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Trump Attacks Due Process Again, Calling for Instant Deportation of Perceived Enemies

First Donald Trump said he wants to take our guns without due process. Now he says he wants to throw people out of the country without any opportunity to speak in court:

We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order… [Donald Trump, Tweet, 2018.06.24].

As usual, this isn’t a formal, vetted policy statement; this is just another id/thumb-spasm from the White House. But adhering to the thesis that the public words of the President of the United States matter, we can only conclude that Trump is saying that he supports giving law enforcement the power to detain and deport any objectionable person at the border.

Translation: If I visit Mexico and drive back through Tijuana, Trump’s ICE goons could check my I-D, see my name flagged on a list of subversives, shout, “Fake News—er, passport!” haul me off in a black van and drop me back in the Mexican desert.

Shorter translation: The government could make you disappear.

Just three days after the Supreme Court ruled that police need a warrant just to look at your cellphone location information, the Executive Branch’s expressed desire to seize and deport individuals without any court hearing is chillingly unconstitutional:

In response, Omar Jadwat, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Immigrants’ Rights Project, called Trump’s suggestion “both illegal and unconstitutional”.

“Any official who has sworn an oath to uphold the constitution and laws should disavow it unequivocally.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) also condemned the US president’s comments.

“This clear call for an end to the constitutionally-guaranteed right to due process is symptomatic of an administration that disdains both the Constitution and our judicial system, and would subject those who cross our borders to the whims of unaccountable officials acting on the twisted logic of white supremacy and racism,” Nihad Awad, CAIR national executive director, said in a statement.

“All Americans should be outraged by this affront to our values and democracy” [“Trump Slammed for Calling to Deport Migrants Without Due Process,” Aljazeera, 2018.06.25].

The only way that Trumpists can maintain the fiction that they are “Making America Great Again” is by repudiating the values that make America great and fantasizing that the tyrannical policy pronouncements of Il Duce would only punish some evil, dehumanized other and not on themselves or any other American who might draw the ire of an overreaching Executive Branch.


  1. Donald Pay

    Trump’s ignorant and vile statements are farts in the wind, and so is much of what passes for Trump’s policy. The “zero tolerance” policy, for example, ended up being a poorly executed effort in shooting their own feet that are planted firmly in their own rectums. Ouch!!!

    They got caught by the free press, and all their mouth-foaming couldn’t cover up the fact that even they have a tiny shred of humanity left, or at least the women in the dictator’s orbit do. Trump acted embarrassed that he caved to his wife and daughter, so he vacated that policy while threatening far worse. Frustrated dictators do a lot of mouth-foaming, and because we still have a system of justice that refuses, mostly, to bow to the bidding of the Steve-squared fascist in the administration, we get dictator spittle spewed toward due process and the Constitution

    Thank you, Lord, for making Trump and his band a basket of incompetents, even if they are deplorable.

  2. mike from iowa

    Drumpf now sez immigrants and children will be reunited ONLY if they agree to be deported. He claims, falsely of course, his government knows where the children are.

    A 15 year old boy ran away from detention today and hasn’t been found, yet.

  3. Jason

    8 U.S.C. §1182(f) of the U.S. Code confers on the president the power to turn away immigrants at the border. It provides:

    Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

  4. Debbie

    Donald Pay,
    Do not under any circumstances make Ivanka or Melania out to be some sort of humanitarians. They contribute to the the economic problems we have that created this in the first place.
    Trump/GOP intensify their scapegoating of immigrants. They want US workers to blame declining jobs, living standards, etc. on immigrants, not on the 1% and their political puppets.

  5. mike from iowa

    If Drumpf gets to decide what detrimental means, we are all in trouble.

    Donald Trump has said he has no option but to lock up immigrant families to enforce immigration law. That’s a revision of his previous claim that he had no option but to separate kids from their parents.

    But there is an alternative that is cheaper than either of those options—and effective. It’s known as the Family Case Management Program (FCMP,) which was introduced by the Obama administration in 2016 and abruptly ended by the Trump administration last year.

    FCMP allowed immigrants with pending court cases to go free, but paired them with social workers who offered legal guidance and ensured the immigrants showed up to their hearings. It had an impressive success rate. All of the participants kept their court appointments, and 99% made it to their check-ins with immigration authorities, according to a 2017 audit by the Office of the Inspector General. Only 2% of the roughly one thousand participants fled.

    Its price tag is $36 a day, according to the AP—significantly lower than what it costs to house immigrants families together or separately. A night at the “tent city” for children erected near the border is more than $700 per person; the cost of a bed at a family detention facility is about $318, according to Homeland Security’s 2019 budget proposal.

  6. Donald Pay

    Jason, there are quite a few statutes on immigration and also constitutional rights and case law that have to be weighed against that one statute. That’s what happened regarding the Muslim ban, for example, and why courts struck down two of those bans, and are about ready to rule on the Trump Administrations third try at that ban. Now, there are other statutes that apply to people seeking asylum, which is what many of the people from Central American countries are seeking. Many conservative legal scholars and think tanks were and are horrified by the lawless approach of this Dictator regarding these matters. Pointing to one statute tells you nothing. Go seek out real scholarship on this matter.

  7. mike from iowa

    International Law on asylum (which the US generally follows except under certain wingnuts) says asylees cannot be denied entry and must be allowed to stay through the adjudication process. They do not have to seek asylum in the first safe state they reach.And they can’t be sent back if there is reason to believe they will suffer injury.

  8. Porter Lansing

    Exactly, MFI. That’s the point that “refutes” the one calling itself “Jason” and others that use the term “illegal aliens” to describe the asylum seekers at our southern border.
    They cannot be denied entry and they can stay until after adjudication at which time they may freely travel to Canada and ask for asylum there. But, to hell with international law. The Aryan King makes the law!!

  9. Jason

    International law does not trump US law.

  10. mike from iowa

    Drumpf isn’t the law. He is not even legally elected. He is the one and original bogus potus with zero clews as to how our government works and how there are three co-equal branches so we can have no kings or Putin wannabes.

    And his voters don’t know a hell of a lot more than he does.

  11. Porter Lansing

    OH, never mind Jason. I see you posted it above.
    BTW … a Presidential proclamation isn’t a law.
    Unless authorized by Congress, a President’s proclamation does not have the force of law. If Congress were to pass an act that would take effect upon the happening of a contingent event, and subsequently the President proclaimed that the event happened, then the proclamation would have the force of law.

  12. John

    Despite Ravnborg’s inappropriate earlier blasts – You under-estimate him and his experience. As a commanding Captain and Lieutenant Colonel he called and presided over Uniformed Code of Military Justice legal proceedings. He had the authority to reduce soldiers in rank and pay – permanently or suspended or either. He had the authority to force a soldier from the military (their job, profession, livelihood). He had the authority to convene Article 32 hearings (think grand jury or preliminary hearings). He had far more authority over those in his jurisdiction than does any states attorney. He has the authority to convene other types of hearings or decide some allegations of malfeasance and assess fines or recompense. No states attorney has authority, or is trustworthy to be fact finder and decider. Focusing on logpacs (logistic deliveries) is stupid in an unsymmetrical battlefield such as was Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam. Buda’s Wagon (IEDs) don’t discriminate.

    The point with Ravnsborg is he swore an oath. His oath is to support and defend the Constitution. Not any temporary office holder. Will he. That is the metric. Will Ravnsborg be an a Oliver North or apparent Jackley, go-along-to-get-along, or does the evidence show he lives his oath. Seiler clearly lives his oath. Early indications are that Ravnsborg is the former. Ravnsborg has to overcome his foolish earlier parochial statements. That is a high bar in a short time.

  13. leslie

    Resist. tar trump with this upcoming Russia trip. Start making him look like a foreign agent. Start questioning his every policy decision as Russian-influenced. Start mirroring his foreign policy efforts with a Democratic platform that shows how his compromised money grubbing grifting is affecting everything he does. Start making his nepotism a huge issue. Start refusing to take anything Jarrod or Ivanka do as remotely serious. Start ridiculing his lack of negotiating skills. Start showing how everyone in the world mocks him and laughs at him. Daily Kos yesterday

  14. The existence of ill-advised code does not justify that ill-advised code.

    Due process still matters. We should still afford due process to individuals in our country.

  15. leslie

    Trump narrative:”layer in misinfo from the start.Incoherence will inspire more rigorous scrutiny. And greater paranoia and mass desire to make it all fit.” J. Edgar Hoover MO. J.elroy, blood’s a rover, 463 (fbi in civil rights era of jfk rfk mlk assasinations). Rounds does it, Jackley does it. NRA (annapolis LV Parkland ect) does it.

  16. Which Democrats and which statements? Please be specific, Jason, and don’t impute to every Democrat words spoken only by a few Democrats (or maybe by none—you do have a rather fevered imagination).

  17. jerry

    Comrade Jason, Plurality of Democrats and Republicans have always wanted to abolish ICE, especially Republican business owners during the Obama years and now especially, during the Russian traitor years. ICE needs to be revamped and not to be made where children are imprisoned at such a great cost to taxpayers. Yes, Republicans and Democrats are a plurality on this.

    Two weeks ago:

    “Anti-immigration sentiment fueled Donald Trump’s shocking primary victory and seemed to have won him some crucial votes in critical 2016 swing states. But now that he’s in office, public views of immigration are soaring to new heights. A new Pew poll released last week, for example, finds that, for the first time on record, more Americans want to see legal immigration levels increased rather than decreased.”

  18. Jason


    Please present your evidence that Republicans have always wanted to abolish ICE?

    Republicans are for LEGAL immigration. Illegal immigrants caught should never be able to immigrate.

  19. Porter Lansing

    Welcome to Loserville, Jason. Population … YOU!!

  20. Jason

    Sweet. Personal attacks always remind me of my winning.

  21. jerry

    Comrade Jason, read the linky. Not all Republicans are Quislings, just Comrades like you.

  22. Jason

    I did read it Jerry. Your link is about LEGAL immigration. We are talking about ILLEGAL immigration.

    Do you not know the difference?

  23. jerry

    Comrade Jason, thanks for proving my point. By the way, how are the gas prices now compared to when Obama left office? How about the national debt you Quislings were fussing about? But I digress…

  24. Jason

    Thanks for proving my point Jerry. The plurality of Democrats want open borders.

  25. jerry

    Comrade Jason, Here it is again ” A new Pew poll released last week, for example, finds that, for the first time on record, more Americans want to see legal immigration levels increased rather than decreased.”

    I know why that is difficult because it says “more Americans” whereas you Quislings are still stuck in the racist mode and do not know what a real American is. Hint, it ain’t you.

  26. Jason

    I’m all for legal immigration.

    Sweet. The racist card always reminds me I am winning.

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