Psst, Marty! time to get some non-white non-males on that list!
Adding at least some political diversity to that list is Jackley’s old law school chum, Spink County’s Democratic state’s attorney Victor B. Fischbach, who pens a (paywalled) letter to the editor urging voters to support Marty:
Victor B. Fischbach
I am writing this letter to urge the voters of South Dakota to elect Marty Jackley as the next governor. I have known Marty since the 1980s and we were roommates in law school. He has always been straightforward, honest and hardworking. Marty has always had a passion for South Dakota. This passion and keen insight has served us well as attorney general.
…There is a reason that all 64 states attorneys endorsed Marty for attorney general, and the attorney generals across the United States elected him as president of that association. He will continue to work hard with passion and insight for South Dakota as our next governor. I urge you to support Marty Jackley [Victor B. Fischbach, letter to the editor, Aberdeen American News, 2018.03.02].
But primaries (especially Republican primaries) are won on perceptions, not facts, and Marty’s string of endorsements create the perception that he’s the frontrunner. His campaign PR drowned out any buzz Kristi Noem might have gotten from her ill-timed, ill-staged campaign relaunch. Bob Mercer calls Jackley’s push a highly effective fire hose:
The lawyer turned on his fire hose in the past week.
That’s one way to describe the burst of activity South Dakota saw from state Attorney General Marty Jackley.
…Jackley definitely stepped up the pace in the race for the Republican nomination for governor.
…Noem… might still lead Jackley among likely Republican voters.
But her campaign seemed left behind as Jackley aggressively pushed forward.
Noem didn’t build on publicity she earned a week ago with her city to city tour announcing her candidacy [Bob Mercer, “Marty Jackley Wins the First Impression,” Black Hills Pioneer, 2018.03.02].
Noem ahead by 12? Not with comparative campaign performance like this.
Mercer notes that Democrat Billie Sutton didn’t do much to compete with Jackley’s PR push last week, either. One could say Senator Sutton has been busy legislating, but hey! Jackley has a full-time job in Pierre, and he’s still cranking out the press. Campaign performance so far could be a sign that if Democrats want to play Operation Chaos and register Republican to vote in the primary (and that’s where all of our voter registration has been going, right?), they may want to vote for Kristi to make sure Billie faces the weaker Republican opponent in November.
I was honored to address the 166th Basic Certification graduating class today and to join them for Mission 22- where we did 22 push ups to raise awareness for the 22 veterans who take their life each day in America. The class raised over $1,000 for the cause.
Noem should move on to her next gig as a Washington lobbyist or Fox News talking head so she can pay off all of the taxes the government socked her with when her father died.
mike from iowa
Jackley’s record makes me all giggly inside. My perception is if he weren’t a wingnut in a wingnut totally dominated state he wouldn’t be elected to anything. He seems to me to be less deserving of being a governor than tiny hands Drumpf deserves to be bogus potus. Hee hee hee!
Donald Pay
Cory, you are a great journalist, but you buried the lede: “Jackley has a full-time job in Pierre, and he’s still cranking out the press.”
I’m two states to the east, but what I know of Jackley is that he’s good at “cranking out the press,” and pretty poor at doing anything else. In his years as AG, he signed on to a lot of other AG’s suits against Obama, but when Obama wanted to stick nuclear waste in South Dakota, he didn’t push against that. Noem did, and she had to go against Daugaard and many of South Dakota’s power elite. That took guts that Jackley didn’t have.
Jackley will raise your taxes faster than practically anyone while being too incurious to adequately investigate and prosecute the the multitudes of corruption that occurred under his nose: EB-5, Mid-Central GEAR UP, etc.
mike from iowa
He did pretty much ruin a couple of innocent state employee’s lives, so there’s that.
That’s an interesting distinction, Donald! Will Noem’s opposition to the borehole give her an advantage among the Republican primary electorate? Can she spin it hard enough as an Obama plot to get Spink County to ignore their own state’s attorney’s endorsement of Jackley?
I guess I’m in the minority here in not having much trouble believing that the Gnome is, so far, ahead of Jackhole. I frankly don’t think all of those endorsements mean all that much to the average South Dakota Republican voter, at least not at this point. Also, at this time, I think the Gnome has a lot more statewide name recognition. Most non-political junkies don’t really pay all that much attention to who has what statewide office (with the exception of governor), and that includes the Attorney General.
Now, given the Gnome’s less-than-adept campaign, as demonstrated so far at least, that very well may not continue to be the case. As much as I cannot stand him, and as dangerous and amoral and hatefully racist and power-abusing as I believe him to be (not that the Gnome is really much better), I think that his campaign will be very effective and will soon begin to roll right past the Gnome. But in politics, you never really know, and we will just have to wait and see.
mike from iowa
I agree bigly with Laurisa about Jackley’s campaign being effective against Noem. Afterall, this is the wingnut party that use women as pinatas and steamroll their rights at whim.
Women, apparently, can’t look out for themselves and need big, tough wingnuts to do it for them.
Here on the name-calling-blog, the real decisions that affect the few of you actually from South Dakota will be made by voters in June. You probably won’t be there voting, so just sit back and wait. grudznick give you wise advice.
mike from iowa
the real decisions that affect the few of you actually from South Dakota will be made by voters in June. You probably won’t be there voting, so just sit back and wait
The real decisions are made by out of state gazillionaires and keeping yer nose where the sun don’t shine deprives yer brain of oxygen and yer tunnel of vision. Take that, Grudzilla.
Hang in there, Grudz—I might switch my registration and vote in June. I just need to make sure it doesn’t nullify my Democratic candidacy for Senate. ;-)
Laurisa, I dig what you’re saying about name recognition. My own read of the race could be colored by my own biases and past coverage of these two characters.
But political junkies make up a larger portion of the primary electorate than the general electorate. Among junkies, Jackley and Noem have equal name recognition. And on the issues the state issues those junkies pay attention to as they decide a state race, Jackley has been much more prominent. I think he has an edge now, and he’s building on it with better, more aggressive campaigning.
Cory, definitely agree on Jackley’s better campaigning. I think Noem is in for quite a shock in that regard, as I get the sense (and I could be wrong, it’s just a feeling I have) that she and her team just expected her nomination to be a walk in the park and as good as given. I think that’s one reason why they’ve been too slow to see the strength of Jackley’s campaign and the ineptness of their own in comparison. The question is, will they see it and begin to rectify it in time? Or will it be too late when they do, if they even do?
If Jackley does get the nomination, it will be interesting to see how he handles Sutton in the general campaign. A lot of the typical wingnut nonsense they love to throw at Dems cannot be applied to Sutton with a straight face. It will be especially interesting given Jackhole’s support of the infuriating congressional determination to gut the ADA, and his support of this administration’s ablelist attitudes and actions.
That’s a pretty good picture of Vic. I predict that if elected, Marty will appoint at least one Democratic circuit judge.
Donald Pay
Cory, To me the issue is more about views of South Dakota, particularly about rural South Dakota and good governance than one specifically about the the borehole. Whatever your views on the borehole, it was done completely wrong from a governance aspect. The borehole and its predecessor project, the shale project, were drawn up by elites with zero local input. They wanted these projects to sneak by without any public input, or even any knowledge about them. So, they were sprung on people. I don’t think there has ever been a full public accounting of what was found in the shale project. It chewed up a lot of federal and state dollars, and they didn’t ever inform anyone of the results. My understanding is that the shale project drilled two areas to find a good disposal site and didn’t find one, but until we can pry that information out of whoever has the information, we won’t know.
Too many of South Dakota’s elite thinks rural South Dakota is good for nothing but a dump. It could be anything, nuclear waste, solid waste or poop from CAFOs. If they think they can make a little money off of it, they’ll sell rural South Dakota out. I have too much experience fighting these project along with rural residents to think much is going to change about that until there is a rural-oriented Governor who isn’t afraid of the people having a say.
Tara Volesky
And we wonder why SD is so corrupt?
Mrs. Volesky, I think we don’t really wonder. We just hear you and Mr. Stace parrot the twatting about corruption you feel in your brains. I think the insanerness of your own squawks ultimately beats you because nobody really listens. The entire Senate of the Legislatures long ago quit listening to Mr. Nelson because of his incessant whining and self back patting and “I died for all your sins” crying that he does. He’s a fake. Mr. Nelson is a fake, a fraud, a false patriot. Real people laugh at him and at you.
Please have Ron call me. We need to get him to talk you down a bit.
Tara Volesky
Republican operative that is nothing but a coward. No balls.
Donald, would Jackley be able to neutralize any borehole advantage by noting Kristi’s support for the Keystone pipelines and failure to protect landowners from eminent domain? And wouldn’t the borehole be an exception rather than the rule for Noem politics? Won’t she be just as eager as Jackley to roll out the red carpet for corporate extractors?
Laurisa, your outside observation fits the evidence: Noem appears to have thought she’d coast to election, as she did in her last three U.S. House races. That may reflect the mindset of her eight years in Congress: coasting, not really legislating, just raising money and putting in appearances. I contend that would be how she would govern in Pierre, and South Dakota would be worse off for it. She won’t follow through on anything she’s promising, good or bad, because she lacks executive skill and ambition.
Jackley and the SDGOP won’t let Sutton’s strengths stop them from throwing all the usual wingnut nonsense at Sutton. It will be up to Sutton and the Dems to counterpunch with things like that ADA issue you mention… and it remains to be seen if Team Sutton and the Dems can lob such attacks with the ferocity necessary to win.
Noem should move on to her next gig as a Washington lobbyist or Fox News talking head so she can pay off all of the taxes the government socked her with when her father died.
Jackley’s record makes me all giggly inside. My perception is if he weren’t a wingnut in a wingnut totally dominated state he wouldn’t be elected to anything. He seems to me to be less deserving of being a governor than tiny hands Drumpf deserves to be bogus potus. Hee hee hee!
Cory, you are a great journalist, but you buried the lede: “Jackley has a full-time job in Pierre, and he’s still cranking out the press.”
I’m two states to the east, but what I know of Jackley is that he’s good at “cranking out the press,” and pretty poor at doing anything else. In his years as AG, he signed on to a lot of other AG’s suits against Obama, but when Obama wanted to stick nuclear waste in South Dakota, he didn’t push against that. Noem did, and she had to go against Daugaard and many of South Dakota’s power elite. That took guts that Jackley didn’t have.
Jackley will raise your taxes faster than practically anyone while being too incurious to adequately investigate and prosecute the the multitudes of corruption that occurred under his nose: EB-5, Mid-Central GEAR UP, etc.
He did pretty much ruin a couple of innocent state employee’s lives, so there’s that.
That’s an interesting distinction, Donald! Will Noem’s opposition to the borehole give her an advantage among the Republican primary electorate? Can she spin it hard enough as an Obama plot to get Spink County to ignore their own state’s attorney’s endorsement of Jackley?
I guess I’m in the minority here in not having much trouble believing that the Gnome is, so far, ahead of Jackhole. I frankly don’t think all of those endorsements mean all that much to the average South Dakota Republican voter, at least not at this point. Also, at this time, I think the Gnome has a lot more statewide name recognition. Most non-political junkies don’t really pay all that much attention to who has what statewide office (with the exception of governor), and that includes the Attorney General.
Now, given the Gnome’s less-than-adept campaign, as demonstrated so far at least, that very well may not continue to be the case. As much as I cannot stand him, and as dangerous and amoral and hatefully racist and power-abusing as I believe him to be (not that the Gnome is really much better), I think that his campaign will be very effective and will soon begin to roll right past the Gnome. But in politics, you never really know, and we will just have to wait and see.
I agree bigly with Laurisa about Jackley’s campaign being effective against Noem. Afterall, this is the wingnut party that use women as pinatas and steamroll their rights at whim.
Women, apparently, can’t look out for themselves and need big, tough wingnuts to do it for them.
Here on the name-calling-blog, the real decisions that affect the few of you actually from South Dakota will be made by voters in June. You probably won’t be there voting, so just sit back and wait. grudznick give you wise advice.
the real decisions that affect the few of you actually from South Dakota will be made by voters in June. You probably won’t be there voting, so just sit back and wait
The real decisions are made by out of state gazillionaires and keeping yer nose where the sun don’t shine deprives yer brain of oxygen and yer tunnel of vision. Take that, Grudzilla.
Hang in there, Grudz—I might switch my registration and vote in June. I just need to make sure it doesn’t nullify my Democratic candidacy for Senate. ;-)
Laurisa, I dig what you’re saying about name recognition. My own read of the race could be colored by my own biases and past coverage of these two characters.
But political junkies make up a larger portion of the primary electorate than the general electorate. Among junkies, Jackley and Noem have equal name recognition. And on the issues the state issues those junkies pay attention to as they decide a state race, Jackley has been much more prominent. I think he has an edge now, and he’s building on it with better, more aggressive campaigning.
Cory, definitely agree on Jackley’s better campaigning. I think Noem is in for quite a shock in that regard, as I get the sense (and I could be wrong, it’s just a feeling I have) that she and her team just expected her nomination to be a walk in the park and as good as given. I think that’s one reason why they’ve been too slow to see the strength of Jackley’s campaign and the ineptness of their own in comparison. The question is, will they see it and begin to rectify it in time? Or will it be too late when they do, if they even do?
If Jackley does get the nomination, it will be interesting to see how he handles Sutton in the general campaign. A lot of the typical wingnut nonsense they love to throw at Dems cannot be applied to Sutton with a straight face. It will be especially interesting given Jackhole’s support of the infuriating congressional determination to gut the ADA, and his support of this administration’s ablelist attitudes and actions.
That’s a pretty good picture of Vic. I predict that if elected, Marty will appoint at least one Democratic circuit judge.
Cory, To me the issue is more about views of South Dakota, particularly about rural South Dakota and good governance than one specifically about the the borehole. Whatever your views on the borehole, it was done completely wrong from a governance aspect. The borehole and its predecessor project, the shale project, were drawn up by elites with zero local input. They wanted these projects to sneak by without any public input, or even any knowledge about them. So, they were sprung on people. I don’t think there has ever been a full public accounting of what was found in the shale project. It chewed up a lot of federal and state dollars, and they didn’t ever inform anyone of the results. My understanding is that the shale project drilled two areas to find a good disposal site and didn’t find one, but until we can pry that information out of whoever has the information, we won’t know.
Too many of South Dakota’s elite thinks rural South Dakota is good for nothing but a dump. It could be anything, nuclear waste, solid waste or poop from CAFOs. If they think they can make a little money off of it, they’ll sell rural South Dakota out. I have too much experience fighting these project along with rural residents to think much is going to change about that until there is a rural-oriented Governor who isn’t afraid of the people having a say.
And we wonder why SD is so corrupt?
Mrs. Volesky, I think we don’t really wonder. We just hear you and Mr. Stace parrot the twatting about corruption you feel in your brains. I think the insanerness of your own squawks ultimately beats you because nobody really listens. The entire Senate of the Legislatures long ago quit listening to Mr. Nelson because of his incessant whining and self back patting and “I died for all your sins” crying that he does. He’s a fake. Mr. Nelson is a fake, a fraud, a false patriot. Real people laugh at him and at you.
Please have Ron call me. We need to get him to talk you down a bit.
Republican operative that is nothing but a coward. No balls.
grudz is very perceptive. Tara – not so much.
Donald, would Jackley be able to neutralize any borehole advantage by noting Kristi’s support for the Keystone pipelines and failure to protect landowners from eminent domain? And wouldn’t the borehole be an exception rather than the rule for Noem politics? Won’t she be just as eager as Jackley to roll out the red carpet for corporate extractors?
Laurisa, your outside observation fits the evidence: Noem appears to have thought she’d coast to election, as she did in her last three U.S. House races. That may reflect the mindset of her eight years in Congress: coasting, not really legislating, just raising money and putting in appearances. I contend that would be how she would govern in Pierre, and South Dakota would be worse off for it. She won’t follow through on anything she’s promising, good or bad, because she lacks executive skill and ambition.
Jackley and the SDGOP won’t let Sutton’s strengths stop them from throwing all the usual wingnut nonsense at Sutton. It will be up to Sutton and the Dems to counterpunch with things like that ADA issue you mention… and it remains to be seen if Team Sutton and the Dems can lob such attacks with the ferocity necessary to win.