Know what else Kristi Noem didn’t get done for women before leaving Washington Friday? Reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act.
South Dakota’s lone Congresswoman didn’t just fail to reauthorize VAWA; she voted against it. 171 House Democrats are sponsoring H.R. 6545, which would reauthorize federal legislation that since 1994 has been supporting victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. In a procedural vote Tuesday, Noem joined fellow Republicans in a straight party-line vote that blocked debate on H.R. 6545.
The Violence Against Women Act was supposed to expire tonight, but Rep. Noem’s debate blockage didn’t send VAWA to its death. Congress threw the Violence Against Women Act into the pile of dirty laundry at the bottom of the incomplete budget they passed Wednesday, extending it until December 7.

Also put off until Pearl Harbor Day: reauthorizing the Social Security Act and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. Dare we conclude that making serious decisions about violence against women and retirement security about as important to Noem as rat poison? Or do we learn more simply from noting that Republicans have put off final action on the Violence Against Women Act for two months longer than they have delayed action on confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court?
Back in 2012, Noem tried to make it sound like she supported the Violence Against Women Act but ultimately followed John Thune’s orders (which is how I hear the Republican Party works in South Dakota), voted against the bill, and found other pressing matters with which to distract herself. Noem’s willingness to punt final action on the Violence Against Women Act to a less accountable lame-duck Congress is just her latest capitulation to the Republican War on Women.
I must have dreamt about Kristi advocating and working against sex trafficking and in support of victims of sex trafficking. If that is true, how can she not support reauthorizing the VAWA? Or do I just need to quit expecting rational, consistent thought/action from my elected representatives?
That stinks. Not advocating FOR the VAWA and doing everything she could to support and promote reauthorization of this act is simply inexcusable, whether one is a woman or a male. Inexcusable.
I don’t understand how South Dakotans of good conscience who support Families, and especially SD’s women voters, can cast a ballot for Noem.
The others? Well, Noem is a misogynist’s dream. They always love to find self-hating women, which the patriarchy created, so they can point to her and say, “See, I really like women!” Like Lying Louse and Kellyann Conwoman or Sarah Huckster.
I take it that if you think women need a special act protecting them from violence that you think violence against men and children is acceptable.
She didn’t want her vote on the record against violence against women or supporting the Social Security Act before the election!
Anne are you okay? Do you even know what the Violence Against Women Act really does? Hint, it protects women of which you seem to kind of claim as your gender.
Ann apparently requires a lot of education. In addition to researching what the act actually does, as Jerry suggested, try this article in today’s Star Tribune about rape and sexual violence cases.
Anne, I would say “are you joking” but I’ve seen you have no sense of humor or humanity for that matter. Fact:Kristi can’t hold a job. Kristi has a position of power where she could do an ounce of good in Congress and has completely not done a damn thing ever. As it turns out there are issues that actually impact people, such as the “violence against women act”. So yeah, totally disgusted right now..Kavanaugh, Dusty, Kristi, Trump, Thune and the creepy [edited by CAH for lack of evidence] dude who is running against Corey.
Ms. Debbo, I got started on your link, thanks. That is so in-depth and so troubling, all should read it…especially NOem. Washington is the only place to get the resources necessary to finally start a law enforcement program that protects women.
Is that the best you got Anne? Wow #weak
Not sure why Ms Beal has her knickers in a twist. Afterall, the VAWA protects wealthy white women, too. (Smacks self ion head) I see the problem. It is protecting the less than wealthy white women she objects to.
As for FIFRA, it is part of testing one must have to apply chemicals and pesticides- you know- regulations.
Wingnuts figure to get rid of rodent regs because lemmings are rodents.
Point source of rodent infestations is the Kremlin Annex.
Should have results of another poll soon. Got a call last evening concentrating on the governor race. Don’t hear so well anymore but think it was ALG.
Vance! I hope you gave ’em good answers. I got a phone call maybe last weekend, but it was not from ALG.
“you think women need a special act protecting them from violence”—actually, in her past statements, Noem appeared to embrace exactly that principle but based her opposition on claims that the law infringed on Indian sovereignty.
Your assumption that “you think violence against men and children is acceptable” does not follow logically from anything I have said here about VAWA… or from any other statement I made. Violence is bad.
And don’t forget, Anne: it’s not my party that elected a man who recommends committing violence against women by grabbing their genitalia.
Refusal to pass VAWA is going to fire up a lot of people to vote Democratic this year. Women are going to turn out in droves to unelect GOP partiers. Buh bye, GOP Party majority!
PS: Kavanaugh is not going to be confirmed either.
Anne Beal: are you for real? Violence against any one or anything (women, men, children, animals, our beautiful earth, etc) is just plain WRONG and DESPICABLE – please tell me you mistyped or I miss read?
Voting against women is how Lazy Dirtball Kristi Noem has chosen as her path to victory. How desperate! If she can vote like a male chauvinist swine, maybe she can hang on to those men who voted for her because of her looks. Alas, it doesn’t work that way, even among bigots. Folks know how to spot a phony. That might be why a Democrat is winning the Governor’s race in South Dakota.
Who has VAWA ever helped? Did it stop Cosby, Weistein, Al Fraken, Keith Ellison? (what the heck is wrong with Minnesota democrats anyway?) No, but laws that existed before VAWA finally did. VAWA did NOTHING!
VAWA is an unconstitutional law signed by sexual assaulter President Clinton in 1994. VAWA has shows no signs of actually reducing violence against women. The real purpose of the VAWA was to funnel money to liberal organizations that work to elect Democrats. Look at yourselves. Without knowing anything about VAWA being unconstitutional you all paint Noem as somehow in favor of violence against women. Violence against women or men is never right and both are against the law whether there is a VAWA act or not. The CBO says VAWA cots over $660 BILLION year to fight something that is already against the law. Anyone who backs the crap unconstitutional, unneeded duplicating trash is a fool. Blaming Noem, you all look like fools. . .
VAWA is an unconstitutional law signed by sexual assaulter President Clinton in 1994.
Who did Clinton assault that you have irrefutable proof of? Nobody. That’s what I figured.
Only a couple parts of the VAWA were found unconstitutional by a right wing activist majority. Who could have guessed that happening.
The four Liberal dissenters made a much better case because they are?were smarter than wingnuts.
iwacko, can you google? Can you look things up? Put your walker to the side and look up the name Monica Samille Lewinsky. She was someone’s 22 year old daughter that the parents let go to DC for an internship and she was sexually abused by the man you are defending but then, I’m not really surprised as you leftist fools all defend the sexual predators so long as they identify as a democrat.
Here’s another one: Kathleen Willey said Clinton kissed her, fondled her breasts, and forced her to touch his crotch during a meeting in the Oval Office in 1993, while Willey was a volunteer in the White House correspondence office. A “volunteer”!!!! She was trying to do something good without being paid and this happened to her.
Go back to the fact the VAWA is unconstitutional, do nothing act, as that is the point. Damn you’re stupid.
“Only a couple parts of the VAWA were found unconstitutional” thank you.
So OS, what the hell is Lazy Dirtball Kristi Noem paid to do in Congress? Blaming her for voting the wrong way on legislation that protects women’s lives is where the blame belongs. And she probably did it as a stunt to appease old, uninformed, bigoted men. Your phony case against the Violence Against Women Act because you hate Democrats betrays the depth and breadth of your intellect. But it’s interesting for you to quote the CBO here. How was it on the GOP tax cuts for 1 percenters that dooms our nation to new trillions in debt to achieve nothing for our economy?
Rorschach, they’re going to ram Kavanaugh through, same as they have done for decades in Pierre with horrible ideas. It’s the Republican way.
Monica, you freaking moron, was in a CONSENSUAL sex relationship with WJC.
Only 2 parts were found unconstitutional. Only stoopid moron troll wingnuts like you would consider a part to be the entire law just to save face for you again. You are so busted, troll!
Boy, this Noem really can’t walk on her own two feet can she.
Look at me I’m Kristi, I love horseys and I love Trump. I like to play Cowgirl.
I think it’s funny that this blog is about a woman who doesn’t do her job and doesn’t take any action to protect anybody, man or woman…
And then there is a woman commenter who still supports that woman and defends her…
And then there is a woman who accuses women who disagree with her of being “…self-hating women, which the patriarchy created…”
Bunch of goons. Life is not about gender. Life is about good people versus bad people. Women can be good people or bad people, believe it or not. Men can be good people or bad people, believe it or not. Keep staring at peoples’ crotches and you’ll miss the important stuff.
Old sardine, There are just As many dirty dogsdogs in the Republican Party asthere are in the Democrat party time and you know it.
The bigger hypocrites are the Republicans whichclaim to be the Christian ever loving family values people, where in reality they’re just as nasty as everyone else.
I’m on speaker phone which is why my typing is messed up. (The duplicate of the word dogs)
Jenny, I agree there are bad people in both parties. I have belonged to both parties. I was a democrat for 30 years. I have been a republican for 18 years. Bill Clinton’s sexual abuse, disgrace of the office of the president and self enrichment turned me away. Yes there are hypocrites that are republicans and democrats but right now you are still defending the democrats in a state that have an actual abuser of women running for Attorney General and you are not fighting against him so that makes you a hypocrite as well doesn’t it. . .and I’m not talking about Al Franken. At least he had the decency to resign. You are going to help elect Kieth Ellison and he is nothing but an abusive pice of trash. But he’;s your piece of trash so you will continue to back him. . .
For the record OS, I did not vote for Keith Ellison in the primary.
I cannot in good conscience, vote for anyone that has abused women.
But you will. You don’t care. You can’t even show anyone a negative word you have said about Ellison. You’ll back the devil himself if he claimed to be a democrat.
Don’t tell me who I will or will not vote for.
It’s none of your business, and as I’ve said before I do not support Keith Ellison. I’m sure Debbo doesn’t either.
I I’ll actually be quite disappointed if the DFL ends up supporting him, OK?
Just like there are good Republicans that are disappointed that the Republican Party supports Trump.
Not true Jenny, has not been substantuated. “ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — An ex-girlfriend’s allegation that Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison once physically abused her could not be substantiated because she refused to provide video she said she had of the incident, an attorney with links to the state’s Democratic party who was hired to investigate the claims concluded in a draft report obtained by The Associated Press.
The party launched an investigation after Karen Monahan alleged in August that the Democratic congressman dragged her off a bed by her feet while screaming obscenities at her in 2016. Ellison, also a deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, has denied the accusation.”
Minnesota is thoroughly investigating these allegations.
Jerry I’m not going to really believe anybody that works for the DFL.
There needs to be an outside investigation.
It sucks, it definitely does, but men just need to learn how to behave.
OldSillyputtyslinky perfectly described the orange goon in the Kremlin Annex- sexual abuse, disgrace of the office of the president and self enrichment turned me away.
Except it didn’t turn Old Snootycat away. He loves him some Drumpf.
WJC waited until he was out of office to enrich himself unlike the crook in there now. Drumpf is being investigated for tax evasion and fraud on inheritance from his parents and you know anything he says about it will be a lie.
NextOldScrotchem will come back and say Clinton’s made hundreds of millions selling uranium to Putin, which is another outright lie and has been debunked a million times.
mike, you can’t vote for Ellison. Sorry. . .
Ellison is Black and he is Muslim, by Gwaaad, he must be guilty. Bring out the video that was claimed, why not?
The latest from the serial woman abuser of the country. “President Trump participated in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents, an investigation by The New York Times has found.
Mr. Trump won the presidency proclaiming himself a self-made billionaire, and he has long insisted that his father, the legendary New York City builder Fred C. Trump, provided almost no financial help.
But The Times’s investigation, based on a vast trove of confidential tax returns and financial records, reveals that Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler and continuing to this day.” New York Times 10/02/2018
OldSleddog, you ain’t none too smart R U? Matter of fact your extraordinarily stoopid for a guy who claims to be another stable genius. Debunking your BS is not even fun any more. I don’t have to work at it to prove you are a flat out liar.
I can vote for Ellison. There ain’t a damn thing, not even your supposed intelligence, can stop me from writing his name in every line on my ballot. You lose, bigly, again.
Mike, I got to give it to you, you are pretty clever to come up with so many different nicknames for OS!😆
jerry is a racist “Ellison is Black and he is Muslim, by Gwaaad, he must be guilty” this is what you have all become. You are all the fascist racist you claim to fight against.
Russian, your hate has rubbed off on us all, and I am the lesser for it.
It’s true jerry. It is the leftist democrat party. It is you. It is what you are. You are losers.
Russian, of course it is true, you have lessened what normalcy is all about. I am a proud looser… that is winning! Damn man, I am excited for November. I smell victory!
Of course you are proud of who you are. You back killing babies, men sleeping with men, letting illegals take American jobs and defending sexual perverts running the democratic party. I know who you are and so does the rest of the world. I’m not saying your stupid but I am saying you are dangerous enough to encourage someone like me, who stood in the background wearing a uniform defending you, to stand up and get in your face, and behind me are millions upon millions of Americans who have the same expertise and training I have that are all more than willing to rock your pansy ass on your backside. bring it jerry.
OS, back to reality: Kristi Noem had a real bill before her. She voted against debating it to keep it from passing. Instead of taking action to reauthorize good legislation that protects women, she let it linger without resolution, like the budget. Noem isn’t doing her job.
Meanwhile, I’ve killed no babies, slept with no men, hired no “illegals”, and defended no sexual perverts, regardless of their party affiliation. Stop trying to argue the fantasies in your head and please stick to the issues raised in each post.
And please, refrain from the foolish threats to engage in physical violence against people with whom you disagree. Such threats don’t make you a man, a patriot, or anything else admirable.
OldSally wrote: “I’m not saying your stupid …” It’s difficult to take you seriously when you don’t know the difference between your and you’re. LOL
This link should simplify it for you; bookmark it so you can refer to it often: