Fighting corruption in South Dakota feels like fighting Lord Grizzly… but if Hugh Glass can survive, so can we! (Photo from Alexandra Frederick campaign page)
Alexandra Frederick is asking voters to support her campaign for secretary of state because in that office she said she would represent all of South Dakota and make the government work for everyone.
Since her nomination at the Democratic Party convention in June, she has logged more than 10,000 miles.
“I’ve been to every corner and seen that everybody has the same issues,” Frederick said at the District 22 Democratic Forum on Thursday.
“They have the same wants from the government that they’re not getting now, but everybody’s kind of afraid to speak up because the people in power now have the money, they have the control,” she said [Roger Larsen, “Secretary of State Candidate Speaks at Democratic Forum,” Huron Plainsman, 2018.09.22].
The people in power have the money and the control: that’s the cronyism and corruption that my District 3 Senate opponent Al Novstrup says we should keep supporting by voting Republican. That’s the same cronyism that Frederick’s opponent, Steve Barnett has been part of since he went to Pierre eight years ago to put his feet up on the State Auditor’s desk. Let’s speak up in November, send cronies like Barnett and Novstrup home, and put state government under new management.
What specific acts of corruption are you alleging regarding Al?
Little Russian, start from A and go to Z. If you ain’t solving it, you are a part of it.
Gear-Up.. EB5… and all points in between. Did ya see how I did that? G before E, I did it just for you as Russian is kind of like that when you read it, just to remind you of your paytroll check coming this Friday.
El Rayo X
What are the top five or 10 points between Gear-Up and EB5?
How about pipelines leaking and the reporting of those leaks, that should be good for a couple at least? How about the lack of suffient bonding on the Keystone XL? How has all the money collected for the first Keystone been allocated to the counties impacted? How about the Wasta drilling mishap and its unknown repercussions? How about the “convoluted train wreck” in Harding County? How about the EB5 and all of the murder and mayhem that came from that one alone? Those in themselves are matters that have gone beyond the scope of generalizing EB5, same for Gear-Up. What about Marty Jackley and all of his shenanigans flouting the rule of law?
What would you rate as the top 5 or 10 points between Gear-Up and EB5?
“They have the same wants from the government that they’re not getting now”
Al threatens that NSU will lose funding if we don’t keep electing a Republican Senator who is pals with the Senate leadership, meaning that the fate of thousands of students, hundreds of faculty and staff, and millions of dollars of economic activity in District 3 depend not on the merits of investment in higher education but on the whims of whose buddies happen to hold power. That’s clear cronyism and corruption.
And Al has mostly ignored EB-5 and GEAR UP, which also arose from cronyism and corruption.
Alexandra is right: a small cabal has the wealth and power, and they have lots of people afraid to speak up. We need to change that by unseating the current powerful elites.
Link to this threat please?
We all know one person does not decide funding for the school.
NSU-global financial center; GOP Regents coverup of EB5 ect, SDSMT grafter Pres Heather (now Trump War Priestess); Lust Esq’s Cayman Islands-ish secretive GOP legislative plans for a few crony SD investment banker types; Rounds USACE ignorant flooding blame game, his convenient instrument ratings and in the Senate his ACA/medicaid failures, and dilution of CEO financial disclosures.
I listened to the video of Ms. Frederick at the Democratic gathering in Aberdeen a few weeks ago. I was very impressed with her knowledge, plans and awareness of needs.
If SD wants off the bottom of standings for just about everything in the USA, the state needs to make major changes. Keep electing the same people; keep getting the same results.
SD has a great deal of potential in people and land. It’s a shame to continue to ignore or drive out many of the best and brightest.
Asked and answered by Al himself at both forums I’ve attended with him and repeated multiple times by Al himself during the 2016 campaign. Review the September 15 forum, and stop questioning my commitment to factual statements about the South Dakota Legislature. Al’s own words make clear he is peddling cronyism and corruption and encouraging voters to surrender thereto. Alexandra Frederick would mark a welcome change from our submission to the rich, powerful, and connected.
Al is not a King and has no control over funding. I will listen to it later and get back to you on it.
Why shouldn’t I question your usage of the word “threaten”? I don’t trust any politician.
You still fail to deny any word I’ve said with fact. Novstrup plays word games to make Aberdeen voters think that voting for anyone other than a crony Republican, a member of The Club in Pierre, will jeopardize NSU’s funding. Please stop making excuses for Republicans’ plain language. I tire of your word games as much as I tire of Al’s.
Do you have ads and fliers telling the people of your District that you want to raise their Federal Income taxes?
No response is necessary until you acknowledge you’ve lost the discussion of cronyism and corruption in South Dakota and thus want to change the subject.
I will acknowledge no such thing.
Why do you not tell the voters of your District that you are against the tax cut they received?
What specific acts of corruption are you alleging regarding Al?
Little Russian, start from A and go to Z. If you ain’t solving it, you are a part of it.
Gear-Up.. EB5… and all points in between. Did ya see how I did that? G before E, I did it just for you as Russian is kind of like that when you read it, just to remind you of your paytroll check coming this Friday.
What are the top five or 10 points between Gear-Up and EB5?
How about pipelines leaking and the reporting of those leaks, that should be good for a couple at least? How about the lack of suffient bonding on the Keystone XL? How has all the money collected for the first Keystone been allocated to the counties impacted? How about the Wasta drilling mishap and its unknown repercussions? How about the “convoluted train wreck” in Harding County? How about the EB5 and all of the murder and mayhem that came from that one alone? Those in themselves are matters that have gone beyond the scope of generalizing EB5, same for Gear-Up. What about Marty Jackley and all of his shenanigans flouting the rule of law?
What would you rate as the top 5 or 10 points between Gear-Up and EB5?
“They have the same wants from the government that they’re not getting now”
What are these wants Alexandra?
Al threatens that NSU will lose funding if we don’t keep electing a Republican Senator who is pals with the Senate leadership, meaning that the fate of thousands of students, hundreds of faculty and staff, and millions of dollars of economic activity in District 3 depend not on the merits of investment in higher education but on the whims of whose buddies happen to hold power. That’s clear cronyism and corruption.
And Al has mostly ignored EB-5 and GEAR UP, which also arose from cronyism and corruption.
Alexandra is right: a small cabal has the wealth and power, and they have lots of people afraid to speak up. We need to change that by unseating the current powerful elites.
Link to this threat please?
We all know one person does not decide funding for the school.
NSU-global financial center; GOP Regents coverup of EB5 ect, SDSMT grafter Pres Heather (now Trump War Priestess); Lust Esq’s Cayman Islands-ish secretive GOP legislative plans for a few crony SD investment banker types; Rounds USACE ignorant flooding blame game, his convenient instrument ratings and in the Senate his ACA/medicaid failures, and dilution of CEO financial disclosures.
I listened to the video of Ms. Frederick at the Democratic gathering in Aberdeen a few weeks ago. I was very impressed with her knowledge, plans and awareness of needs.
If SD wants off the bottom of standings for just about everything in the USA, the state needs to make major changes. Keep electing the same people; keep getting the same results.
SD has a great deal of potential in people and land. It’s a shame to continue to ignore or drive out many of the best and brightest.
Asked and answered by Al himself at both forums I’ve attended with him and repeated multiple times by Al himself during the 2016 campaign. Review the September 15 forum, and stop questioning my commitment to factual statements about the South Dakota Legislature. Al’s own words make clear he is peddling cronyism and corruption and encouraging voters to surrender thereto. Alexandra Frederick would mark a welcome change from our submission to the rich, powerful, and connected.
Al is not a King and has no control over funding. I will listen to it later and get back to you on it.
Why shouldn’t I question your usage of the word “threaten”? I don’t trust any politician.
You still fail to deny any word I’ve said with fact. Novstrup plays word games to make Aberdeen voters think that voting for anyone other than a crony Republican, a member of The Club in Pierre, will jeopardize NSU’s funding. Please stop making excuses for Republicans’ plain language. I tire of your word games as much as I tire of Al’s.
Do you have ads and fliers telling the people of your District that you want to raise their Federal Income taxes?
Jason continues to lose the arguments presented and tries to distract us to his preferred marginalization schemes.
Jason, no, I have no such fliers, because such fliers would be untrue. Unlike corrupt Republicans, I don’t misuse words and outright lie to win votes.
There are numerous posts on your site where you have stated you were and are against the Trump tax cuts.
Are you saying you are for the Trump tax cuts now?
No response is necessary until you acknowledge you’ve lost the discussion of cronyism and corruption in South Dakota and thus want to change the subject.
I will acknowledge no such thing.
Why do you not tell the voters of your District that you are against the tax cut they received?
Jason comments in bad faith, refusing to acknowledge facts, continuing to seek distraction and personal attack.