Century according to the aa index.
American Stinker is a fraud, like you jason
The opposite of global warming is global cooling. What are the chances of that? Pretty good in fact. Only one graph is need to show the potential for that – the aa Index which is a measure of the Sun’s magnetic field strength. Records of that have been kept since 1868:
The second half of the 20th century had a solar magnetic field strength that was 50% higher than that of the last 60 years of the Little Ice Age. That ended in 2006. We are now back to the solar activity levels of the 19th century and that will bring the sort of climate our forbears had then.
Provide a reputable source, bud.
March 2019, The Caribou is now extinct in the lower 48 states.
“This year, in the dead of winter, America’s wild reindeer went extinct in the contiguous United States.
After years of dwindling, the last remaining herd of caribou known to roam between Canada and the Pacific Northwest states of Idaho and Washington was down to just one known member. In January, wildlife managers in British Columbia captured the female and put her in a pen, where they hope she will have a better shot at survival than alone in the snowy wilderness.” Washington Post March 22, 2019
Thune gets paid the millionaire bucks to lie. And lie, he’s damn good at. How else does a civil servant get to be a multi-millionaire?
My hometown of Cherokee had a record flood level this week when my beloved Little Sioux breached 28 feet 4 inches- eleven feet above flood stage. Ice damaged the east Main bridge and the south 2nd Street/ US Hiway 59 bridge and the US Hiway 3 bypass bridge north of town was under water for a few days.
“but given the state of affairs, even John Thune would be a better President than the current occupant of the White House.”
Yes #2, we ARE that hard up.
I was watching captioned video of Nebraska flooding and one farmer wrote under images of his inundated grain bins, in part, “I know it’s not climate change.” Can’t admit it, even as hundreds of thousands of dollars mold and rot. Sad, truly sad.
Mike, sorry to hear about the damage in Cherokee. The Cannon River that flows through Northfield, Minnesota, is out of its banks in many places. There is property damage, but so far people and critters are safe.
Ms. Debbo, white supremacists will never agree to climate change, even if their farms are under water…That boy thinks he knows his insurance is gonna cover it. Got news for him…ain’t gonna happen.
“We see a cooling trend,” says Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. “High above Earth’s surface near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, the upper atmosphere could soon set a Space Age record for cold.”
jason, read your links. Question, as noted about the edge of space, how does that explain the Earth’s warming? If it is cold, why are huge chunks of Greenland and Antarctica melting? Also, if it is so cold, why is the Arctic Ocean passable with shipping?
In short, how is cold warm? When can we put ice in the furnace to heat our homes? Should the refrigerator now be considered the furnace?
The Earth has had negligible warming. Didn’t you read the graph?
It’s funny that you mention Greenland.
During the last 100 years, Greenland oscillated between gaining and losing ice. Its greatest loss raised sea level by 0.07 inches in 2012, about half the total sea level rise of 0.12 inches a year. That accelerated loss was trumpeted as just what climate models predict. However, Greenland’s melt rates then declined and by 2017 it was gaining enough ice to slightly reduce sea level rise.
Furthermore, the cause of rapidly melting ice since the 1990s was fewer clouds. Fewer summer clouds allow more solar heating and cycles of atmospheric circulation naturally alter cloud cover. In addition, researchers reported Greenland’s ice-free regions experienced various warming and cooling trends over the past 15 years, but concluded if there was any general trend, “it is mostly a cooling”. They also admitted they “cannot differentiate between anthropogenic forcing [in other words: warming from human added CO2] and natural fluctuations.”
A similar warming and melting episode occurred decades earlier. Climate scientists determined Greenland had warmed most rapidly between 1920 and 1940. As reported by the IPCC, “temperature has risen significantly since the early 1990s, reaching values similar to those in the 1930s.”Regards accelerated rates of sea level rise from melting ice, the IPCC reported “It is likely that similarly high rates occurred between 1920 and 1950.” Intriguingly, much lower CO2concentrations still resulted in similar warming, melting and rates of sea level rise.
Jim Steele is retired director of the Sierra Nevada Field Campus, SFSU
I will dumb it down for you.
Do you think the little ice age is fake history?
Did you know this?
“The effectiveness of CO2 as a greenhouse gas becomes ever more marginal with greater concentration. According to well understood physical parameters, the effectiveness of CO2 as a greenhouse gas diminishes logarithmically with increasing concentration,” in the atmosphere.
Meaning, you reach a point where the more CO2 you put up there, the less impact that it has, or greenhouse effect that it has.
“This inconvenient fact is well understood in the climate science community. It can be accurately modeled using the Modtran program maintained and supported at the University of Chicago.”
Jason is pasting stuff from Rust Limpaw and Whats up with that.
In order to maintain a constant temperature, the rate of heat loss from the earth must equal the rate of heat absorption by the earth. The greater the temperature, the greater the heat loss (it goes as the fourth power of the temperature). Extra layers of CO2 essentially allow for greater absorption.
The planet Venus has a rich, thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Even though it is closer to the Sun than we are, its temperatures at the surface are a lot hotter than they would be without the greenhouse effect.
And man-made contributions (burning of fossil fuels) can be established by looking at the isotopic content of the carbon that has been emitted. Fossil fuels that have been underground for a long time have a much lower Carbon-14 content (i.e. it has decayed), whereas biofuel…and hemp…have a higher concentration of Carbon-14 since they were made from recent organisms.
I posted a fact Mike.
Why are you afraid of facts?
Jimmy boy is a quack.
Is this truly the best ya can do?
Did you see what New York is doing to natural gas?
They want to burn oil instead.
So doc, you agree then, the earth is cooling and not melting the ice caps.
You haven’t proven any of may facts incorrect.
Do you like wasting electricity?
jason, do you ever read what you post? That one on Con Ed has to do with renewable energy. Great link though, thanks. Now ya got doc agreeing with you. What a team.
The problem is the natural gas network. There is no such thing as real natural gas storage…it gets produced and it gets used at the moment. If you try to use more than is being produced, then there are problems. It looks like that is what is going on. If they want to use more natural gas, they will have to pay for the infrastructure, and nobody wants to do that.
So when you hear arguments about storing fuel on-site with coal or nuclear regarding reliability, they are really talking about pipeline issues that can occur with natural gas, as well as the intermittency of renewables.
The Northeast in particular uses a lot of heating oil to heat homes instead of electricity or natural gas because historically the investment wasn’t made and/or the gas was not available. That oil usually is trucked in and stored at the home. Geothermal may be a better option at the end of the day for home heating, but there is a cost issue.
I did read it Jerry.
The people denied natural gas will be left still using oil.
Please copy and paste the part where the people denied natural gas will not be using oil.
The surface of the earth is warmer and therefore is radiating more energy into space than before.
Warmer than when Robert?
Ruh oh doc, you stepped in it brother.
There are a couple of questions you didn’t answer.
Are you ever going to or are you waving the white flag?
Jason, I have to thank you for my lol moment tonight. I saw your post claiming “science says we are entering a cooling cycle . . .” and then a link to American Thinker.
American Thinker is science?
The CO2 saturation analysis explains why NOW is so critical to act. Levels get to the tipping point of catastrophe and people who do not understand believe they can keep on pumping because they are not making it “much worse,” BUT that makes cleaning up logarithmically more difficult to go back. The diminishing returns work against the clean up.
You haven’t proven anything I have posted in this thread false.
Wake me up when you do.
Just for fun o,
please prove that Martin Mlynczak of NASA is lying.
Please give detailed scientific evidence he is lying.
1) I did not call Mlynczak a liar.
2) The reference You made about logarithmically diminishing effect that I did reference is not from Mlynczak
3) Just for fun, Mlynczak was not speaking of global warming: “Mlynczak’s comments here are clearly not referring to climate change. They’re talking about Earth’s atmosphere, specifically a region called the thermosphere”
4) If you check the original story at Space Weather [the source of the quotes], there is no mention of a mini ice age, nor is there any mention of consequences for weather and climate at Earth’s surface.
5) That claim that you say Mlynczak echos has been generally refuted by . . . SCIENCE
Still waiting 0.
I don’t think science or history is a laughing matter like you.
I think you owe Martin an apology.
Look, if Jason is retarded, we all have to give him the respect that most-every sincere human being deserves. If he is not, then there should be free-license to make fun of him.
I just want to know the rules – here – that’s all – because mentally handicapped people truly deserve sincere respect, but if Jason is not afflicted with such a problem, then he does not deserve special treatment.
That’s all.
1) I did not say Martin Mlynczak is lying. Lying is when a person deliberately says something they know to be false — like you just did then accusing me of saying Martin Mlynczak is lying.
2). My answer was to the “logarithmically” connected relationship between saturation and warming effects effects. My point was not to deny the concept, but show that in the context of that relationship, it lulls people into a false sense on delay AND makes the eventual clean up far, far more difficult in that more has to be done to alleviate the problem even slightly. You ignore that.
3) The “logarithmically” connected relationship does not come from Mlyncak; it instead was advocated by Ed Hoskins in a WUWT article:
4) In short, a logarithmic relationship does not rule out a 2°C rise in global mean surface temperatures,
Bonus: this also questions the whole WUWT source. Seriously, can we all take a step back and discuss Jason’s “science says” source selections? They certainly do not hold up in discussion in the REAL science community. In fact, most of those scientific discussions look like DFP discussions with Jason – a silly idea beaten down by facts and analysis.
5) As to Mlynczak’s actual article, If you check the original story at Space Weather [the source of the quotes], there is no mention of a mini ice age, nor is there any mention of consequences for weather and climate at Earth’s surface.
6) The claim of the mini-ice age or cooling from in this context is rejected b the scientific community.
Jason, you owe Martin Mlynczak of NASA an apology for misrepresenting his position. You owe conservatives an apology for perpetuating the party of stupid moniker. You owe Google an apology for making it like every search only has one simple-yet-wrong result for every question. You owe science an apology for the misrepresentation of what accepted fact is.
‘I never said there was going to be a mini ice age.
You haven’t invalidated anything I have posted.
Borenstein Tries The Daily Records Con
Jason, should I just start calling you the Black Knight? “No it’s not.”
Adam, I don’t think Jason is mentally disabled, but his IQ may be on the low side.
He just likes to argue using bogus sites or twisting real facts to suit his narrative. And as you’ve just seen after O shredded Jason’s claims, he never admits he’s wrong, regardless of how thoroughly wrong he is.
IMO Jason adds nothing to DFP discussions. He’s just a silly game player.
Let’s talk bout IQ. 0 shredded a claim I never made.
Is your IQ so low you didn’t know this?
Jason returns with cheap insults to lure you all away from discussing the original topic. Clever Jason.
I’m not the one that made the first insults. I usually ignore Deb, but when she lies, I I have to correct them.
You brought up climate change in your original topic.
Debbo, like everyone else here, offered an opinion, she didn’t lie about anything.
Jason did confirm what I said about his behavior. 😊
My comment about your IQ was my impression based on your comments. I never claimed it was factual, as you know. So stop making it look that way.
Climate change is real, see for yourself
“The opposite of global warming is global cooling. What are the chances of that? Pretty good in fact.” – says jason.
Look, jason is a very real reflection, a text book example – if you will, of the widespread mental health crisis in rural America. We’ve watched it grow like cancer, afflicting our communities, churches, friends and family for decades now, far more out in country land and in our elderly than anywhere or in anyone else.
SD Liberals need to get real about about what they’ve been witnessing – the real cancer in America: widespread mental illness in our rural population – largely in (but not limited to) the form of narcissism.
You’re closer than you think’s true what we are seeing, that you bring out very well. Here is an example of the recent governor’s race. When a candidate’s own family contributes to his opposition with big dollars and then pays trump big dollars to support his opposition, we are seeing the complete breakdown of families. The total disregard for the grandchild’s future feelings, amazing. How can we talk to one another about the greatest threat to the future when there is so much disconnect.
Jerry, yeah, that disconnect is enormous because I t’s incredibly hard to talk to the greatest threat to America – about the greatest threat to America.
The most constructive hopes rest upon more and more suburbanites recognizing what country folks have become.
As usual, people turn to insults when they can’t refute the scientific facts.
Why did I expect people on here to discuss the aa index?
That was a rhetorical question.
Here is an irrefutable fact. For Jason, that means nothing, as his head is so far up his arse, ozone would be welcome.
“CASPER, Wyo. | Joel Bousman wasn’t sure if ozone would be a problem Friday, despite a warning from the state. The snow covered the sage brush and the wind was less than 10 miles per hour — both bad signs. On the other hand, it had been overcast most of the day at the Sublette County commissioner’s ranch near Boulder — a small community about 12 miles southeast of Pinedale, within view of the Wind River Mountains.
You need the right mix of factors to create ground-level ozone: sunlight, snow cover, little to no wind and, of course, emissions from the oil and gas industry — which arrived in force more than a decade ago in the Jonah and Pinedale gas field.
And this year the factors have been right more often than usual.” Casper Star Tribune March 23, 2019
Indeed, our air doesn’t have to be polluted with smog that you see, we are killing ourselves with oil and gas by products…ozone that you cannot see. The liar/troll Thune and the troll Jason are like peas and carrots.
Date: 21/03/19 Christina Lamb, The Sunday Times
Exploited by Chinese firms, workers as young as nine risk their lives to feed the world’s growing hunger for cobalt.
Solange Kanena sits on her broken orange sofa, heavily pregnant, resting. Looking around her three-room shack, she wonders how she will feed her eight children. Her husband died in a mining accident 10 days ago.
She has never held an iPhone and has no idea what an electric car is. But when the deep, muddy tunnel collapsed on her husband, he was digging for a commodity that is critical to the batteries of both: cobalt.
Last year about 70% of the world’s supply came from the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the poorest, most violent and corrupt places on Earth. Much of its cobalt comes from around this town.
“Without DR Congo there is no electric car industry and no green revolution,” said Anneke Van Woudenberg, head of Rights and Accountability in Development (Raid), a UK-based campaign group.
It is estimated that 125m electric vehicles will be on the road by 2030, about 40 times more than at present. Britain is among a number of countries planning to phase out petrol and diesel in the next 20 years.
However, while electric car owners might feel happy about cutting carbon emissions, the dark side of the green revolution is all too visible in Kolwezi’s modern-day gold rush.
Jason, you’re a dolt. A complete dolt of a troll that is so easy to show. Thanks for that.
The link you show and the article are funded and written by big oil. I wonder why they would do such a thing?? I laugh at you…out loud
“Is ours a ‘government of the people by the people for the people,’ or a Kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?” Thune knows it’s a Kakistocracy because that is how he became a multi-millionaire while being a senator.
The article I linked to was written by Christina Lamb of the Sunday Times.
I hope the rest of the SD Democrat Party doesn’t laugh at articles about people dying.
Wow, 60 members…what a joke…like Jason
“New figures suggest there may have been a slump in the membership of the UK’s main club for climate change sceptics, as it today hosts a press conference for an architect of President Donald Trump’s assault on environmental regulations.
The official accounts for the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), which were quietly released last week by Companies House, reveal that its membership fees in the year ending 30 September 2016 generated just £5,409. This was the lowest annual total in the foundation’s seven-year history.
The organisation has always asked each member to pay at least £100 per year. If every member is complying with this request, the latest sums suggest that it now has fewer than 60 members.”
The membership is the population of either Quinn, South Dakota or Interior, South Dakota…on a good day… Try again troll.
Feel free to start your free trial Jerry.
You really need to start reading the articles and who wrote them instead of the website.
I didn’t include the original link since I don’t think most people want to sign up to read an article.
Thanks once again for proving me right.
No thanks, right wing crap from the UK is destroying it through the Russian inspired Brexit. Go ahead and read that drivel…and troll on. Gotta go…
Maybe you don’t care about people dying but I do Jerry.
Is your phone tainted by the misery of the 35,000 children in Congo’s mines?
My field research shows that children as young as six are among those risking their lives amid toxic dust to mine cobalt for the world’s big electronics firms
Regarding #2’s wall experts: “Tight labor markets in the U.S. have been exacerbated by policies to reduce legal and illegal immigration, including President Donald Trump’s focus on the border wall.” Dallas Morning News
Regarding #2’s economic experts: “Consumer Technology Association… is a trade group whose 2,500 members include Minnesota-based 3M and Best Buy. Its study found U.S. companies paid tariffs totaling $1.5 billion on Chinese imports in December 2018. A year earlier, they spent just $168 million.” Strib
#2 really needs to get new experts.
It is a hard truth that the higher concentrations of most of the critical elements for energy are not in the United States. That does not mean these elements do not exist in the U.S. Just that they exist at smaller concentrations and are difficult to reprocess them into suitable larger concentrations. Today we restrict the practices of mining said elements…and we have not invested much at all into recycling them.
Usually when you talk about separation methods for mining or recycling you are using a lot of acids and bases in the processing (which are also used in making solar cells), which are difficult to deal with from an environmental standpoint. But I am not sure that one can promote sustainability, energy security, and more renewable technologies while simultaneously not supporting what is necessary to provide our own critical elements, manufacture our own renewable technologies, and then recycle them (which includes doing things the right way in terms of environmental safety).
This is not just about wind, solar, and energy storage. Uranium is also on the list of critical elements. Most of our uranium is coming from elsewhere and the mining is not subject to the same standards that we apply. I thought that the Powertech/Azarga folks were also going after vanadium…but I’m not sure what the current plans are. Vanadium would help with stronger steel for wind turbine towers and energy storage with flow batteries. But we’d rather burn coal and skip the vanadium.
This doesn’t mean that one day there couldn’t be an alternative technology that replaces cobalt or lithium with something that is more available. It just is that those elements work the best at the moment. An alternative to uranium already exists in thorium for nuclear power, but we have not invested in making that cycle commercially feasible (i.e. build the advanced reactors).
No one here favors the exploitation of children, or adults for that matter, for any purpose. That is one of the points of Cory’s topic – Thune misleading innocent children with BS political propaganda is a shallow attempt to exploit these kids.
One means of addressing the problem described in Jason’s child labor links would be to stop the President’s game playing of taking military funding for the political stunt of building a useless wall that only hurts needy refugees, but does virtually nothing to stop either violent crime or major drug smuggling by boat, airplane, car and truck. These funds could be used by our military to put pressure on those who permit or encourage the exploitation of kids in mining or other endeavors.
We could adopt policies that discourage corrupt government support of such exploitation, such as imposing economic sanctions that eliminate any profit or benefit to governments that encourage or permit harmful child labor practices. If the exploitation violates relevant foreign laws, we could offer our support to those governments that need our assistance in enforcing those laws by assisting in the apprehension and prosecution of individuals and companies that violate such laws.
The problem with Jason’s presentation, however, is that it implies our attempts to protect our climate by using the materials mined is the cause of the exploitation. That is just another a disingenuous tactic often used in gaslighting efforts. Unfortunately, even if we stopped using the mined materials, and stopped efforts to protect the environment from global warming, without laws and criminal prosecution of such an objectionable practice, those who exploit child labor are unlikely to stop that practice whatever fields remain available.
More on the wall stupidity.
Remember the worry over “anchor babies” from those POC? Yeah, here’s this from the Strib:
“The Russian contingent is clearly large. Anton Yachmenev of the Miami Care company that arranges such trips, told the AP that about 150 Russian families a year use his service, and that there are about 30 such companies just in the area.”
Now what is Frantic Flaccid Fool going to do? It’s his beloved Russians. Maybe he’ll just unilaterally declare them all citizens.
#2’s experts fail again.
People in the Democratic Republic of Congo are not dying because of electric cars; they are dying because of the ruthless exploitation of big business: the environmental and human toll of unchecked human greed.
But again Jason deflects the true enemy; he deploys the distraction of the 0.1%. Death only matters to the Right when is cuts into profits enough or can be used as a distraction for an authoritarian power grab.
From “It’s the Economy Stupid” desk: The US posted the largest EVER monthly deficit. So much for that promise to balance the budget. It turns out tax cuts actually REDUCE revenues (and do NOT increase revenues through growth), and spending more money COSTS more money. Doing both those increases deficits.
as usual, 0 neglects to post the relevant parts.
The officials said the administration has been clear the tax cuts would pay for themselves over time, not immediately.
Individual income tax receipts dropped slightly from this point last year, but have risen compared to some years before the tax law. Despite the law cutting tax rates for most people, rising wages and lower unemployment have spurred higher tax revenue.
The budget deficit as a share of gross domestic product is expected to widen to 5.1 percent this year, up from 3.8 percent a year ago, according to projections from the White House Office of Management and Budget. The shortfall is expected to be 4.9 percent of GDP in 2020, and further narrow every year through 2024, according to the estimates.
So is the Democrat controlled House going to step up to the plate and reduce spending?
Humans can’t control climate change.
No, it is that humans won’t reduce their impact on climate change, and we have a difficult time at long term planning past our own lifetimes, let alone over the next year.
Today we don’t have an issue of providing said energy when we demand it. We burn coal and natural gas to make up the difference.
One alternative is going without energy when renewables are not enough or not available, which would be a consequence of green new deal in its present form given current technologies.
I just think it is better to produce more clean energy while balancing supply and demand. Renewables alone cannot balance supply and demand by themselves at the moment. And we need to do that regardless of whether energy storage or carbon capture work or not.
I haven’t seen evidence that humans have an impact on climate. I have seen evidence they have an impact on their environment.
The good news is that if you can show that an electric F-150 outperforms the current gasoline or diesel version and saves you money, people will buy that instead. The outcome of reduced emissions is desired, but we may have to get there by improving people’s bottom line first.
See above regarding comments about isotopic content of the carbon we are emitting. Carbon levels are increasing because of our fossil fuel consumption (gasoline, natural gas, propane, diesel, etc.).
Or here is a link.
“We can’t get away with saying that humans are not responsible for the carbon that’s been added to the atmosphere. The isotopes don’t lie and they show it.”
Or buy or borrow your own equipment and take your own set of measurements, and submit them to a peer-reviewed journal.
We have had higher concentration of C02 in the past than we have now.
It has not been proven C02 is the main driver of climate change.
The isotopic data is crystal clear. Man is responsible for the increasing CO2 levels.
Now onto whether CO2 is a driver of climate change.
Check out the following regarding the Great Permian Extinction that occurred 250 million years ago, when volcanoes released vast quantities of carbon dioxide and methane. That was climate change without humans, but with CO2 and methane (which we are releasing today).
Once again, isotopic data is used in the analysis.
“Smart people ain’t as smart as they think they are. So, you should never listen to them.” – Rural Doctrine
No, I believe I posted the two most relevant elements of running a higher deficit – increased spending and reducing revenues. Your distractions are a continuation of the Voo Doo Economics that mean tax cuts increase revenues – a thesis that has been proven false time after time. Let’s not bring the Kansas catastrophe to the entire US>
The amount of C02 man is responsible for is not enough to cause climate change assuming C02 can cause climate change.
I am not going to assume C02 causes climate change and will waif for irrefutable evidence.
Your article used the words “could have”
At the same time, explosive interactions of the magma with older coal deposits could have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and methane, two greenhouse gases, which would explain the intense global warming recorded in the oceans and on land at the time of the mass extinctions.
They are assuming carbon causes global warming when we know water vapor has more to with warming than C02.
Jason must believe that in man’s abscence, the birds, bees, flowers and trees would have developed and burnt fossil fuels to get the CO2 level where it is today.
Here is a larger problem-
Oil executives on tape laughing and joking about unprecented access to Drumpf energy officials during party.
You can certainly have global warming with both water vapor and CO2. As CO2 raises the temperature, you can generate more water vapor.
Here is a physics study demonstrating the absorption by carbon dioxide with infrared cameras. This is science…you can replicate the experiment with an infrared camera and prove or disprove your hypothesis.
The CO2 molecule can vibrate and/or rotate when energy is delivered at those infrared frequencies. Push your friend on the swing at the right frequency, and he/she goes higher with each push. Push your friend at too high or too low a rate, then the energy does not get transferred into getting them higher with each push (the resonant frequency has something to do with the length of the swing). Same thing occurs with molecule absorption…visible frequencies do not cause CO2 to vibrate/rotate, but infrared does.
Several gases in fact have a spectrum for absorbing infrared energy (otherwise known as heat). The combination for all of those gases generate an efficiency at each energy for transmission or absorption of a given wavelength of light. If the atmosphere is pretty much transparent to visible light, and ozone helps to reduce the transmission of UV.
Our atmosphere is not inside a tube.
I could be wrong but as far as I know the experiments that people are relying on to say that humans are causing global warming involved glass boxes that retained heat by preventing the mixing of air inside the box with air outside the box.
That is why the models have been wrong.
Mark this down everyone! 03/24/2019 at 19:31 hours, Jason the Troll said, [🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁]
“I could be wrong.”
Be still my heart!
Holly cow! Disregard the scientific consensus on warming; Jason has cracked the field wide open. The boxes scientists have been using for experiments don’t allow for the mixing of air. I bet plenty of scientists are going to feel pretty foolish tomorrow when they realize their YUGE error.
Guys like Doctor McTaggart are really suffering. They have found that for all the time and money spent on their education, Jason just delivered them a death blow. Look out professor, here is your replacement. Rock, paper, scissors on problem solving now.
You are just trying to measure the transmission of different frequencies of light and heat through one gas at a time…the carbon dioxide in the box is the same carbon dioxide that exists in the atmosphere.
You can go ahead and mix up the gases if you want to, but you should understand the effects of each gas by itself first. Try a big box, try a little box.
But if you don’t believe them, then you can always do an experiment that others can repeat. If others can replicate your results, then you win the day. That is how it works. You can launch a balloon and measure things back and forth, but the experiments in the box are easier to do. Current data regarding the transmission through each gas are available.
Jason, the Homer Simpson of knowledge has arrived..
Woe and agony for me I guess…
Where, oh where, are you tonight?
Why did you leave me here all alone?
I searched the world over and thought I’d found true love,
You met another and pffft you was gone!
The models have never been correct.
I take it you didn’t read the study at 13:55.
Here’s some more light reading.
I think we are all aware of Dr. McTaggart’s credentials, and clearly, Jason has zero academic credentials.
And he’s a piss poor devil’s advocate too.
Define correct, and define which models.
Typically models and experiment need to agree within a couple of standard deviations for decent statistical agreement. An agreement on the order of one standard deviation means that if you run the experiment 1000 times, then about two-thirds of the time the prediction plus/minus one standard deviation overlaps the result that was found.
The nature of statistics means that an honest accounting in your data analysis implies that you will be outside this range 1/3 of the time just because of natural fluctuations. If you give an exam, 1 out of 20 should have a grade 2 standard deviations above the mean, or 2 standard deviations below the mean. So a result too far away from the mean is possible, but not likely.
So I don’t find a lack of an exact agreement a very compelling to throw out a model, because I don’t expect a perfect on-the-nose agreement because of statistics.
In regard to that link at 13:55, I heard its debunking at Colorado State:
Any model that has predicted global warming catastrophe that didn’t happen.
The hypothesis has never been proven.
Do you have this book?
Electric Currents in Outer Space Run the Show
A new book explores our understanding of electric currents, which are fundamental to the structure and dynamics of space plasmas.
You linked to a newspaper opinion letter.
This is what he said which contradicts what your opinion letter author wrote.
The validity of the GH theory does not depend on the SB law. It uses that law to model radiative transfer, but that’s not the core of the theory. The core is the assumed “tapping” of radiant heat in the free atmosphere, which is physically wrong..
I took plasma physics in college with the Introduction to Plasma Physics by Chen (available on Amazon)…it is an older book, but still the gold standard for that kind of first plasma course.
And yes, they study plasmas by making them in the lab in a machine and studying their behavior (density, temperature, fluid mechanics, etc.).
Our atmosphere, on Earth, is just about as thick as the skin of an apple is to the apple. When you look up, as a tiny little being standing on the surface, it seems to just go up and up, forever, but it just simply doesn’t.
I think the analogy helps Global Warning Conspirists better understand the real limitations in size and fragility of the tiny space we live in.
I literally know nothing about plasma – except that it’s one of the coolest words to say out loud in the whole English dictionary – especially when you say like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers. ;)
A plasma is a quasi-neutral assortment of charged particles that are free to respond to electromagnetic fields. Most of the matter in the universe is really a plasma. Plasma physics is the study of fluid mechanics with charged fluids…more or less.
If you accelerate charges, you end up emitting radiation…in this case the radiation is often in radio. Those frequencies change with the condition of the plasma, so that is what people use to study and characterize the plasma.
You can have hot plasmas, cold plasmas, dusty plasmas, etc. Sort of like Forrest Gump with the various dishes that are possible with shrimp. Space plasmas, plasmas for fusion, and plasmas for industry are of interest today.
Watching Jason’s behavior in this thread has been fascinating.
1) First, make bold claim and support claim by linking to a blog.
2) Demand others prove a negative (which isn’t possible) by saying disprove what he says
3) Others provide contrary evidence
4) Put fingers in ears and say they haven’t disproven anything, still demanding people prove a negative
5) Change parameters of initial debate by moving away from climate change to negative effects of mining in the Congo
6) Return to initial parameters of the debate, ignoring all evidence already provided to him
Why do you all continue to argue with someone who is clearly debating in bad faith?
I had a lapse to a principle from the ages:
Proverbs 26:4-12
4 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him. 5 Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes. 6 Sending a message by the hands of a fool is like cutting off one’s feet or drinking poison. 7 Like the useless legs of one who is lame is a proverb in the mouth of a fool. 8 Like tying a stone in a sling is the giving of honor to a fool. 9 Like a thornbush in a drunkard’s hand is a proverb in the mouth of a fool. 10 Like an archer who wounds at random is one who hires a fool or any passer-by. 11 As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.
And David, that is why, despite my being an athiest, the Bible is one of my favorite reference books. Thanks for the quote!
Dicta’s right: Jason effectively co-opts blog posts and commenter energy to talk about the distractions he wants us to waste our time in instead of the facts, like John Thune’s baloney-fest with Sturgis youth.
Thunely baloney regarding farms and ranches relates to the latest from Walt Hickey on Numlock News:
“While the U.S. trade war with China continues on, there are several reasons that it may come to an end, and all it took was three-tenths of all the pigs in China dying to accelerate that. The USDA estimates that due to an outbreak of African Swine Fever roiling the Chinese hog farming system, inventory in China will drop to 374 million pigs, and commodities economists estimate that hog feeding is down more than 30 percent, indicating a die-off of staggering proportions. To replace that shortfall would require all the combined pigs in Canada, U.S., Mexico and Brazil. There were 74.6 million head of hogs in the U.S. in December, and China may want some of those, so this could end trade impasses.”
Jennifer Shike, FarmJournal’s Pork
Senior wingnut senator of Utah, Mike Lee, said the way to combat climate change is to have more children.
Doc Mac, is this scientifically possible?
Thune Serves Baloney to Sturgis Brown HS Students
Senator John Thune, our Do-Nothing Senator for South Dakota. He is usually found standing guard with a stern look on his face behind Senator Mitch McConnell. Yep, that appears to be Thune’s main job!