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Minnehaha Sheriff, Press Hype Antifa Threat, Ignore Gun Nut’s Right-Wing Ranting Online

On Tuesday night, police arrested Mark Christopher Einerwold at his east-side Sioux Falls home on charges of burglary. They also found bomb-making materials, a bunch of illegal guns, a homemade silencer, and a jacket with “Antifa” on the back. Guess what really concerns the police?

We got lucky that something bad didn’t happen and we got on the front end of this. … The association with Antifa really concerns us.

We may have prevented a big tragedy, and we don’t know what that could have been [Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Department, quoted in tweets from that Sioux Falls paper’s 911 Twitter channel, 2018.07.18].

Antifa jackets don’t kill people; guns and explosives kill people.

The press and various right-wing freak-out websites have also been highlighting the “multiple items” relating to broad array of anti-fascist groups that mainly battles modern Klansmen. The Trump party has made Antifa a useful political bogeyman for its crusade against constitutional rights.

Left: Mark Christopher Einerwold marches to court, screen cap from KDLT, 2018.07.18; right: Mark Einerwold, Facebook photo, posted 2015.08.24.
Left: Mark Christopher Einerwold marches to court, screen cap from KDLT, 2018.07.18; right: Mark Einerwold, Facebook photo, posted 2015.08.24.

But if the man marched into court yesterday to face burglary and now weapons charges is the same man pictured above on the right, then, by the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Department’s logic, we should be just as concerned about Einerwold’s association with Second Amendment advocacy. The Facebook page of Mark Einerwold is a steady stream of gun-rights mania:

Mark Einerwold, Facebook photos, screen cap 2018.07.19.
Mark Einerwold, Facebook photos, screen cap 2018.07.19.
Mark Einerwold, FB, 2018.06.18.
Mark Einerwold, FB, 2018.06.18.
Mark Einerwold, FB, 2018.04.04.
Mark Einerwold, Facebook, 2018.04.04.

Einerwold shares material from a group called “Extremely Pissed Off RIGHT Wingers 3” expressing hatred of welfare recipients:

Mark Einerwold, Facebook, 2018.03.08

Einerwold also hates electric cars and loves tar sands oil…

Mark Einerwold, Facebook, 2018.03.10.

…so, what, the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office narrowly averted a tragic petro-terrorist attack on Prius owners?

On June 15, Einerwold shared an Australian Broadcasting Corp. News video from January to equate “Antifa” (in this case, the armed “Redneck Revolt” faction) with “social justice” and express alarm at their “militant” and “dangerous” nature:

Mark Einerwold, Facebook, 2018.06.15.

That body of online grouchiness does not fit the profile of a radical left-wing opponent of fascists and Klansmen. It fits the profile of a lot of the people the cops end up busting for illegal activity hinting at terrorist intent: angry white men who think guns and bombs are the solution to their angst.


  1. mike from iowa

    Why the hell do korporations on welfare (koch bros) get tax refunds?

    The anti-fa jacket was probably just used to throw the fuzz off the real scent of a whacko gun nut.

  2. Jenny

    Just another nut job ammosexual, they lurk everywhere across America – all political spectrums, both parties have them.

  3. Eve Fisher

    Mike from Iowa, you’ve said exactly what I was thinking. He planned to wear an “antifa” jacket when he made his Big Move to throw more shade on the people he hates.

  4. Mike, Einerwold’s FB posts indicate he has a t-shirt printing press. It’s not a stretch to speculate he could have printed the jacket himself. And yes, the content of his FB page suggests the scenario Eve proposes.

  5. mike from iowa

    I was thinking more along the lines he might have pistol whipped someone and took the jacket from them, but that would involve risk an armed coward might not assume.

  6. leslie

    Jenny-you really think Dems are ammosexual? Sounds like “Trumped-up” charge. We all know it. Both parties do it”. NOT. What supports that thought?

  7. Jenny

    I agree there are not as many ammosexuals that lean liberal. The majority would be to the extreme right.

  8. Kal Lis! Was he a real right-winger…

    …Einerwold’s brother says that Mark is about as far from Antifa as you can get.

    “He’s conservative, he’s pro-gun rights,” Bob Einerwold said in an interview. “He can’t stand liberals” [Trevor Mitchell & Katie Nelson, “Antifa connection is false, says brother of man charged with bomb-making,” that Sioux Falls paper, 2018.07.19].

    …or was he just a self-promoting crass capitalist?

    Bob Einerwold said a lot of the things his brother did online were intended “to stir up controversy” and draw people to his website.

    “The more people he can stir up on Facebook, the more shirts he sells,” Bob Einerwold said [Mitchell & Nelson, 2018.07.19].

    Even the reporters agree that “Indeed, if Mark Einerwold was a leftist terrorist, his social media cover was impeccable.”

  9. Donald Pay

    Remember back a few years ago when law enforcement was doing “training” that involved a cooked up scenario of some environmentalists taking hostages in a school in order to protest an oil pipeline? These stupid drills with prejudiced cooked up scenarios are extremely bad, because they plant the seeds for real scenarios of extreme police overreaction and prejudicial law enforcement that short-circuits good investigative work. Vast overreaction was what we saw at Standing Rock. Poor investigative work is what we saw here.

    What if, instead of this cuckoo bird, there actually was a righty plot that law enforcement missed because they were thrown off by as small a piece of evidence as a bogus jacket? It appears law enforcement there needs immediate re-training, using non-prejudicial training methods. This, indeed, could have been a disaster, and it would have been because of shoddy police work.

  10. Donald, I think I do remember that incident! Was that in Rapid City? What year?

  11. Donald Pay

    Cory, It was in the Hills area. Not sure if it was Rapid City. And not sure if there were participants from other parts of the state. It was a couple or three years before the Standing Rock protests.

  12. It does appear that the local cops and press jumped the gun on this one. I suspect that ANTIFA jacket in his possession was actually seized as a sort of battle trophy during some protest or on-campus scuffle (likely in Minnesota, would be my guess). His brother claims he was just making “smoke bombs”. I really hope that’s true, and that the evidence bears it out. We’ll see.

  13. Maybe the cops were running a false flag operation, trying to distract everyone from the real threat that this gun nut and the gun nuts who welcomed Maria Butina with open arms both appear to have posed to our nation.

  14. happy camper

    I got a Bernie Sanders cap I pulled out of the trash as a sort of collectible – trust me – that don’t make me no progressive – yet somehow I pull off looking fabulous but only around the house.

    On a more serious note my Native friend likes the Confederate flag. Why? My guess it’s just a symbol of rebellion he responded with hostility to an inquiry. Interestingly Native Americans fought on both sides of the Civil War – some had black slaves – history can be so inconvenient.

  15. mike from iowa

    Yeah, HC, history can be inconvenient. This Nation was birthed in violence and growing pains and as people sorted through the growing pains, a majority of Americans chose to do the right stuff for a Nation of many different peoples.

    Unfortunately, too many stoopid wingnuts saw the present and future and it scared them out of their comfort zones and back to an America we thought we had outgrown for all time.

    Wingnuts don’t seem to learn from past or present screw ups.
    They are not only doomed to repeat the past, they are hell bound to drag the rest of us back there, too.

  16. Well, since Einerwold evidently isn’t the Antifa bogeyman law enforcement and the alt-right wanted him to be, we’re going to go off on other topics.

    HC, Indians can be wrong about history and symbology as white folks. Flying the Confederate flag celebrates rebellion and treason against the U.S. I suppose the Lakota people could make a case for that, but they still have to be honest and say they are glorifying traitors. They might just as well wear swastikas or rising suns to celebrate other dudes who have fought the United States government.

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