It’s a good thing the state Treasury isn’t involved with Kristi Noem’s push for civics education. Treasurer Josh Haeder’s newly promoted finance officer Nick Stensaas still has a photo up on Facebook from four years ago stating that the traitor Confederate flag he proudly displayed on his pick-em-up truck has nothing to do with racism:

Stensaas posted this photo and the accompanying declaration of his pride in the racist traitor flag on June 28, 2015, eleven days after the church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina, in which a white supremacist and Stars-and-Bars devotee murdered nine black churchgoers in hopes of starting a race war. This heinous crime cannot be separated from racist ideology any more than the traitor flag of slavery can.
But hot on the heels of that racist 2015 crime, Stensaas flatly denied the inherent racism of his second-favorite flag:
The Rebel Flag means more, and less than most people think it does. Some people chose to associate racism with this flag. It has nothing to do with racism. Just because someone fly’s the flag, it doesn’t make them racist. The Civil War may have been fought to keep their slaves(which BTW is wrong no matter how you look at it), but it was to keep their way of life. Even though slavery was a part of it, it was just their way of life. When America tried to abolish slavery, they REBELED(remember the definition) against their county and tried to do just what America did to Great Britain. It was nothing but a fight to create their own country. Even though they lost, they should still have the right to fly their flag in memory of the lives lost and battles fought against the North. Plus, If you pay attention to those former confederacy states, not a single one of them fly’s their Confederate Flag above the American Flag. This obviously means that they still support their country, and will abide by their laws, but also will still support and remember the effort of so many to make their own country.
I fly this flag in the belief that I have the right to REBEL(again, refer to the definition) against my government in a time of need [Nick Stensaas, public Facebook post, 2015.06.28].
It’s hard to say what effect working for state government will have on Stensaas’s denial of the historical and moral fact that Confederates fought for their belief “the proper status of the negro in our civilization” was slavery. We can hope Treasurer Haeder will at least remind his finance officer that state government has no room for racism. But surely Stensass’s nice twice-monthly paychecks from the state have tempered his eagerness for rebellion.
After the Indian wars and Indians were settled on reservations over a period of time tribes were allowed to establish their own police forces.
On the Pine Ridge Reservation Indian Agent, Valentine McGuillicuddy, rationed uniforms to Chief Red Cloud’s police force.
Upon examination of the uniforms the Indian policemen discovered they were old Confederate uniforms and refused to wear them. Red Cloud ordered the uniforms burned.
If Indian policemen knew it was wrong to wear Confederate uniforms in the late 1800’s, you’d think that in 2018 American citizens would know it was wrong to fly the traitorous Confederate flag.
If you pay attention to those former confederacy states, not a single one of them fly’s their Confederate Flag above the American Flag. This obviously means that they still support their country, and will abide by their laws, but also will still support and remember the effort of so many to make their own country.
Let’s try it this way, sport. Remember the last legally elected Potus? You know the Black guy with the funny name? Remember all those racist white wingnuts in congress and the senate doing everything in their power to undercut Obama’s authority in foreign and domestic policy? Did they support their country and the constitution according to the oath of office? Did they abide by the laws they swore to uphold? No they did not and just like the confederate battle flag, they should have been swept out of history as traitors to America.
ps they swore allegiance to the flag of the United States of America- not the stars and bars.
I am trying to wrap my head around the logic expressed in these sentences
“The Civil War may have been fought to keep their slaves(which BTW is wrong no matter how you look at it), but it was to keep their way of life. Even though slavery was a part of it, it was just their way of life.”
If one changes slavery to something else, does it make more sense? For example,
The Civil War may have been fought to keep waterboarding their 4 year old children (which BTW is wrong no matter how you look at it), but it was to keep their way of life. Even though waterboarding 4 year olds was a part of it, it was just their way of life.
That still doesn’t work. Perhaps,
The Civil War may have been fought to keep ritually stoning some of their virgins(which BTW is wrong no matter how you look at it), but it was to keep their way of life. Even though ritual stoning of virgins was a part of it, it was just their way of life.
Judas Freakin’ Iscariot, what alleged adult would type those lines and think the logic held up?
Please tell me this guy doesn’t do anything that requires logic or communication. Please tell me he just sits and stares at a computer screen all day.
I saw this clown-ass in the movie BlacKkKlansman. He’s a shallow ditch, for sure. He was the one that set himself on fire instead of the cross.
I expect this young fellow hangs around the lobbys and chats it up with the legislatures on behalf of the Secretary of the Treasury, engaging in all the free lunches and breakfasts those fellows are fed.
He makes a mistake in saying that the civil war or the “war of the states” was fought over slavery. The secession of many, but not all, southern states was mainly due to slavery, but the war itself was fought to preserve the union, and a power trip by the Republican party at that time.
Lincoln was actually in favor of the Corwin Amendment that would have allowed the states to keep their slaves if they agreed to stay within the union and not go through with secession.
As slavery was already on it’s way out (not fast enough, but it was), one other route that the nation could’ve taken, was to have northern states nullify the fugitive slave act, like the state of Wisconsin did.
With that being said, who were the bad guys in that period of time? Some of the southern states who wanted to leave the union due to disagreements with the north (slavery and taxes)? Or, some in the north who were fine with keeping slavery around, as long as it prevented certain states from leaving the union? Or, both?
If you haven’t read Lysander Spooner, I highly recommend his work. Strong abolitionist with some thought provoking ideas.
I’m having a hard time getting past the mistakes in grammar and spelling. So I’m not even going to bother attacking the higher-level thought processes.
Unless he’s better with numbers than with written language and history and logic, I can’t help wishing he was working with taxpayer money in some other state.
Symbols are very powerful forms of communication. Whatever that flag may have meant at one time is irrelevant to today. In 2019 it is completely and without doubt a symbol of racism and white supremacy.
At one time a swastika was a common symbol among some American Indian tribes, especially in the Southwest. They’ve ceased using using it due to its association with nazis and mass extermination.
White supremacists, er, racist flag lovers, need to have the decency and class of those Indian tribes and give up a symbol that signifies hate and horror. There is no excuse.
And the war was fought to preserve slavery. The heads of every single secessionist state declared so in writing. It’s all there in the history.
Poor fella. He seems to have fallen for the oldest conspiracy theory in the book. The original fake news. The “Lost Cause Mythology”.
These kind of meatball rednecks will always try to find a witless way to justify the slavery of the south so I change the conversation having them justify the killing of United States soldiers who fought under the American flag while fighting the south under the stars and bars flag.One nation, one American flag. I haven’t seen vets buried with a confederate flag on their coffin.
How do idiots like this get jobs in the government of South Dakota? Family? Young Republican hanger on? Will we eventually see this self righteous goof running for office, or will he be content running thing from behind the scenes?
Sometimes I weep for the future.
SD values-wire fraud, money laundering, confessed Russian spy girl friend, back channel communications between Trump and Putin via Republican operatives, former KBG Russian spy service money, SD front corporations, SD jr senator/Governor’s COS imbroglio with spy Butina and Republican-international Daschle hit man/boyfriend and high school Young Republicans at Black Hills Church Camp. RCJ
Oh and racist confederate flag denier. “Very fine people on both sides.” Geez
Cory and the rest of you never fail to show your ignorance and lack of knowledge.
A quick google search gives you this.
I wonder if it is your guilt about the Democrat racism after the civil war that makes you guys this way?
The Republicans freed the slaves, not the Democrats.
A quick google search reveals this:
The arrogance of you people is astounding.
Here is some more:
The fact is Republicans freed the slaves, not the Democrats.
I wonder if you act this way because of your guilt that your party suppressed Blacks up to the time the Republicans got the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed and after?
There is no arrogance in saying the Confederacy was committed to a policy of perpetual institutional racism and that the flag of the Confederacy stood for that racism.
The arrogance lies in presuming to tell us that fact is subordinate to one’s preferred worldview.
If memory serves, moar Dems voted for the Civil Rights Act than wingnuts and the bill would not have passed if not for the votes of bunches of Dems.
Your memory doesn’t serve you well Mike.
Democrats are the Confederacy.
Of the four acts passed between 1957 and 1968, Republicans in both chambers of Congress voted in favor at a higher rate than Democrats in all but one case. Republicans often had fewer total votes in support than Democrats due to the substantial majorities Democrats held in both the House and Senate.
Troll, nice try, but, I did not say Dems voted at a higher rate. I said more Dems than wingnuts voted
because there were more Dems than wingnuts to vote. Stop moving the goal posts and there is nothing wrong with my memory.
Jason made my case for me. He is totally owned, just like a slave.
These are “pretend rebels.” Actually, they are racists,, KKKs, Nazis, assorted low-life dead enders and/or righty buttlickers. If the don’t fit into one of those categories, they are people seeking a career from one of the above. They should never get a mile close to an office that requires serving the public. They are about serving themselves, and their hate.
I hope there is still enough decency left in South Dakota that Mr. Stensaas will be shown the door.
That is just creepy, all these years grudznick pretending to be an old obese man and he’s actually a GOP lobbyist Jeremiah Murphy. Everyone just call grudz Jeremiah, he’s busted.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Read your history, today’s Republicans are yesterday’s racist democrats. “We have lost the South for a generation” – LBJ on signing the historic Civil Rights Act. The South turned heavily GOP after the Civil Rights passage.
Great story Roger. Had not Red Cloud destroyed the confrederacy in Dakota Terr., the uniforms would have surfaced with the klan outfits in the northern hills. Grdz merely transported Republican sleeze to RC. Kristi will continue to advertise her support to radical militias as with her tactical patched camo cap in EVERY tweet. MAGA is the south’s new red shirt.
The Don’t Tread on Me flag says “rebel”. I would buy that. The Confederate flag says something else and this guy knows it. So do Kristi and Josh…. and they need to send him packing. Maybe Steve King has an opening for the dude.
72% of African Americans in a CNN poll from several years ago thought the Confederate flag was a symbol of racism. No doubt more would agree today. And while it is true that white Americans see it more as a symbol of Southern pride, anyone displaying it…. way up here in the plains… knows what they are doing to those black folks who see it.
I saw one of those pickups with the big ol Confederate flag drive by as some minority folks were standing near me on a Sioux Falls street. I felt sick to my stomach. I couldn’t look at them to see what their reaction was.
The boy’s harmless. And, he’s got a baby on the way.
EDGE LORD – today’s urban dictionary “word of the day” – EDGE LORD
Someone, especially posting on the internet, who uses shocking and nihilistic speech and opinions that they themselves may or may not actually believe to gain attention and come across as a more dangerous and unique person. Most Edgelords are teenagers trying to seem overly cool and/or over-casually apathetic.
Jason isn’t big on history, unless it is the revisionist kind he reads on conspiracy sites.
The same white southerners and southern families that were staunchly Democrats when they were passing the white-supremacist Jim Crow laws at the turn of the century, were the same folks that became Goldwater, Wallace and Nixon Republicans after the civil rights legislation of the 60’s pissed them off.
Ever hear of the “Southern Strategy”? Try learning a little bit of real history.
“… the Southern Strategy refers to a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.”
Racist Democrats voting Republican doesn’t make the Republican party racist Tag.
This view has been questioned by historians such as Matthew Lassiter, Kevin M. Kruse and Joseph Crespino, who have presented an alternative, “bottom up” narrative, which Lassiter has called the “suburban strategy”. This narrative recognizes the centrality of racial backlash to the political realignment of the South,[8] but suggests that this backlash took the form of a defense of de facto segregation in the suburbs rather than overt resistance to racial integration and that the story of this backlash is a national rather than a strictly Southern one.[9][10][11][12]
Just to make it clear, are any of you not calling the black guy with the Confederate flag a racist?
Most intelligent people know that a flag or a hat does not make a person racist.
Clear? What black man?
Lol, some similar trucks drove around downtown sioux falls celebrating after Obama “lost” his debate to Mitt Romney.
Looks like a “coal roller”.
Oh, was not our faith in “States’ rights” arguments put to rest after we got whooped in South Dakota v. Dole?
The racists put on their MAGA hats and wave their confederate flags to let the world know what they stand for and, therefore, who they are.
While a flag doesn’t “make” a person a racist, a survey has found that a confederate flag is a useful tool for people who self-identify as “racist” to declare their racism to 80% of Black, non-hispanics (along with large percentages of various other demographics).
And those who do not see their display of this flag as a racist badge apparently don’t understand or don’t care whether 80% of blacks feel attacked, frightened, diminished or hurt by the display of those flags.
Most intelligent people know that a flag or a hat does not make a person racist.
What about a white pointy hood worn over a white robe? Hell the hood alone means the wearer is racist.
What BCB said.
It isn’t the flag, MAGAt hat or even burning cross that makes them a racist. It’s the hate in their hearts that makes them a racist. They use the various symbols like that flag, MAGAt hat, etc, to tell everyone in visual range that they are a racist.
Jason’s revisionist history efforts don’t change the fact that in the 21st century racists flock to the GOP because it’s very friendly to them. They disdain the Democratic Party because it flatly rejects them. That’s the reality of the 21st century.
Tangentially related Nebraska attempts to outlaw all slavery
Almost all domestic violence and hate crimes committed in this country in the past two years were committed by rightwing hate groups and individuals. That includes murders, beatings, and racial harassment.
Almost all these criminal acts were committed by individuals wearing MAGA caps, confederate clothing or some forms of Nazi flags.
What is being neglected is that this is America, most of our relatives fought in a war to stop Nazi aggression and slavery under the confederate flag. Americans won both these wars to make us safer, if you want to be a Nazi or confederate, or both, do it, just do it elsewhere.
Remember that America killed your hateful movements and we can do it again.
Roger, you are my hero!!!!
Dukes of Hazzard probably sanitized the Stars & Bars for a generation.
But, here ya go:
I like it Chris, especiallythe “50.” Thanks.
Thanks Debbo.
Today at the National Prayer Breakfast the racist Republican president said with some pride, that one of his accomplishments was the “abolition of Civil Rights”.
That’s a “great accomplishment”? Well, he has called himself a “nationalist.” We know that in the USA that means white supremacist.
Yeah Debbo,
I was interested Trump’s choice of words, “abolition” in particular, is an odd choice.
I found an article that does a nice job of explaining the long, sordid history of confederate flag use in America, and why for some it is simply a symbol of “rebellion”, but for most is is a symbol of racism.
Chris, who are you speaking of when you say “our faith”? Was South Dakota vs. Dole more of a funding issue or a states rights issue, or both? Just more reason not to be dependent on the federal government.
There are many in this country who still know the truth, that the states came first, and that the federal government was formed after many individual states were already established. The founders set up the constitution with the ultimate power being delegated to the states, and for good reason. Reasons like the nullification of the fugitive slave act (Wisconsin, Michigan, Maine, Massachusetts, and a few more), the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, and most recently what we’ve seen with the cannabis laws across the country. When the constitution and bill of rights were being written there were many opinions saying that the 10th amendment should have actually been the 1st amendment. If that’s the case, I would assume that the idea of decentralization and states rights was very very important to the founders of this country.
For more information on this I would lead you to Michael Boldin (used to be a socialist) at the 10th Amendment Center, KrisAnne Hall (used to be a socialist) with Liberty First, historian Brion McClanahan, and historian Kevin Gutzman. Lots of good stuff from these folks.
Chris writes:
For future reference, guys, that isn’t the Stars and Bars.
The Dukes of Hazzard flag is the Second Confederate Navy Jack, also known as the Southern Cross, which was adopted by the Confederate States Navy but never historically represented the Confederate States of America as a country.
The Stars and Bars was the national flag of the Confederacy until May of 1863. It used a design similar to that of the Union flag:
Thanks Aaron,
Love it!
Thanks for the correction, my mistake. “The Confederate Battle Flag” as we knew it atop the Dodge Charger of yore. Though it is the Challenger we must be wary of these days.
The Confederacy was founded on racism and treason. Symbols of the Confederacy represent racism and treason.
Chris, that’s awesome! Lol
Cory, there was no treason in the secession (I am guessing that’s what you’re referring to being treason, no?). States within the union, have every right to leave the union, if the people of that state wish to leave. Again, that still doesn’t make slavery right.
Are you saying that black guy I linked to is racist?
Egad, the guy with the truck in the original post doesn’t even know the correct name of the flag he flies! I checked over my work and just assumed he knew what he was talking about, but in his facebook post he misidentifies his own precious jack as the “Stars and Bars”! Should we tell him?
This link claims the confederate battle flag was carried by the confederate army, nothing about the Navy. The stars represented 11 confederate traitorous states plus Misery and Caintuck.
Since stars and bars are all you see on the battle flag, I think stars and bars would be an appropriate name.
@chris … Hard to tell him. His Facebook page’s been wiped blank. (He’s from Kansas. His wife’s from Minnesota and they both work for SD in Pierre.)
If we set aside the whole Confederate flag issue, do we really want people in high offices of our state government who spell the word “flies” as “fly’s”? He did this twice in the same paragraph. Not good.
TAG, I think “flys”, not knowing the name of the traitor’s flag and trying to pretend ignorance of its 2019 meaning is enough to disqualify him from 21st century humanity.
The SDGOP may find him acceptable however.
But, Debbo. He’s a Northern alumnus. #grins
Jason, I’m saying the Confederate flag represents racism.
TAG, I would also like state employees held to reasonable standards of spelling and grammar.
Porter—Stensaas wiped his FB page? Hooray! We got another American to wise up and take down the racist traitor flag. Another small victory for civics education, courtesy of Dakota Free Press.
I wonder if Kristi Noem and Fred Deutsch will send me a sticker.
Ewwwww …. yuk
Porter, shut up.
Cory wrote:
Jason, I’m saying the Confederate flag represents racism.
Many Americans disagree with you.
There is a reason you didn’t address my links I posted.
The reason, dear readers, is that Jason manufacturers debate points that let him pretend he’s offering some grand refutation when really he’s just distracting from the main point. Stensass was incorrect when he said the Confederate flag had nothing to do with racism. Neither Stensaas nor Jason is allowed to make up his own history to suit his prejudices.
Besides, Jason ignored my link in the original post making clear that Confederates at the time of secession acknowledged the inherent racism of their cause. There is a reason Jason ignored that link… and instead of baiting or teasing, I will simply tell you that reason: Jason can’t refute historical fact.
I’d written:
Chris writes:
The “Confederate battle flag” was technically the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, which was technically square and technically used a much darker shade of blue than the Navy Jack on Bo and Luke’s Charger.
Technically. :-)
“mike from iowa” writes:
If you scroll down to the last of the five flags on that page, you’ll see that it’s the Dukes of Hazzard flag accompanied by the following words:
“Confederate Navy Jack: Used as a navy jack at sea from 1863 onward. This flag has become the generally recognized symbol of the South.”
Cory writes:
Aaron Aylward writes:
If anyone is interested, Cory and I argued this extensively back in 2017:
Why do you think the Black guy with the Confederate flag is racist?
Do you know him personally?
Link with some background for the above discussion on interpretations of the tenth amendment.
@Kurt, Thank you for your flag history expertise. Also, I ask you this question, since you are keen on flags- Have you see any online efforts by russian social media accounts attempting to demonstrate the visual similarity between the confederate jack and the concocted flag of “NovoRossiya”? If so, do you see this also as an ideological outreach by the russians to potential trump supporters, to gain support for trump’s 2016 RNC platform change, which would remove sanctions placed on Russia for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine?
Jason, I refuse to wrestle in your mud. I said nothing about some guy you know. I said the Confederate flag was a symbol of racism. You have offered nothing to refute that historical fact.
Seems to me that would be opinion. Cory’s description does not meet Merriam Webster’s definition of fact:
1a : something that has actual existence
space exploration is now a fact
b : an actual occurrence
prove the fact of damage
2 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality
These are the hard facts of the case.
3 : the quality of being actual : ACTUALITY
a question of fact hinges on evidence
4 : a thing done: such as
accessory after the fact
b archaic : ACTION
c obsolete : FEAT
in fact
: in truth
He looks younger, but in fact, he is 60 years old.
The Confederate flag represents a regime that seceded to preserve the racist institution of slavery. The comment from a Confederate founder makes that clear. I’m not sure what part of “fact” that historical fact does not satisfy or has been refuted by any statement here.
Slavery actually occurred. Secession occurred. Confederates actually said the racist things they said.
No amount of semantic wizardry can erase the historical fact of the Confederacy’s racism and its willingness to secede, fight, and die for that racism.
Amen! Preach it, Brother Cory!
“The truth is that the Left and the Democrats never, ever, ever, ever, want to fix black America, because they stump on our issues year after year,” said Owens to an audience at CPAC on Friday, “If they fix our issues, they would have nothing to stump on or to talk about.”
“Never in a million years did the Left predict Donald J. Trump,” continued Owens, “and I’ll tell you what they also are not predicting. They never predicted a minority awakening. They never thought that they could ever lose the black vote — they’ve taken our vote for granted for so long, but things are starting to change.”
Owens added that the secret to awakening minority communities to conservativism is to “simply tell them the truth.”
“The truth is on our side as conservatives,” affirmed Owens, “Truth number one: America is not a racist country, the people that continue to tell us that have a vested interest in racism.”
“Truth number two: abortion is murder,” continued Owens, “A hard-hitting truth is that the most unsafe place for a black child is not on the streets, it’s not when they see a police [officer], it’s in their mother’s womb.”
“Truth number three: racially motivated police brutality is a myth,” said Owens, “but father absence is not. The number one issue facing black America is that fathers have been removed from the home, is that they’ve been incentivizing father absence.”
Owens added that the single motherhood rate in the black community was only 23 percent in the 1960s, but has since risen to 74 percent. “It’s a problem that the Left does not want to talk about — the destruction and the breakdown of the family.”
“Truth number four,” continued Owens, “There are 3.6 million black children living below the poverty line, there are 4 million Hispanic children that live below the poverty line, and yet Democrats want to put illegals first. I say ‘no thank you. Wall.’”
“How on earth is it possible that a Party that instituted slavery, Jim Crow laws, racial terrorism, and the KKK has the black vote?” said Owens, “How is it possible?”
“We gave up culture. The Right gave up culture, that’s how it’s possible, that’s how the Left was able to do this. [The Right] gave up culture.”
“For the last fifty or sixty years, it seems that we’ve given up influencing pop culture altogether on the Right, and to a certain degree, that’s completely understandable — there isn’t a climate that’s more hostile to conservative principles than the entertainment industry.”
Owens added that Left promotes a culture that tells the black community “we should want to be hip-hop artists and basketball players, when we should want to be doctors and lawyers.”
“We need to stop idolizing people like LeBron James and start idolizing people like Dr. Condoleezza Rice and Dr. Ben Carson.”
“Stop selling us our own oppression,” said Owens, “Stop taking away our self-confidence by telling us that we can’t, because of racism, because of slavery — stop telling us that we need to be obsessing over our past, when we should be obsessing over our future and the potential that we have.”
“It’s amazing how your life can transform if you stop viewing yourself as a victim, and start viewing yourself as a victor.”
Owens is a right wing house Negro and nothing more.
Candace Owens defended Hitler. She’s invalid in any context other than a CPAC hate rally.
From a Phillie lawyer who knows a thing or two about House Negroes.
She’s invalid?
Porter is saying that a Black person is invalid if they don’t vote Democrat.
The Democrat party of racism is still racist in 2019.
Word of caution, if you have a weak stomach,do not visit the blog site. The gloves come off and it gets quite nasty at times. FN seldom ever removes posts for content as he wants people to see the racism present in America today and especially in the wingnut party.
In the interest of full disclosure, I am part of the nasties.
Keep your filthy words and misleading context out of my mouth. Candace Owens is invalid no matter her race, gender or political affiliation. Her opinions are far from concurrent with the black population of USA.
You just can’t stop yourself from portraying your racist views can you?
“Her opinions are far from concurrent with the black population of USA.”
Are you still beating your dog?