Pruitt Gets Coffee in Sioux Falls, Skepticism in Reliance
Published 2018-06-14 by
Cory Allen Heidelberger
Roger Cornelius mentions that corrupt Environmental Pillaging Agency chief Scott Pruitt bumbled into Josiah’s Coffeehouse in Sioux Falls yesterday. Josiah’s owner and former Obama advisor Steve Hildebrand confirms:
EPA chief Scott Pruitt, official tweet from Reliance, SD, 2018.06.13.
Pruitt visited Schindler Family Farms and spoke with sorghum growers about creating a fuel credit program similar to the program for corn. He addressed many of the farmer’s concerns up front, but seemed to deflect concerns, said David Fremark, a Miller farmer who was at Pruitt’s discussion.
“I don’t think he’s agriculture’s friend,” Fremark said. “He talked a good game, but the things that he’s doing—he appeared not to grasp the magnitude of the things he’s doing” [Patrick Anderson, “Trump’s EPA Chief Was in Town. Here’s How Local Corn Growers Welcomed Him,” that Sioux Falls paper, 2018.06.13].
Even two Congressional candidates on opposite sides of the aisle agreed that a change would be better for South Dakota, and all corn growers.
“Allowing E-15 to be purchased year-round is good for everybody, of course, it’s good for farmers,” Dusty Johnson, Republican Congressional Candidate, said. “E-15 we’re going to use more corn, and that’s going to help prices come up. Prices are too low right now, and the market is going to help drive that up.”
“It looks like the petroleum industry that’s got a grip on Mr. Pruitt,” Tim Bjorkman, Democratic Congression Candidate, said. “Who’s giving credits, really quite secretively to petroleum industry insiders and it’s disrupting the ethanol market [Jill Langland, “Local Farmers Give EPA Scott Pruitt the Cold Shoulder,” KSFY, 2018.06.13].
Pruitt returns to Washington, perhaps briefly. Former federal ethics chief Walter Shaub says Pruitt’s bottomless ethics violations make him unfit for government work:
Shaub went on to accuse Pruitt of “inventing” new ways to violated longstanding White House ethics rules after the EPA chief again came under fire for his conduct at the EPA, this time over allegations that he directed aides and a top donor to focus on finding his wife a job in conservative political circles.
An EPA spokesman refused to comment Wednesday on the story and referred reporters to Pruitt’s outside counsel, who did not respond to requests for a statement.
“In no other administration would this man still have his job,” Shaub said.
I’m sure it was meant in jest, but for someone in the food industry to hint about serving anyone muddy water and dirt, isn’t good advertising.
I’m not a big fan of haters, either, but haters gotta eat, too, and maybe a little sustenance served with some South Dakota politeness and a few earnest comments about important issues will make them hate less. The Nazi collaborating gendarme who busts Rick’s cafe in Casablanca because of gambling turned out to be a good guy in the end. Sometimes people change, over a cup of coffee or a stiff drink and some honest conversation.
It is ironic that a merchant being presented with a customer expresses a wish to intentionally give poor service and a potentially harmful adulteration of his product, then proceeds to call the customer a “hater.” Hmm…
Kevin Woster
We’re always skeptical in Reliance — usually with good reason. The Henry Woster family farm, by the way, has been part of the Schindler Family Farms since the mid-1970s, a few years after my dad’s death.
mike from iowa
What are the chances Scott Pruitt gives a flying fig about anyone in South Dakota when there is money to be made by polluters all over the place?
That is essentially why Pruitt has this job and will continue in this job until the King gets tired of getting his royal ankles bit by worried wingnuts in an election year.
Interesting observation, Michael. Good thing corrupt Trump officials [redundant!] aren’t a protected class under the law.
The owner is just exercising Freedom of Religion and hinting that he may refuse to serve someone who does things in which the owner would have moral objections. It’s a new trend and is all the rage these days, as I understand it.
Pruitt is a Koch-boy. Sx Falls has a fairly new Koch office. They are likely former MO AG/RAGA Chair’s only friends. And we know how he surrounds himself with 1st class at taxpayers expense. And Josiah’s Coffeehouse in Sioux Falls owned by former Obama advisor Steve Hildebrand, who is not afraid to stand up to power. Its Trump who welcomes Republicans to his establishments to influence pedal. Certainly not Hildebrand.
I can have no religion and still come to the moral conclusion that Scott Pruitt doesn’t deserve a seat at my table.
A perfect example of libbie hypocrisy. I wonder next if they discriminated against this fellow because he was short, or bald, or white, or italian, or maybe ugly. The ugly always get discriminated against. I know this.
I usually agree with Mr. Pay. But I’m with Rick.
And I usually agree with Mychael Wyland. But I’m with Rick
Pruitt is dangerous. Abusive of your taxpayer dollars. Libbie hypocrisy?
Good one grudz… libbie hypocrisy would be to take his polluted dollars.
Horsehockey, Grudz. Hildebrand is not discriminating against race, creed, sex, or any of the other protected classes that the the Constitution and decency say should not be discriminated against. Hildebrand is saying that Pruitt is a jerk who deserves scorn from decent society for waging war against the general welfare in favor of Big Oil and his own selfish interest.
I’ll acknowledge Donald Pay’s point that sometimes sitting down for a beverage and conversation with a seeming enemy can produce fruitful mutual understanding. But the Trump Administration is not susceptible to such reasoned and neighborly dialogue. The Trump Administration is a cancer to be excised by a rigorous regime of resistance, reporting, and electoral revolt.
PJ Butler
Here, here. Well said.
Donald Pay
My feeling has always been that if you’re open for business, you serve any customer and treat them nicely, no matter what race, creed, sexual orientation…,or political opinions that public may have. It’s basic marketplace economics, and the Golden Rule. I suppose you don’t have to sit down with your customer and have a conversation about ethanol or the Gilt Edge corruption, especially if you have other customers to serve. You can resist, but still be irresistible, if that makes any sense.
Robert McTaggart
Sometimes a cup of coffee is just a cup of coffee.
It’s one place we can all have…common grounds….
mike from iowa
How can phony kristians claim their religious beliefs are being violated when they violate their own beliefs by claiming to be gawd fearing kristians?
They do pretty much everything antithetical to their lord and saviour’s teachings and then plug in a pompous, pious smile for the cameras.
Good ones, Mr Pay.
For once I agree with Grudz. He would know from ugly.
Mike, I have learned a new word for those who claim the bible supports their nastiness: Fiblical.
Feel free to use it, except I get to introduce it to twmdbs first. ☺
mike from iowa
Great one, Debbo. What a day. I get to insult Grudz and I captured a mouse. New word makes a perfect trifecta.
every time, a wedding cake is just a wedding cake.
oh, and there were “many fine people too”, on the KKK/Hitler?radical militia side. Charleston; remember who is stirring the pot–Repulikan President Trump, who lies and fosters hate speech every day, all day.
Robert McTaggart
A wedding cake is definitely not just a wedding cake ;^).
mike from iowa
Doc, what is yer opinion of making love out of nothing a…..making drinking water out of thin air as has happened recently in Arizona desert?
Will Drumpf sell magic water under his own Name and name the sun after himself, too?
Robert McTaggart
Sounds like enough for someone to drink per day, at least if they are not in the hot sun any way.
However, it will not work as well in the winter…it needs heat to drive the extraction of the water.
But the key is really getting the cost down.
mike from iowa
Isn’t that true with all mankind’s greatest inventions? Maybe some stable genius will figure out how to do straight to every consumer inventions w/o exhorbitant costs.
Robert McTaggart
Robert McTaggart
EPA shifts oversight of coal waste to a state for 1st time
I’m sure it was meant in jest, but for someone in the food industry to hint about serving anyone muddy water and dirt, isn’t good advertising.
I’m not a big fan of haters, either, but haters gotta eat, too, and maybe a little sustenance served with some South Dakota politeness and a few earnest comments about important issues will make them hate less. The Nazi collaborating gendarme who busts Rick’s cafe in Casablanca because of gambling turned out to be a good guy in the end. Sometimes people change, over a cup of coffee or a stiff drink and some honest conversation.
It is ironic that a merchant being presented with a customer expresses a wish to intentionally give poor service and a potentially harmful adulteration of his product, then proceeds to call the customer a “hater.” Hmm…
We’re always skeptical in Reliance — usually with good reason. The Henry Woster family farm, by the way, has been part of the Schindler Family Farms since the mid-1970s, a few years after my dad’s death.
What are the chances Scott Pruitt gives a flying fig about anyone in South Dakota when there is money to be made by polluters all over the place?
That is essentially why Pruitt has this job and will continue in this job until the King gets tired of getting his royal ankles bit by worried wingnuts in an election year.
Interesting observation, Michael. Good thing corrupt Trump officials [redundant!] aren’t a protected class under the law.
The owner is just exercising Freedom of Religion and hinting that he may refuse to serve someone who does things in which the owner would have moral objections. It’s a new trend and is all the rage these days, as I understand it.
Pruitt is a Koch-boy. Sx Falls has a fairly new Koch office. They are likely former MO AG/RAGA Chair’s only friends. And we know how he surrounds himself with 1st class at taxpayers expense. And Josiah’s Coffeehouse in Sioux Falls owned by former Obama advisor Steve Hildebrand, who is not afraid to stand up to power. Its Trump who welcomes Republicans to his establishments to influence pedal. Certainly not Hildebrand.
Josiah’s Coffeehouse in Sioux Falls is a 1st class place!!
LS, that was perfect!
I can have no religion and still come to the moral conclusion that Scott Pruitt doesn’t deserve a seat at my table.
A perfect example of libbie hypocrisy. I wonder next if they discriminated against this fellow because he was short, or bald, or white, or italian, or maybe ugly. The ugly always get discriminated against. I know this.
I usually agree with Mr. Pay. But I’m with Rick.
And I usually agree with Mychael Wyland. But I’m with Rick
Pruitt is dangerous. Abusive of your taxpayer dollars. Libbie hypocrisy?
Good one grudz… libbie hypocrisy would be to take his polluted dollars.
I always try the high road but often fail.
Horsehockey, Grudz. Hildebrand is not discriminating against race, creed, sex, or any of the other protected classes that the the Constitution and decency say should not be discriminated against. Hildebrand is saying that Pruitt is a jerk who deserves scorn from decent society for waging war against the general welfare in favor of Big Oil and his own selfish interest.
I’ll acknowledge Donald Pay’s point that sometimes sitting down for a beverage and conversation with a seeming enemy can produce fruitful mutual understanding. But the Trump Administration is not susceptible to such reasoned and neighborly dialogue. The Trump Administration is a cancer to be excised by a rigorous regime of resistance, reporting, and electoral revolt.
Here, here. Well said.
My feeling has always been that if you’re open for business, you serve any customer and treat them nicely, no matter what race, creed, sexual orientation…,or political opinions that public may have. It’s basic marketplace economics, and the Golden Rule. I suppose you don’t have to sit down with your customer and have a conversation about ethanol or the Gilt Edge corruption, especially if you have other customers to serve. You can resist, but still be irresistible, if that makes any sense.
Sometimes a cup of coffee is just a cup of coffee.
It’s one place we can all have…common grounds….
How can phony kristians claim their religious beliefs are being violated when they violate their own beliefs by claiming to be gawd fearing kristians?
They do pretty much everything antithetical to their lord and saviour’s teachings and then plug in a pompous, pious smile for the cameras.
Good ones, Mr Pay.
For once I agree with Grudz. He would know from ugly.
Mike, I have learned a new word for those who claim the bible supports their nastiness: Fiblical.
Feel free to use it, except I get to introduce it to twmdbs first. ☺
Great one, Debbo. What a day. I get to insult Grudz and I captured a mouse. New word makes a perfect trifecta.
every time, a wedding cake is just a wedding cake.
oh, and there were “many fine people too”, on the KKK/Hitler?radical militia side. Charleston; remember who is stirring the pot–Repulikan President Trump, who lies and fosters hate speech every day, all day.
A wedding cake is definitely not just a wedding cake ;^).
Doc, what is yer opinion of making love out of nothing a…..making drinking water out of thin air as has happened recently in Arizona desert?
Will Drumpf sell magic water under his own Name and name the sun after himself, too?
Sounds like enough for someone to drink per day, at least if they are not in the hot sun any way.
However, it will not work as well in the winter…it needs heat to drive the extraction of the water.
But the key is really getting the cost down.
Isn’t that true with all mankind’s greatest inventions? Maybe some stable genius will figure out how to do straight to every consumer inventions w/o exhorbitant costs.
EPA shifts oversight of coal waste to a state for 1st time