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Lovrien, Wiese Running for Brown County Commission

Brown County has candidates for two of the three county commission seats up for reëlection this year. According to the Secretary of State’s official candidate list, Republicans Larry Lovrien and Mike Wiese filed nominating petitions today.

Lovrien has been a circuit judge, business prof at Presentation, and Brown County state’s attorney. He continues to serve as a deputy state’s attorney under his successor, Chris White. Wiese vice-chairs the South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance, the local governments’ insurance pool. Wiese served five terms on the Brown County Commission before being edged out of his seat by fellow Republican Doug Fjeldheim in 2014.

The terms of commissioners Fjeldheim, Democrat Tom Fischbach, and Republican Nancy Hansen expire this year. Hansen announced last week that 24 years on the commission is enough for her. Fjeldheim and Fischbach have not publicly signaled their intent.

Party nominating petitions for county commission seats are due Tuesday, March 27 at the county auditor’s office in Aberdeen. Independents have until April 24. Indies, GOP, and Dems must submit 30 signatures to run in Brown County. Libertarians, Constitutionists, and members of other parties need only five signatures to run for Brown County office.


  1. DR 2018-01-23 08:28

    What are you running for Cory?

  2. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-01-23 19:52

    I’m running for whatever you’re running for, DR, because I’d love to debate you.

  3. DR 2018-01-24 08:29

    I am happy right where I am right now.

  4. Cory Allen Heidelberger Post author | 2018-01-24 09:07

    Come on, DR—you and me! It’d be fun! We’d make great radio! And you could serve your county… or your state!

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