I didn’t drive to Pierre through slush and slop (my red Beetle is currently brown!) just to hear the Executive Board defy its own ranked choice voting. I also came to deliver two of District 3’s three Legislative candidate petitions. The third chased me here in the mail truck:

There we are—Brooks and I again, joined by our new man Justin, ready to take on the District 3 Republican slate!
Of course, partisan petitions aren’t due until Tuesday at 5 p.m. So if any fellow Dems would like to primary us, you have 24 hours to collect your signatures and get them to Shantel!
My 108 signatures were only 1.3% of the whopping 8,264-signature overperformace Marty Jackley submitted this today. But hey, I’m not running against Marty… this time.
I have heard that the state party intends to field full slates in every Legislative district. Justin, Brooks, and I have done our part, as have Dems in (as of this writing) in ten other districts. Only four districts have no Democrats filed yet.
Good luck, Mr. H. I see young Mr. Dennert beat even the early bird Mr. Novstrup to the worm this year. Those fellows turned in their paperwork months ago, but they probably had many opportunities to rub elbows with Ms. Krebs at the fancy dinners and such.
grudznick predicts much ugly electioning this year, so stay classy all you politician types! And Mr. H, get out your fancy bicycle again this summer with banners and the like. It’s an eye catcher, I’m told.
I will deploy multiple bicycles in my campaign.