Mathew Wollmann got a new job the day after the election. The former Legislative Lothario is now a Madison city cop:

Mathew follows in the footsteps of his dad Darwin, who was a Madison policeman for many years. Now Mathew can keep Madison safe from sex offenders, Russian spies, and other threats to the general welfare.
I am sure he will be a very fine officer of the law. Better than some of the former quasi-law-enforcement types that used to try and denigrate him. Madison will be well served. I just hope he keeps those kids from parking out by that lake at night and throwing beer cans around better than the old cops.
Do as I say not what I do.
One of the ways he can improve his image is by vigorously and fairly working cases of sexual assault and abuse and domestic violence. That would show that he realizes that women should be treated better than he did at Pierre.
Good for him, I am glad that he is bouncing back from a troubled past. That being said, I couldn’t help but notice how he looks like Hitler, sans the little mustache.
They photo cropped his star spangled short-shorts!
I honestly thought this was a joke at first. Hopefully, he’s turned his life around and keeps his pants up. Sometimes the small town cops can have bad reputations.
Parting Shots … In Watertown in 1974 (at approx. 1:00 am) I was on a summer night’s drive around town and witnessed a local cop receiving oral sex from a teenaged girl from Webster, behind a local business on Hwy 81. When the cop looked at me and the girl (she was an acquaintance of mine) raised up from his lap, I knew this wasn’t going to end well. The next day I got a call from the police station telling me that the officer wanted me to come down to the station. In no short order I was told that if I ever said anything about the incident (I haven’t until now) that I’d regret it for the rest of my life and it would be best for me to leave town. I moved to Wyoming and started work on the oil rigs within a week.
As Jenny says, small town cops can have bad reputations.
[This incident was a beginning to my opinion that in SD preachers, teachers and cops get way too much respect before they’ve earned it. Abuse is more prevalent than people want to imagine, as my story reveals. Respect must be earned by these occupations in a city. City people are more woke.]
Local man, while in position of authority, takes advantage of young interns and has sex with them in 2015. 2018, Madison PD hires him, yet giving him another position of authority. What is Madison PD thinking?
OMG, Porter. Fear will always keep Good people from speaking out.
In my Hometown of Highmore, The local dirt ball cop screwed any female With two legs and the towns people always looked the other way. He was also Known to abuse his wife, she would be seen with black eyes. One day it all caught up with him and he murdered his wife. The bastard is in Jail now and people probably remember the murder as it was all overthe news a few years ago – Ken Huber.
Or I should say he would screw any willing female.
Well, our cops are great from my experience. If I call because I’ve found a lost puppy or kitten they are over in 5 minutes. My new black friend just told me our sheriff (granted not police) gave him a ride and was wonderful. I could go on and on Wollman should be given a second chance if he doesn’t meet the standards of the department out he goes but hopefully he’s matured. He was too young to be in the legislature but he had that R that everybody loves – except around here!!!
In high school my sister, 18 at the time, dated a local small town cop. They smoked pot together. Coincidentally, she was never arrested for pot possession, although I understand they first met at a traffic stop he instigated.
Doesn’t anyone desserve a second chance in life.Give the man a break, he didn’t break the law. Ask the people about what they think of Matt Wollman and they will say he is a good man. Eeveyyone should be allowed to turn their life around.
Greg, please pass that on to Al Novstrup and the SDGOP, which 18 years later still considers my firing from Madison HS a voting issue.
“I just hope he keeps those kids from parking out by that lake at night”
Which lake Grudz? There is Lake Herman and Lake Madison. I parked by both
Herman is clearly superior for evening outings.
Let’s just hope Wollmann isn’t doing any of the parking. Either lake would be outside of his jurisdiction.
Talk about your cronyism… I’m sure his mommy being a Lake County Commissioner had NOTHING to do with him getting hired by the PD of the County seat… I’m sure it would have looked a bit conspicuous if she got him on with the Lake County Sheriff’s Office…