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County Auditor Candidate McNickle Follows Krebs in Ammosexual Appeal

Dang it—Shantel Krebs whips up a video showing her gunning down a menacing pasture

…and pretty soon candidates all the way down to county auditor feel like they have to make videos of themselves aiming at… what? Virility? Virality?

Straight shooter, shot in the dark—I am generally opposed to displaying or discharging firearms for show, or, as in McNickle’s video, simply to underscore the figurative language of a campaign slogan. I am also generally opposed to campaign ads that feature skills not directly related to the conduct of the office the candidate seeks. Krebs can at least use the gun to represent her refusal to compromise on gun legislation in Congress (oh yeah, that’s the kind of politics the Founding Fathers wanted). But my neighbor Cathy McNickle? Come on. The county auditor is our chief election officer and record keeper, not a sheriff’s deputy. The auditor’s duties don’t include gunslinging. The county auditor can’t even keep records of the concealed pistol permits the sheriff issues; SDCL 23-7-8.6 prohibits the keeping of any such list.

Former deputy auditor McNickle faces current deputy auditor Sara Swisher in the Republican primary June 5th. The GOP primary winner faces Democrat and current deputy auditor Lynn Heupel in the general election November 6. Swisher and Heupel have yet to post any gun videos.


  1. Rorschach

    Neither of them appears to be looking down the barrel of their revolver. With the aim they are demonstrating they are both going to miss their target unless they are simply lucky. Most likely they will both have to aim for the target (or office they are seeking) multiple times before hitting it.

  2. Jason

    I’m not sure if you guys and gals are more afraid of the guns or of strong women?

  3. Nick Nemec

    I’m not afraid of guns or strong women. I just shake my head and laugh at candidates who think video showing they can pull a trigger on a gun demonstrates any more skill at governing than a toddler shooting her mom.

  4. mike from iowa

    A truly strong woman wouldn’t need a gun. Auditors don’t use guns in their jobs and I suspect resident troll gets paid for every gripe he gets published on DFP.

  5. Jason, I’ll avoid the personal-attack bait and simply say I’m afraid of weak candidates faking the strength to govern through artificial and inaccurate symbolic means.

  6. Charlene Lund

    Great comment Nick Nemec!

  7. bearcreekbat

    What a horrific tragedy in China. I shudder to think how many more kids the attacker could have killed or injured if he had easy access to an AR-15 and a few large magazines full of bullets.

  8. Jenny

    The Waffle House hero dude is able to tackle a crazed shooter so we know a crazed knifeman can be taken down by a good guy.
    I, myself would probably be far more likely to go after a knifer. What the Waffle House guy did is beyond amazing.

  9. Jenny

    Another idiot gun owner giving an AR-15to his idiot crazed son. Another AR-15 mass shooting, and Pubs do not see a serious problem here. When will it ever end? Only four innocent people this time, so it doesn’t make the news as much.

  10. Jenny

    I agree Charlene. What is so awesome about shooting a gun at a target, do they think they look cool and hot? Anybody can do it. It’s not anything special, ammo owners. Running a marathon is an achievement. Biking across states is also. I just don’t get the gun obsession which is why Cory and I have classified it as ammosexuality.

  11. Jenny

    And I am a very pro Second Amendment Supporter. I just don’t feel like I have to prove my patriotism by running around with a gun.
    Shooting a gun wins voters in South Dakota. That’s the only reason why people running for something in SD do it.

  12. Robin Friday

    I’m just opposed to the dishonesty of subliminally supporting the gun hugger attitude that abounds in SD, when facility with a gun is superfluous to the office sought. SDans may be gunhuggers by and large, but they’re not so naïve as to not see the chicanery of candidates attaching themselves to the gun lovers’ movement to gain themselves a few hundred votes. Actually, all they have to do is put “Republican” beside their name on the ballot.

  13. Roger Cornelius

    Also amazing, Trump has not called or texted James Shaw the young black hero of the Waffle House shooting to congratulate him on heroism.
    The young hero continues his winning ways by setting up a GoFundMe to pay for the victims funerals and a little financial support for their families.
    You must have to be a neo-Nazi or KKK member to get a call from Trump.

  14. Like Jenny, I don’t really have a beef with the Second Amendment. I just think the ammosexual obsession with guns takes proper political attention away from more important and universally useful rights.

    Hmm… I wonder… if it’s o.k. for candidates to pose for campaign photos and videos with firearms, is it o.k. for candidates to do bikini and beefcake shots to show how healthy and strong they are?

  15. Debbo

    Aww jeez. The whole gun campaign image thing is really getting ridiculous. Seriously?

    They can choose the ammosexual lifestyle but they shouldn’t be shoving it down everybody’s throats.

    (See what I did there?!)

  16. Porter Lansing

    I see what you did there. #grins

  17. Roger Cornelius

    That was fun, Debbo.

  18. Jason

    Everyone has different hobbies.

  19. Debbo

    [bowing and curtseying]

  20. Roger Cornelius

    Another well deserved libation.

  21. mike from iowa

    Hmm… I wonder… if it’s o.k. for candidates to pose for campaign photos and videos with firearms,

    Ask Mike DuKakis.

  22. Private Richard

    I am so turned-on by that Krebs post that I am changing my political affiliation to republican tomorrow. Crimenently sakes! There’s nothing so alluring as a woman and a handgun in sunlit profile.

  23. mike from iowa

    Guns will be banned from the premises when Vice President Mike Pence speaks at a National Rifle Association convention in Dallas on Friday. Before and during the speech, attendees are prohibited from bringing “firearms and firearm accessories, knives or weapons of any kind,” the NRA wrote as it announced Pence’s presence at the conference.

    Russia/NRA- hypocrisy much?

  24. Jason

    That’s a secret service rule Mike. LOL.

    Roger, did Mike just plagiarize?

    The intelligence of the left is very sad.

  25. Roger Cornelius

    mike from iowa

    The irony is fantastic, the Putin/NRA is afraid of guns. What is the world coming to?

  26. leslie

    researchers estimate that the average right-to-carry state would have to double its prison population to counter the effects of this legislation.

    A generation ago, drivers confronting each other over a traffic squabble could assume their quarrel would end with strong words or, at worst, a black eye. But in 2013, after one car tailgated another, two men in Ionia, Michigan, stopped in a parking lot to resolve their dispute. Instead of duking it out, they pulled out guns and shot each other. Both men legally carried a concealed weapon; both died in the hospital.

    Right-to-carry laws actually increase the rate of violent crime.

    republican NRA morlocks

  27. Jason

    Leslie wrote:

    “Right-to-carry laws actually increase the rate of violent crime.”

    Prove it.

  28. Jason

    “All this work is based on statistical models,” Donohue said

    The study is worthless.

    Find me a study on the actual numbers.

  29. Porter Lansing

    KM/Jason is quite demanding, for having such poor research skills. Statistical models are how we catch Russian trolls on social media. Also, computational stylistic analysis can determine who a writer is, even if they claim to be anonymous.

  30. mike from iowa

    No way, TROLL. These goalposts have been cemented in and you ain’t moving them.

  31. grudznick

    Goatposts. Here, Mr. mike, it is not Iowa and we call them goatposts. When one drags anothers goat past the post, as this Jason fellow has clearly done to you, he wins. Goatposts.

  32. Roger Cornelius

    Why do Trumptards make up words like “goatposts”?
    No wonder they can’t win a debate.

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