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Let ‘Em In: U.S. Has Historical, Legal, Moral Duty to Shelter Those in Need

A friend of the blog (who actually rang the Blog Tip Jar! Thank you!) told me that my “dislike for organized religion” probably prevents me winning elections.

I don’t dislike organized religion. I have great respect for practitioners of organized religion who organize their thoughts and stand on the side of justice and historical fact.

For instance, consider Sister Gabriella Crowley’s faith- and fact-based critique of Donald Trump’s choice of guns over goodness:

There are those in our country who do not welcome people crossing our southern border looking for asylum. Countless accusations are being leveled at migrants. They are being labeled rapists, gang members, drug lords and wanting American jobs.

It is a fact that U.S. foreign policy has contributed to the turmoil in many Latin American countries. This is a practice with a long history.

We as Presentation Sisters have ministered in various of these countries and are aware of how we as a nation have contributed to unrest in Latin America with arms, money and man power.

It is disturbing to me that we are sending troops to the border to protect it against old people, single mothers, children and babies who live in fear in their own countries. We as a nation must look at the cause and effect of our past and present history in this regard [Sr. Gabriella Crowley, letter to the editor, Aberdeen American News, 2018.11.20].

Despite the baseless fears falsely stirred from the bully pulpit, 70% of Americans believe fellow humans headed for our border deserve a shot at asylum:

“Most of the public express some level of concern about the approaching caravan, some of which may be due to unsubstantiated claims that the group includes terrorists,” [Monmouth University pollster Patrick] Murray said in a statement released with the Monmouth University Poll results. “At the same time, though, most Americans feel that each migrant should be given the opportunity to state their case for entering the United States” [Hasan Dudar, “Americans Divided on Whether Immigrant Caravan Is Threat to USA,” USA Today, 2018.11.19].

Interestingly, the Monmouth finds the folks closest to the southern border are least alarmed by the tired, poor, northbound masses yearning to be free than folks a few states away:

Only 21 percent of those living in states that share a border with Mexico – Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas – view the immigrant caravan as a major threat, the poll found. The regions most worried about a “major threat” from the caravan include the Southeast (35 percent), the Midwest (33 percent) and mountain Northwest (33 percent). About 25 percent of those from the Northeast share that opinion [Dudar, 2018.11.19].

The courts are with Sister Gabriella: federal Judge Jon S. Tigar restrained Trump’s attempt to deny asylum to folks who reach our southern border, saying the White House cannot rewrite the law:

“Whatever the scope of the President’s authority, he may not rewrite the immigration laws to impose a condition that Congress has expressly forbidden,” he wrote. “Defendants’ claims that the rule can somehow be harmonized with the INA are not persuasive.”

“Failure to comply with entry requirements such as arriving at a designated port of entry should bear little, if any, weight in the asylum process,” the Obama-appointed judge continued.

It “strains credulity” that an asylum-seeker’s manner of entry into the U.S. can be the sole factor in declaring them ineligible for asylum, he wrote.

Tigar also noted the immigrants the plaintiffs represent will suffer “irreparable injury” if the proclamation is put into full effect — asylum seekers would face increased risks of violence and other harms at the border, he wrote [Emily Sullivan, “Federal Court Blocks Trump Administration’s Asylum Ban,” NPR, 2018.11.20].

Serious students of law, history, and Christian theology can agree that America, the richest nation in the world, has a legal and moral duty to help people in need. I can roll with Sister Gabriella on more of that agenda than Donald Trump can.


  1. grudznick 2018-11-20 20:47

    Religion is a crutch for the weak minded. It always pisses off the overgodders when I say that, but it’s true. I think you’re right, Mr. H, but the election stuff is a conundrum for you because you can’t pretend to be something you’re not.

    How about, next time, out Mr. Novstrup as a fake Christian. Track his actual attendance at church and the like.

  2. Roger Cornelius 2018-11-20 20:59

    Can we petition France to donate another Statue of Liberty for our southern border

  3. Debbo 2018-11-20 21:01

    Many years ago I worked with a wonderful Presentation Sister for a couple years. Nuns may be the best part of the RCC. They work directly with people of all varieties, no bureaucracies inbetween. They are the boots on the ground for the RCC and they view faith through the lens of their experiences seeing it in action. That’s the point of faith you know, to be put to use in service to others.

    In addition to them, some of the kindest, most generous people committed to the betterment of others are not religious. That’s not uncommon.

    There are people who believe that their status as a Christian makes them better than others. First, that belief puts their status in doubt. Second, if they paid any attention to Jesus, on whom the religion is based, they’d know that faith is a gift freely given, not an earned award of some type. A Braggart Christian isn’t.

  4. Cathy B 2018-11-20 21:07

    We sure miss Sister Gabriella here in Sioux Falls since she moved to Aberdeen. I heard her called the “Mother Theresa” of Sioux Falls. Great letter, Sister Gabriella!

  5. jerry 2018-11-20 21:21

    Cadet bone spur bone head trump regarding Thanksgiving for our troops on the border…tough luck boys and girls…you’re a ploy, get used to it.

    “Speaking to reporters Tuesday, President Donald Trump downplayed the fact that many U.S. troops will be missing Thanksgiving with their families this year because of his decision to send them to the U.S.-Mexico border.

    “Don’t worry about Thanksgiving,” Trump said. “These are tough people. They know what they’re doing and they’re great. And they’ve done a great job. You’re so worried about the Thanksgiving holiday for them. They are so proud to be representing our country on the border.”

    What kind of betrayal of trust can be more clear than the disrespect by the joke of trump to our military?

  6. Debbo 2018-11-20 21:27

    Jerry, he still hasn’t visited the troops in the Middle East either. GWB did and Obama did, but Cadet Bone Spurs is scared to go. He’s a fraidy cat who likes to talk big but he’s really quite shriveled. Whenever he’s asked about going, because he said he would, he says he’s “too busy.” Yeah, those 3 hour work days are just all he can manage.

  7. jerry 2018-11-20 22:28

    Mexican fish can regenerate their damaged hearts so we had better stay on the good side of Mexican folks.

    “A fish that can repair its heart may hold clues for future treatments in people, according to a study.

    Scientists studying the Mexican tetra fish found three areas of the fish genome were involved in its ability to regenerate heart tissue.

    One gene appeared to play a particularly key role in the process.

    Researchers hope their study will one day make it possible to heal heart muscle in patients who have had a heart attack.”

    trump and his ghouls will be trying to locate and destroy these fish to keep insurance premiums high due to heart treatments. You can tell that by the lie he shoved down the voters throats about his healthcare plan, remember that hot one?

  8. OldSarg 2018-11-21 05:07

    If they come here legally fine. If they come as thieves sneaking in the should be barred forever. Happy Thanksgiving.

    Oh, I like all you brave souls who are ripping Trump for not having gone to a war zone “yet” and none of you have served at all. . . What would Billie have said? “All hat, no cows”?

  9. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-11-21 06:31

    “If they come here legally, fine.” So imagine escaped political prisoners fleeing across the desert, agents of their oppressive government on their trail. They run to the American border, at some place other than one of the formal entry points that are under surveillance. Do we say, “Sorry, you didn’t follow the rules, no asylum for you?” and throw them back to be murdered by foreign agents, or do we save them?

    See also, Jews in 1939.

  10. mike from iowa 2018-11-21 07:44

    OldSeerofnothing,knowerofless, the Secret Service wouldn’t let me go to war. I was too busy. My helicopter couldn’t fly in the rain.

    Immigrants seeking asylum are allowed entry, by treaty, and are to be treated humanely while their claims of asylum are given due process. At no time are they illegal.

    You, on the other hand, are something else, in deed and thoughts.

  11. cibvet 2018-11-21 09:50

    Unless oldsarg produces a DD214, don’t buy his statement about being in the military. His posts are mostly fake, so I personally believe that he is also.

  12. OldSarg 2018-11-21 11:09

    “So imagine escaped political prisoners fleeing across the desert, agents of their oppressive government on their trail.” so imagine they make it to east river and take your job , is that fair? Don’t you have the right to feed your family? The unemployment rate for young Black men is still over 7.5%. The would like a chance for a job. Do you still hate Black men?

    cib: whatever. . .

    mike, I believe you

  13. jerry 2018-11-21 11:21

    Good point cibvet, good point. The Russian troll could actually go to the hoosegow for stolen valor.

  14. mike from iowa 2018-11-21 12:52

    Suppose they cross the desert and make it to east river? There is an East River in New York sans desert. I hear the Mizz in Northern Mississippi is referred to as East river , but where is that desert?

    The 2 political prisoners would probably get asylum if the report as they are supposed to. The jobs they’d get in NM probably don’t employ that many Negroes in dairy industry and even if they did that wouldn’t dent the unemployed rate for young blacks all over the country.

    So. I’m gonna have to call OS for BS in excess under duress and call him hopeless.

    BTW , where in Northern Mississippi is yer wife employed as a teacher at 70k per yer?

  15. bearcreekbat 2018-11-21 13:09

    Old Sarg reveals some interesting and self-contradictory insecurities with the comment: “so imagine they make it to east river and take your job, is that fair?” I have seen this argument made by many conservatives, yet it seems inconsistent with normal conservative philosophy in several respects, for example:

    (1) The person that is most qualified for a job deserves that job and it would be wrong to hire someone else based on a completely unrelated factor over which the rejected applicant had no possible control.

    (2) The free market should decide wages for work and an employer and employee should be allowed to freely negotiate wages and benefits.

    (3) Unions are bad because they interfere with the job options of people willing to work for less than union wages – hence “right to work” laws are needed to protect the right of job applicants to negotiate a wage satisfactory to a potential employer.

    (4) Affirmative action is bad public policy because it requires that hiring decisions be made based on factors over which no human can control. Those most qualified and willing to work for whatever the employer offers should get the jobs.

    Although these seem to be fairly strong conservative principles, OldSarg’s regurgitation of the anti-immigrant “take your job” argument contradicts each of these conservative fundamentals. This also reveals a successful explotation of OldSarg’s underlying insecurity about his self-worth. Indeed, rephrasing OldSarg’s initial question helps focus this point:

    (1) imagine someone makes it to east river and takes your job because your employer concludes he has better qualifications and abilities than you, is that fair?

    (2) imagine someone makes it to east river and takes your job because your employer concludes he can do your job and is willing to work for less pay, is that fair?

    (3) imagine someone makes it to east river and takes your job because your employer concludes that neither you, nor anyone else, deserves a preference over other job applicants based entirely on a factor unrelated to the job that no one has control over, such as where you were born, is that fair?

    Normally, most conservatives would say an employro should be free to hire the most qualified applicant, for the best pay deal the employer can negotiate and should never give any applicant preference based on unrelated immutable factors.

    Unfortunately, it seems that anti-immigrant propaganda has worked on OldSarg and many others by digging up and exploiting deep insecurities about their abilities and desirability as employees. Bringing such fear to the surface, in turn, disrupts both their commitment to fundamental conservative principles and their natural compassion and empathy they otherwise might have felt toward others in need of work to support a family. Such is one pernicious effect of propaganda.

    There is a remedy, however, that can help restore one’s self-confidence. Work hard, be honest, do the best job you can, take care of yourself, support coworkers and always be there for your employer. If you can find it in yourself to exhibit these qualities, you will soon become an irreplaceable asset to your employer. Your job then will have the best chance of being safe from competitors, regardless where they were born and you will have regained pride and self-confidence in yourself.

  16. Debbo 2018-11-21 14:04

    Good answer BCB!! Conservative principles at war with “conservatives.”

    Mike, very clever:
    ” I’m gonna have to call OS for BS in excess under duress and call him hopeless.”

  17. mike from iowa 2018-11-21 15:23

    Bear deftly headed Wile E. off at the pass again and now Wile E. is back in the Acme catalog looking for more bs bombs to toss.

  18. OldSarg 2018-11-21 17:36

    bare[—]~ In reference to (1): Cory is a US citizen and has earned, through education and hard work, the job he has. An illegal has not. I would have thought you would have defended a friend over an illegal?. . . weird.

    The rest of your useless numbered thoughts are non-applicable after the first.

    Debbo, I like how you have been hitting on mike as of late. Very sexy in a way, you little vixen. . .

  19. bearcreekbat 2018-11-21 17:52

    Is there a post by someone called bare[—]? I didn’t see it.

  20. OldSarg 2018-11-21 17:53

    Sorry, I misspelled it. If you need to have me blocked plead to Cory again.

  21. bearcreekbat 2018-11-21 17:56

    Perhaps OldSarg is referencing his current state of undress? Whatever. I hope OldSarg responds sometime to my post, as I am curious about his reaction and would enjoy a meaningful discussion with OS about the issues I raised. I suspect, however, he may retreat to his frequently employed ostrich defense.

  22. OldSarg 2018-11-21 18:12

    bare[—-]~ (Oops) I directly referred to your post. That is why there was a “(1)”. You support people taking the jobs of legal citizens such as Cory by those who are not even citizens. That bothers me. Cory made a career decision to follow his wife’s dream. That decision means the job market is more competitive for him than most others. As an American citizen I feel Cory deserves the opportunity over someone who may be “as qualified” yet is in the USA illegally. Sorry, I just happen to be a Cory fan.

  23. mike from iowa 2018-11-21 18:44

    OldSettledforsecondworst comes here for the frequent liar miles.

  24. jerry 2018-11-21 19:46

    Reads like Hutterite immigrants got their payoff for the vote this last election cycle. Of the 19.4 million in BRIBES to cover for the trump malfeasance, the clans got about 2 million of it… and, for the bonus round, got a couple of turkeys sent to the head gobbler in Washington. It was really hard for me to pick out the white dude when all three were together. Hair and red noggin..check. Fat droopy chin…check.. pooping on everything…double check.

    “The data show 2,895 payments to farmers and farm operations in South Dakota. At the low end, some individual farmers have received payments as low as $2, the data show, while the top South Dakota recipient is Pugh Bros., of Miller, with $207,860 in payments. Fifty-five of the payments in South Dakota have gone to Hutterite colonies,
    which have received a total of $1.89 million.” These folks vote whatever the puppet master tells them to vote. DiSanto need look no further than this for election shenanigans of payola . How would you like to be the poor sucker that opens his letter from trump that says “congratulations trump follower, here is your 2 bucks now go to the coffee shop and have a short cup on me and NOem and the boys”

  25. jerry 2018-11-21 19:56

    mfi, are you seeing this in Iowa? “Across the United States, grain farmers are plowing under crops, leaving them to rot or piling them on the ground, in hopes of better prices next year, according to interviews with more than two dozen farmers, academic researchers and farm lenders. It’s one of the results, they say, of a U.S. trade war with China that has sharply hurt export demand and swamped storage facilities with excess grain.”

    Millions of starving children, (you right to lifers should choke on your turkey tomorrow), are starving to death and here we are, plowing it under and letting it rot. Shameful president and shameful republican congress to allow it.

  26. Debbo 2018-11-21 20:42

    The Pugh Brothers? I went to high school with some of them. Nice enough people. Apparently they are good with the government programs. I’ve heard farmers say it’s become a critical part of the biz.

    Yeah, we’ll hypocritically celebrate our “plenty” tomorrow, at least most of us will, while people are walking and carrying their children a thousand miles in hopes of being legally received here as refugees. They feel it’s better than getting shot.

    Even though we have our own American terrorists gunning us down in theaters, schools, concerts, stores, workplaces, homes, etc., we’re still a much safer place than the country they are fleeing. Their desperate and weary hope is that we’ll honor our own law, unlike a central American banana republic. (There would be no doubt if Pootie’s Puppet wasn’t so like the despots he idolizes.)

  27. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-11-21 20:53

    Capital idea, Roger. But how about, instead of France, we commission Dale Lamphere to erect some celebration of real American values to greet newcomers at the border?

  28. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-11-21 20:58

    Once again, OS shows me grave disrespect by refusing to have an honest conversation. I pose an honest question about America’s moral obligation and the implications of his policy prescription—should we turn away individuals facing the threat of political persecution and violence in their homelands?—and instead of addressing that serious issue, he goes for an angry, specious diversion. No honest conversation is possible with OS. He’s just here to be an ass.

    My point stands. So does Sister Gabriella’s. So does Judge Tigar’s.

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