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South Dakota Egg Production Up

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service reports that 2.71 million chickens laid 68.0 million eggs in South Dakota in August. That’s 78 eggs for every person in our fair state.

How is it, again, that anybody in South Dakota is hungry?

Our brave hens boosted their productivity 3.7% in August, popping out 2,506 eggs per 100 layers versus 2,416 per 100 in August 2017. That’s an egg a day, with just three full weekends off. That’s also the eighth-highest ovoproductivity among 26 major egg-laying states: we’re within a dozen of Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. But there was no beating the egg producers in Colorado, who got 2,641 eggs per hundred hens last month. Hmm… probably not anything in the water….



  1. mike from iowa 2018-09-24 07:39

    How iz it the cost of eggs in the store goes up and never comes all the way back down when there are so many eggs out there, the cost of feed has dropped dramatically?

    The only possible problem with egg production is lack of willing immigrant workers and greedy owners.

  2. Porter Lansing 2018-09-24 10:47

    Nope, it’s not our water. It’s our farmers. Like most places, happy people make happy chickens.

  3. Ryan 2018-09-24 12:13

    It’s not in the water, it’s in the air. All those colorado chickens are just like their people – they love sniffing their own farts. It’s totally organic.

  4. Porter Lansing 2018-09-24 12:21

    Good one, Ryan. You must know that because you come here in one of those dusty pickups with SD plates that we see hiding behind a weed store. They’re everywhere. What’s your strain, brain?

  5. Ryan 2018-09-24 12:45

    I have only driven through colorado on my way to somewhere worthwhile, and only one time. I have never been to a weed store in your lame state or any other. My comment was an allusion to an episode of the wonderful show South Park, wherein colorado folks like to sniff their own farts out of fancy wine glasses. You seem just like those caricatures, porter. Some stereotypes really are rooted in reality, thanks for helping us all see that Trey Parker and Matt Stone got another one right with that episode.

    And strain? Boy, please. You might as well ask jackson pollock his favorite color.

  6. Porter Lansing 2018-09-24 12:50

    Another good one, Ryan.

  7. Ryan 2018-09-24 12:52

    All the ones with my name on them are good ones. You’re welcome.

  8. Porter Lansing 2018-09-24 13:02

    Your name is Ryan Kelly, isn’t it?

  9. mike from iowa 2018-09-24 13:09

    The Walking Dead is a biopic of today’s wingnut party in America, minus the racism. Not intended to be funny, just educational for the delusionals out there.

  10. Ryan 2018-09-24 13:22

    Pretty sure you’ve asked that before. Nope, I’m not a kelly. And I can’t tell if that is supposed to be funny for some reason or if you are serious. But don’t worry, not everyone can be as witty and hilarious as mike and me.

    I am even bored enough today that I googled Ryan Kelly to see who you are referring to. All I found is some female radio host on some country station and some guy with a gofundme page trying to raise money for jesus. I am not a female, I am not a radio host, and I am not a gofundme beggar.

  11. Porter Lansing 2018-09-24 13:41

    It’s Ryan, Kelly L and you live in that dive, in the alley between 3rd ST and 4th Ave in Aberdeen. When are you going to get a “good” job?

  12. Ryan 2018-09-24 13:52

    Wait…is my first name kelly or my last? I can’t follow you. I’m guessing nobody does.

    And what…a good job like yours, sniffing pretentious farts? Shoot, I think I’ll pass.

    Never even been to aberdeen, but I hear most of them folks work for a living, which is more than I could say about you and your neighbors up on the hill, patting yourselves on the back for having without earning.

  13. Porter Lansing 2018-09-24 13:57

    Thanks for the information.

  14. Ryan 2018-09-24 14:08

    If you want to know who I am, why not just ask? You don’t have to write a bunch of steamy diary entries about me with all of the tidbits you think you tricked me into posting.

    I comment under just my first name not because I want to hide my last name, but because my identity isn’t important and doesn’t add to or detract from my opinions.

  15. OldSarg 2018-09-24 15:29

    Ryan, Porter has sunk to a new low of hate. He spends his day trying to find out who people are in hopes they either 1) get hurt or 2) he can hurt them. Here is what he just said to me “we hold you down with our boots on your neck”. I’m thinking the guy is like real close to being a nazi. A regular “brown shirt” type. Truth is he is just an old man, alone with no one and this is his only way to reach out for attention. He used to be somewhat civil but he has lost that as the degenerative effects of alcohol and drugs have taken a more obvious effect. I hope he finds peace. He should go live in the “home” with mike from iowa. Very sad.

  16. Porter Lansing 2018-09-24 15:43

    Thank you Os. I also hope you find a way to rid your conscience of the guilt you feel. How many innocent women and children’s deaths did you participate in? Droning civilians that come to mourn their dead? That must be hard to live with. Even for a neck beard, knuckle dragger like you.

  17. OldSarg 2018-09-24 15:46

    It’s ok Porter. You are in my prayers. I know you are not well. Come back home. We have peace here in South Dakota. You can be better.

  18. Porter Lansing 2018-09-24 15:53

    How many died? Did you order it? Calling us baby killers won’t get you to heaven.

  19. mike from iowa 2018-09-24 16:22

    OldSarahsimpleS**t, is full of bulloney.

    Ryan, Porter has sunk to a new low of hate. He spends his day trying to find out who people are in hopes they either 1) get hurt or 2) he can hurt them.

    Prove it or stfu!

  20. Ryan 2018-09-24 16:23

    Don’t worry, Wrong Again Porter – none of us are getting in to heaven. I can’t find any flights to Narnia, either. These days, I’ve heard it’s even tough to find a table at a good restaurant in Atlantis. Probably something the conservatives did, huh?

  21. Porter Lansing 2018-09-24 16:32

    In this time of Russian influencers running rampant on political blogs, Twitter, Facebook and in the SDGOP it’s good to know who you’re talking to and where they sit before you can judge where they stand.

  22. OldSarg 2018-09-24 16:53

    I’m back. I had to watch MSNBC to see who, with no recollection of date, time or who else was there, was sexually abused, from what they can recall because they admittedly were drunk by our next supreme court judge.

    Here’s the deal folks: Whether it is a new judge, right to life, open borders, weaponizing the government or trying to undermine an election running around calling everyone racist while wearing pink pussy hats and calling anyone you don’t agree with names is not endearing your party to the people. You are losing for a reason and it mostly because you are nasty little shrews. I don’t mean to hurt your feelings but as I am sure someone in your past has told you “Don’t be a bully”. It is only hurting your chance of getting more free stuff from the guvment.

  23. Porter Lansing 2018-09-24 17:07

    No one gets free stuff from the government. That’s leftover right wing propaganda from the 50’s. If you believe it, go back to school. Socialism is Conservatism. Socialism is buying necessities at the cheapest possible price. This often is done by buying as a group. *Think COSTCO.
    You been schooled, Old Ape. Now put your shoes back on. The juggling with your feet is just too smelly.

  24. happy camper 2018-09-24 17:11

    Do you people understand how funny you are? I was researching water flossers what a nice break this has been it’s like a comedy routine that never ends so much more fun than tooth decay. Don’t ever stop keep doing what you’re doing. “You’re all doing very, very well.”

  25. mike from iowa 2018-09-24 17:12

    Drumpf has at least 18 credible charges against him of sexual assault and other things. He has paid money to a number of women and then lies about paying them. He has no credibility, just like OldSlobberingTroll who comes on here daily and repeats Russian troll talking points verbatim.

  26. OldSarg 2018-09-24 17:29

    mike, take your pills.

  27. Debbo 2018-09-25 21:23

    If you really want to know why girls, women, boys and men don’t report sooner, and think they’re just making it up now for attention, be brave and go to Twitter, search this hashtag:
    and read many of the individual’s tweets. Here is one that is not unusual:
    “I was 10. It was my dads best friend. I no longer put myself near him, which meant I didnt get to hang out with my dad much anymore. The man is now dead. I finally told my mom, 36 years later. She didnt believe me.”

  28. Debbo 2018-09-25 21:32

    OS said, “who, with no recollection of date, time or who else was there, was sexually abused, from what they can recall because they admittedly were drunk by our next supreme court judge.”

    Not being able to remember certain details of a traumatic event is very common. Soldiers with PTSD are the same, or auto accident victims who don’t recall the wreck even when they never lost consciousness.

    There will be some details that are crystal clear, especially smells, a very strong memory. Other senses like taste, touch or hearing might be fairly clear too, but sight sometimes is not. Dates and times are not usually part of the trauma and therefore not memorable.

    I have a question OS. Based on the above quote, are you saying that people who are drunk, male or female are at fault, completely or partially, for their own rape? Further, does that mean adult males, statistically nearly always the perp, have limited control over their behavior?

  29. OldSarg 2018-09-25 21:54

    Pick another man Debbo. You know nothing of Kavanaugh other than what you read in the hate filled diatribes you follow. There are good “men” just as there are good women. Not everyone the media tells you is bad, evil or whatever is what they tell you. Think for yourself and let the hate go. I know in my heart I have no dislike or desire for you. You are human just as I am. Not every man wishes you as a concubine. Treat your brethren as you wish to be treated and you will find your heart is much happier. Come back to peace and look at others as part of our humanity.

  30. Debbo 2018-09-25 22:23

    So again, OS, you have chosen not to respond to my questions seeking clarification, nor view the links with more information, but to simply create your own narrative.


  31. Debbo 2018-09-27 00:30

    I remember when you first started commenting here OS. There were opportunities for some pretty good exchanges of information and opinion. But now it seems like you just go off on rants that aren’t even connected to the topic. It’s really kind of weird.

    I ask you direct questions and it’s like you can’t understand them. Or whatever the post topic is, your comment is Democrats are hateful racists and losing everything.

    You weren’t like that before. Are you under too much stress? OD-ing on Pootie koolaid? I’ve seen you respond coherently to direct questions and stay on topic so I know you can. Seriously. What happened?

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