Notable Aberdeen Republican Endorses Democrat Hansen for District 2 House
Published 2018-10-25 by
Cory Allen Heidelberger
Long-time local Republican Dan Richardt has a chance to support a fellow Aberdeen Republican in the District 2 House race. But instead of nominating fellow GOPer Kaleb Weis, Richardt puts qualifications above party label and endorses Jenae Hansen in today’s paper:
Who wouldn’t endorse Jenae Hansen?
As a life-long Republican, former member of the Brown County Republican executive board, and 2018 Aberdeen City Council candidate, I wholeheartedly endorse Jenae Hansen for District 2 House of Representatives.
When I first met Jenae, I was impressed by her kindness and level of respect for all people, even those she disagrees with. This tells me she is willing to work with everyone, listen to everyone, and would make the best representative for District 2! Jenae has proven herself as a leader by working across the aisle as a lobbyist to pass legislation. Being extremely well-versed in policy helps her truly understand the impact it has on her community and communities all across South Dakota.
Jenae does not take the responsibility associated with being a representative lightly. She will look at all angles of a bill, listen to all sides of an argument, and make the best decision possible that will benefit the citizens of District 2. She has already started building professional relationships with those in Pierre and will continue to expand those relationships once elected.
Jenae is a kind, level-headed, hard-working candidate. She wants to hear from you, she wants to help you, and she truly cares about the well-being of the District 2 communities. I hope you will join me in supporting Jenae Hansen for District 2 House of Representatives [Dan Richardt, letter to the editor, Aberdeen American News, 2018.10.25].
I’ll work on Dan to see if he can work up the courage for a couple more cross-partisan votes. But this one is remarkable, admirably, and worth the attention and following of every Republican in District 2 who wants the most intelligent, capable, and caring legislators.
Really, DR? I’m sorry to hear that. Is the blowback all straight partisanship? Or is there anyone who has been able to say, “Well, Lana and Kaleb are better qualified to represent us because of” X/Y/Z policy position, professional skill, or personal quality?
And are any Republicans you talk to saying, “Yeah, I see what you’re saying. I’ll vote for Jenae, too”?
There are republicans that I have talked to that get it.
It was mostly partisianship that I got flack from. A lot were upset that I used the former member of the Brown County Republican executive board line. I look at it this way, its on my resume, and I should be able to use it. Its no different that Ms Hansen supporting me for my council run. People just need to get over it.
I am not a Kaleb guy, never have been since he ran for city council and I cannot put my name behind him.
DR, you have as much right to use your affiliation with the GOP to encourage votes for the candidate you think is best as other members and Kaleb himself have to use their party label to seek votes for their preferred candidates. Heck, I use my party history for the same purpose: I don’t mind reminding people that I was a Republican for a long time and still hold a number of ideologically conservative views. “Republican” isn’t some brand name that only certain people get to use for certain purposes.
Go get ’em Jenae!!!
Very nice. Good luck Ms. Hansen. You are what SD needs more of.
The blowback I have received for this is almost mind boggling.
Gasp….support a democrat…how dare I!
Really, DR? I’m sorry to hear that. Is the blowback all straight partisanship? Or is there anyone who has been able to say, “Well, Lana and Kaleb are better qualified to represent us because of” X/Y/Z policy position, professional skill, or personal quality?
And are any Republicans you talk to saying, “Yeah, I see what you’re saying. I’ll vote for Jenae, too”?
There are republicans that I have talked to that get it.
It was mostly partisianship that I got flack from. A lot were upset that I used the former member of the Brown County Republican executive board line. I look at it this way, its on my resume, and I should be able to use it. Its no different that Ms Hansen supporting me for my council run. People just need to get over it.
I am not a Kaleb guy, never have been since he ran for city council and I cannot put my name behind him.
DR, you have as much right to use your affiliation with the GOP to encourage votes for the candidate you think is best as other members and Kaleb himself have to use their party label to seek votes for their preferred candidates. Heck, I use my party history for the same purpose: I don’t mind reminding people that I was a Republican for a long time and still hold a number of ideologically conservative views. “Republican” isn’t some brand name that only certain people get to use for certain purposes.